Is this Boring ?


Lol the guy says you know nothing about Örg. and how they lost...and then presumes to say only Panic! gets any credit. When he knows almost nothing himself.


One Last Shot...

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All credit goes to Panic though, they were truly a dominant tribe, unfortunate your legacy goes down as a tribe that merged to win the world.

Unfortunately, you are talking out of your butt. But I guess you're so sore about losing to someone you hate so much that you have to try to take away the win that you couldn't get your hands on :icon_eek:


Good job to all you guys. Sad my account never had a chance in this world though good thing is that I had more time for 64. So I guess there was good in you guys nobling me.


Oh and googly, Im not even bothering to read your essays, Im just laughing at how you still rage. Congrats on winning the world. All credit goes to Panic though, they were truly a dominant tribe, unfortunate your legacy goes down as a tribe that merged to win the world.

Murph I always liked you, just telling it how it is ;)


Congrats again :)

Ya'll could learn to be a bit more friendly with with each other tho lol.