Yeah, well done Knock on another world win. A pretty nice and well earned win considering how you guys all joined late etc. I wish I was able to stay around longer to finish the world, but it looks like the help wasn't even needed after all with PFF mass deleting and Jager's resistance was pretty much non-existent.
Overall, was a solid world from start to finish. The early 1 UP days were fun and pretty exciting with our short lived Varyag lead we were enjoying, but then it became stressful when people began to quit and inactive, which left a huge burden for the last active remaining members to fill and sort out. It would of been really interesting to see how the world shaped out if the original 1 UP guys stuck around instead of leaving so early, I definitely would of predicted a possible different outcome in the end.
Then, of course, the fun I had against PFF whilst on mikabuk was insane. I remember being up to 29k incs at one point and it didn't drop for a long time. It was although, a really draining experience, and took a lot of motivation to be able to defend for so long when you have incredible players like Axl just attacking and faking you 24/7. It was such a satisfactory moment when the attacks started to cease, that's for sure! So huge props to PFF, they were a great team and consistently showed to be one of the better tribes in .net in recent times.... even though I know most of you don't like me, which is understandable :icon_razz:
Also, to all the friends I made in 1 UP, Varyag, Knock and perhaps a few in PFF - thanks for the good times! I probably will make a list of all the people who I personally enjoyed playing the world with or proved themselves to be great players sometime in the future if I can be bothered. So yeah, hope to see you guys again in the future, possibly the next no/limited hauls like Al has mentioned. Hit me up on Skype if any of you would be interested in playing. Take care and good luck with whatever you do.