Rejected Inventory Sorting


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I am sure I am not the only person to have noticed that the inventory can seem cluttered at times. From what I can tell there has been some attempt to maintain a loosely sorted inventory by controlling the id tags for each item. As shown below in cases such as paladin items there is an id tag with a prefix code of "201".

This works to order the paladin books relatively cleanly (at first glance I believe it orders from left-to-right each tier at a time). However this trend is not consistant as other items simply have an id tag which looks something like item_x_0 where x is some arbitary number that is consistant in some cases based upon similar items e.g.


Which if you didn't know is the id tag for increase loyalty by 2 for 24 hours (3054) and increase loyalty by 2 for 48 hours (3055), however the id tag for increase loyalty by 5 for 48 hours has the id tag 3002 which means items such as sigil of distress with an id tag of 3004 sorts inbetween the golden noble booster and the bronze noble booster thus making the inventory seem cluttered.

It appears to me this issue can handled purely on the data side and would rely quite heavily upon a stricter naming convention such that items are grouped logically therefore the main body of time implenting this would likely be fixing tests. And perhaps the method shown for paladin items can be extended to the other categories of items we have currently.


Which could then be extended to allow for the current implementation of items which have tiers (gold, silver and bronze). So in essence item id tags would look something like...


Having an id structure like this would mean that items would appear in the inventory by default in a much more ordered way without having change the existing way in which items are processed by the inventory. I am unsure of the impact this would make to other areas of the code base so it may be too much of an overhaul to be worthwhile but there it is!



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I'm going to reject this idea as it's not really a game feature improvement or so but rather a request for some coding standard, and therefore not really a topic that needs voting.

I will however inform our development team of this post so they can consider themselves if they need to standardize it more (as they do have a system internally at this moment)