Tough luck that JAMES
To be fair I never claimed recruitment didn't play a role. Just that Khaos' home K is no longer a Khaos K.
To be fair, that was through recruiting them not nobling them though. A lot of khaos players seemed to jump ship when they found themselves in a SYN/-XIII- sandwich of their own making.
Yes, we did recruit a few Khaos members but we did not jump to #1 just because we got them. Take into account our last two weeks with Khaos.
SYN= +164 villages for 1,398,620 points.
We have also nobled our way into and through this continent.
I'm ex-khaos myself!
I'm not talking about ancient history though, I mean the last month...
neaterdal Joined 18th February 2011 - 14:07 1,367,889
Ebbie22 Joined 11th February 2011 - 14:07 1,338,571
freen123 Joined 09th February 2011 - 20:08 651,213
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fredloan Joined 05th February 2011 - 03:08 967,533
romelmoo Joined 04th February 2011 - 17:07 1,891,739
SergeantFraser Joined 30th January 2011 - 23:08 669,760
9m points from, at the time, the enemy.
Like I said though, logical progression...
You can't add me in there really. They had no plans of nobling me for a long time as i was friends with AHL and moonegg. They had wanted me in for a while but weren't able to get me in because i would get destroyed. I joined BSOD and then when the war kicked off i joined SYN because they wouldnt focus on me; and i was right.
So yeah, technically im BSOD not Khaos I left Khaos because i didn't like them
You didn't hit me?
LOL but yeah ive been friends with jonu and AHL
grreat on 24.02. at 15:01
I did be carefull nobling another hanabols village
every decision you make now, decides whether you will survive without heavy losess in the next weeks or so
don't enter a business you can't handle..
SergeantFraser on 24.02. at 16:12
Your tribe is being pummeled.
If i were you i wouldn't go around making threats. I have Megadeth..., nuketech, bollywood, shadaesus and ronin888 who are willing to help me just if i ask.
Do you want that?
Take your threat back.
grreat today at 17:21
sergeant, listen carefull. Those people "protecting" you are getting hummered themself.
your a coward running to them, and they are laughing at you right now.
And even if you had the whole of syn helping you, you would still have heavily losses.
SergeantFraser today at 17:59
There is a difference of 198 village conquers between our tribes.
You have -XIII- attacking you as well.
Back off.
salim9300 today at 17:42
Im on the edge of having an op done on you
and belive me, your little "friends" won't be able to help you, they are struggling to protect their own villages
Khaos is not dead yet, infact.. we'r more stronger then before because all the traitors and spies are gone and Pirana keeps sending us defence after defence
One more mistake and it's game over for you buddy, I have 6 strong-Loyal friends ready with 300+nukes, and enough nobles to clean you out in one wave
Here is an advice, Don't depend on your so-called friends too much..could lead you in a nasty surprise
So here it is again in plain english, LEAVE HANABOLS VILLAGES ALONE
SergeantFraser today at 17:57
Who do you have??
Somebody told me you don't have churches so you wont be that effective for one thing.
Also, an op is already being planned on you so if i were you i wouldnt be trying anything.