IT comes to w21?

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Fighting on multible sides is fun I agree but there are many reason we don't war with SW1FT one I assumed would be kinda obvious, but that's me :icon_wink:

Besides, most players that know me know I'm and adventurous girl, like challenges and take on things that alot players would just run away from (ie. my now awsome little tribe) but even I have to stop once and awhile and use some cution, if I just did everything I wanted to do all at once I'd have a bunch of players curled up in a fetal positoin in a cornner calling me a nut case and wanting thier moms :icon_twisted: hehehehe

Anyway, just my personally point of veiw Back to topic:icon_wink:

Still making changes, working on sliming things out and having a bit of fun with IT! lol Still some work to be done though.....


Besides, most players that know me know I'm and adventurous girl, like challenges and take on things that alot players would just run away from

I don't think that way about you... However I don't really know much about you. If I was you, I would just munch on SW1FT, not war them, they aren't even good enough to be warred.


I'd much on SWIFT2's "waiting list" first

Well you need to ask their incompetent leader first....only he knows.


Maybe give him a cookie and he'll tell you? :)[/spoil]


Apparently we already have been :icon_neutral:

pfft, if you mean the guy from G.O.W. then you really need to finish him off is stupid that they won't kick him out because he was in a secret 'waiting list' that no one knew about. :icon_evil:


I'd much on SWIFT2's "waiting list" first

i asked for the list...didnt get it...probablly for the fact that there isnt one, and SWIFT2 just likes recruiting, and uses the "list" as an excuse to keep refugees. rather sickening if you ask me....but thats just me.


i asked for the list...didnt get it...probablly for the fact that there isnt one, and SWIFT2 just likes recruiting, and uses the "list" as an excuse to keep refugees. rather sickening if you ask me....but thats just me.

read my post above....i think it's sickening too :icon_evil:


pfft, if you mean the guy from G.O.W. then you really need to finish him off is stupid that they won't kick him out because he was in a secret 'waiting list' that no one knew about. :icon_evil:

Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Average points per village
5201 TrollKing 98 1 98

What more do you want?


I don't think that way about you... However I don't really know much about you.

Yep, just call me the crazy lady of IT! all:lol:

You can mail me anytime, chad, I like chit chatting..................:icon_wink:


ICP :D:D:D:D wicked clown man :icon_cool:

Speaking of pennywise, what do you guys think???? Should we have our master craftsman Pitch add some cool text to it or leave it plain??

Do you mean the band? I would got with ICP before them lol

LOL No, pennywise is the clown that actually turns out to be..................................ohoh, better not ruin it for everyone:icon_eek: He's from the Stephen King book, IT

Awsome book and a great old horror flick if you ever get a chance and yes I do agree ICP is a great group
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