

thats quite an interesting bit of research you did... But seeing as nobody knows the truth other then ladylee and her family, i find it hard to find any reason to make this up... Someone as outspoken and friendly as ladylee would have no problem telling people the truth correct?


TBH, This is the interne folks, the biggest geeks who get pushed around beat up and dumped in a grarbage can, can be the most feared super power of a top tribe on anyworld?? All we know are the personas that ppl put on to the internet that at times can and will be so far from they're true selves as no one on here could nor would try to prove otherwise.

Why wouldn't she tell the truth? Same reason she plunged herself and DAMN into ARIA, for the sole purpose of its destruction! she has proven to be one of the sneakiest and tachtical players i know, and has done so through the desception of others....

But on the other hand this is just talk and is not to be aken as my true feelings


Normally, I try to stay out of discussion like this, but I saw my buddy dyssman's post get deleted, when it was just saying the truth I got a little annoyed. First of all, people need to stop being condescending as all the fake sympathy annoys me a bit. Realize that this is a game, we all play for fun, and interactions are part of it. However, lets not pretend we suddenly care about the person as an individual if we have never come to meet and know this person, like some people here are doing with their prayers and angels. A dying kid in Kenya is the equivalent of this, so I hope Im making my point with this analogy. People who have played with Ladylee, i can see where your coming from, but those who havent, why pretend? No one is gonna know of your kindness behind the anonymity that is the Internet.

Secondly, this whole sickness looks like a sham to me, and I will explain why, as I will not flame baselessly. Let me preface by saying that I used to play a game called Utopia, and the community is arguably even tighter than the TW one. What happened was a young man supposedly died, so the whole gaming server went into mourning for him. As a result, a few locals wanted to raise some donations to send a flower basket to the funeral. They went to check the local newspaper for further information, but found nothing. The situation looked murky, and upon further investigation, they realized the person had not died, but merely wanted an excuse to quit the game but did not have the balls to straight up tell the community and friends. As a result of this incident, it has taught me the Internet and its anonymity is a powerful thing and you should at least do some research and draw from your own experience before concluding, and here is what I will do:

Firstly, am I the only person who noticed the GentALman Jack spelling error on the picture that thanks the TW community? That is a blatant dodge to divert attention from the situaion to pretend it was made by the daughter. Let us pretend for a second, it was an honest mistake. Looking at the photo, the girl looks 6-7 years old at most, so that is understandable. However, then we are to believe that this same girl is coping perfectly fine as her mother lays in the hospital with a supposedly serious condition? Ok, lets again assume you buy this as well but this is where I started to doubt it, as I work extensively with children being an aspiring pediatrician, so I present further material.

I read the letter that Acidgod posted that was supposedly sent to him by LL's daughter, written by Gentleman Jack, and I noticed 2 things. First, he claims LL was diagnosed with Hypoxia. Being a predmed student, I know what hypoxia is, and i highly doubt a doctor would diagnose the condition of Lady Lee wrong. So I looked into the condition that is Hypoxia further in my textbooks and on the Internet. Dismissing specifics here because not everyone here is an aspiring surgeon, Hypoxia is indeed a shortage of oxygen, like GJ explained. However, the causes of Hypoxia are changing of altitudes and your body does not acclimate to the surroundings and therefore you are left gasping for air and lack oxygen ie, parachuting or mountain climbing. The word we are looking for to describe LL's condition is Hypoxemia, if we're strictly talking about low oxygen in blood. Both words look similiar, but easily mistaken if not handled by a someone knowledgeable. I link wikipedia here because its simple to understand and even if its not accurate, people shoud start to see it for themself now in my opinion:

"A frequent error is to use the term hypoxia to mean low oxygen content in arterial blood. The correct term for low oxygen content in arterial blood is hypoxemia. "

Further dissecting GJ's post, there was a glaring sentence, in my opinion, that was obviously inconsistent with the grammar and structure of the writer and it was this line:

During recovery, psychological and neurological abnormalities such as amnesia, personality regression, hallucinations, memory loss, and muscle spasms and twitches may appear, persist, and then resolve.

So i googled it and it turns out it was directly lifted from this site:

So the symptoms described is from a case known as Cerebal Hypoxia, and what is it? According to that website, which is .gov so I trust its accuracy,

What is Cerebral Hypoxia?
Cerebral hypoxia refers to a condition in which there is a decrease of oxygen supply to the brain even though there is adequate blood flow. Drowning, strangling, choking, suffocation, cardiac arrest, head trauma, carbon monoxide poisoning, and complications of general anesthesia can create conditions that can lead to cerebral hypoxia.

Also, GJ says in his post LL doesnt need a breathing machine (sic), but according to that website for this condition:

Is there any treatment?
Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the hypoxia, but basic life-support systems have to be put in place: mechanical ventilation to secure the airway; fluids, blood products, or medications to support blood pressure and heart rate; and medications to suppress seizures.

So Lady Lee was a victim of the above circumstances? Ok, that might be possible, up to you guys to decide. But I also highly doubt someone who has just awoken from a near death experience would asks to get Internet to speak to a pack of strangers, whom I doubt she knows extremely well - at least not beyond the importance of son, daughter, husband who are at her bedside. I cannot wrap my head around that.

Again, Im not here to troll, but I just want people to make educated and informed opinions on situations instead of blindly giving out support. Thats not to see Lady Lee is not deathly ill, but in my opinion, its not happening. This is what I would conclude based on my experience in dealing with people, and from research I did. As for people who would ask me why someone wolud bother to fake their own death/illness, I can only guess their intentions, and frankly, your guess would be as good as mine and I'm not here to do that. Im just sharing my view and hopefully you will rethink your position.

Note, if a mod wants to delete it, thats fine, but I dont believe I have flamed anyone or be direspectful. Also, these views are my own, and not of my tribe. If you guys feel like 'rimming' me because of my 'direspect', by all means do so. This is a game to me, and attacks are part of it, so I am not gonna cry about it.

Ok Mr. aspiring pediatrician... I will give you have valid points. Now, I will go ahead and use what you have written. and what was written b4.

The problem said was hypoxia. I am very sure LL's husband is not a doctor, and when told a certain condition, can not remember it in entirety. Nextly, you are right something wrote was from an online source.

Now here is a question, if you are told what a person is suffering from, and have forgotten exactly what the doctor said, what is the best way to get the information? The net, or a book. Therefor the fact he copied it is not a valid argument...

Nextly, a lack of oxygen... If you read the first line of the message, you will see that she had pneumonia... which if you look up is Pneumonia is an inflammatory illness of the lung.[1] Frequently, it is described as lung parenchyma/alveolar inflammation and abnormal alveolar filling with fluid. The alveoli are microscopic air-filled sacs in the lungs responsible for absorbing oxygen.

Some of the symptoms Physical examination by a health care provider may reveal fever or sometimes low body temperature, an increased respiratory rate, low blood pressure, a high heart rate, or a low oxygen saturation, which is the amount of oxygen in the blood as indicated by either pulse oximetry or blood gas analysis

Now hmmm looks somewhat familiar... let us see what hypoxia is again Chronic Hypoxia is a pathological condition in which the body as a whole (generalized hypoxia) or region of the body (tissue hypoxia) is deprived of adequate oxygen supply

Now what is a cause for this... let's see Respiratory failure which is Respiratory failure is a medical term for inadequate gas exchange by the respiratory system. Respiratory failure can be indicated by observing a drop in blood oxygenation (hypoxemia) which is caused by either of the following
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Pulmonary contusion[1]
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a specific and life-threatening type of respiratory failure.
Cystic Fibrosis
Pulmonary edema
Congestive heart failure
Valve pathology

Now, coma is something that can happen with Pneumonia, I know I lost a friend to it a bit back, she had it, went in to coma, and ended up with a stagnent infection (May be wrong in the exact term for my friends condition) anywho, she died... So to say that the shit said was completely made up is bull shit... You do not know, and you are just being skeptical, and trying to make her out to be this manipulating decieving b**ch...

As for sending our hopes and prayers... yes the kenya kids life is just as important, the difference here is that we know, or know of her, the kenya kid we do not know, nor have we ever read anything from that kid... I am not cold hearted, but the blunt fact is, 2 people die every second, and I am not going to have sad feelings for everyone, but for somebody i have actually seen, spoken to, or ave read someting written by them b4 and... I will feel a little more sympathy for...

As for the children not acting the norm... Everyone acts different in these situations, so by saying the average kid (which is a statistic) does not act this way, is a load of horse dung... Each and every indivisual acts uniquely to each type of situation, and seeing how they found out she is better, (which might I add is when they started posting in here) they started feeling better... Also do you think any self respecting parent would tell their child hey, your mommy is going to die??? no, they cheer them up, and tell them mommy will be better...

lastly, she ad been sick for a while before this happened, in fact she set a sitter before this happened. only reason we found out she was in the hospital was from her son. And lastly, she may be somewhat over the Pneumonia, in which case the lack of oxygen will cease to an extent, but anyone who has had Pneumonia knows it can come back after it appears to be gone, and there is still lung congestion after it is gone, in which them giving her an oxygen machine is a precaution, to make sure she does not have a lack of oxygen again. To keep her from the same situation in which she was just in...

That is all, sorry for the book, but I truly hate people calling others liars, because they feel they know it all... Even though their ignorance and lack of putting the pieces together is shown...



That is all, sorry for the book, but I truly hate people calling others liars, because they feel they know it all... Even though their ignorance and lack of putting the pieces together is shown...

Well as he said, its just his opinion and he was sharing it. Because of past interactions that i have had with LL, i dont believe she is one to lie. Especially if she knew that this type of ... hysteria(?) would be happening. That just is not LL. Whats weird is just before all this happened, i was talkin to her about relocating with her and when i wrote back, she all of a sudden stopped opening the messages...i didnt think anything of it until i saw this. So...anyway, nobody really cares about that story, but i do honestly hope that she is ok. :)


Hi Acidgod, thanks your reply. I'm not here to call names, but there are points in your post we can discuss further as you have brought it up. First, we are agreement that people should care about people they know. I never questioned that, if you re-read my original post, thats what I said:

"People who have played with Ladylee, i can see where your coming from, but those who havent, why pretend? No one is gonna know of your kindness behind the anonymity that is the Internet."

I was mainly calling out the people who clearly said themself they do not know LL personally, but are just sending their wishes because they can. This is condescending imo and they are the group i had a problem with. People like yourself and Angacam (just using the 2 prominent names on these forums) would care more for LL and rightfully so, as you know her. Those who dont know LL, she is no different than a kenyan to -them-. I hope that is clear.

Next, we're not here to discuss child psychology, so trying to delve into the mind of a little girl is not our expertise here. True, there are always deviations to the norm, and there exceptions to every case. However, ultimately, a norm and average has been established because this is the expected outcome. If you flip an 'average' coin 10 times, you get 8 heads 2 tails, and may decide the coin is rigged. However, flip it 100 times, and you may get 60 heads 40 tails. Now flip it 10000000 times, and believe it or not, it will approach 50% which is the expected result. Likewise, through monitoring enough children, which I have done for the past 3 years, I personally believe, a child would not behave like that as an expected outcome. Also, you pointed out the parents were there to ease the pain of the ordeal for the kid. I wholeheartedly agree. But then suddenly, the child learns of the pnemonia, and the cardiac arrest, and the coma but still behaves peppy. Maybe she has a very high EQ, cuz she is different and that is again opinion. But to me, where there is smoke there is fire.

Next, you went on to explain and throw a bunch of medical jargon on the board. I can see where there could have been an honest mistake of mixing up the medical terms when plugging it into google and we can tell the original writer of that mail is not the greatest speller. However, if you lift a sentence from a site, we must look at the context. Surely, the husband would know that lifting a sentence from a website detailing CEREBAL HYPOXIA would not be an apt description of LL's current state. Maybe he went for convinience and typed in Hypoxia and got the first link and copied the first prognosis. However, hypoxia is not the condition and surely not of the cerebal type.

Lastly, nowhere did I question that a pneumonia can lead to a coma, so I don't understand why you are getting worked up on this point. I would however, ask you if you knew there are different types of pneumonia, and that there are varying severities. My initial impression from what these posts was she was functioning normally before this ordeal, talking with other people and playing tribal wars. While it is possible that it suddenly worsened instantly, because like you said, you never know. However, here is where I become skeptical when you add up all the suspicions I have pointed out. Also if we are to believe me that this whole stunt was fake, then obviously there will be prior preparation leading up to it, such as passing sitter to someone. I'm just sharing skepticsm, and nowhere did I draw a conclusion.

Ultimately, whatever happens, it does not affect me. I personally do not know LL, and Im not a hypocrite who will suddenly develop a caring attitude whether she is truly sick or actually healthy. It is just that when I smell BS, I get drawn to it like flies. Coupled with deleting dyssman's post, I just didnt agree with the censorship, and presenting another view. What you believe is up to you.


Ok, i've known LadyLee for quit a while now and therefore don't expect her to fake such a medical condition. But, and this is crucial, I only know this because I have spent time in the same tribe as her, have seen her play and know what she doesn't shy away from a fight.

But, the timing of her medical condition is very unfortunate and considering the fact that we were only a few days into the war, where she was under heavy attack, i can't realy blame people for being suspicious of the reasons given for her absence. I know for a fact that I would have felt the same if my opponent (if I didn't know them) came up with a reason like that.

Ask yourself this, if you are at war with a tribe, and one of the opponents who is being attacked is suddenly reported ill and unable to come online for an extended period. How much stock would you put in such a story? And would it be enough to cease all attacks on that particular opponent?


I might point out that we have told the enemy tribes that we are sitting her and that we did not belive she would want a cease fire. They have offered one but I declined it when they offered.

Now for you cynical bastards that just can not seem to grasp common human sympathy and kindness. Why should first hand knowledge of a person be needed to feel sympathy for them? She has a husband and children, young children who have been coming to -?- for at least a bit of comfort while there mother is ill.

Grow the hell up and stop trying to find plots and silly crap in everything, sometimes real life intercedes even here and there is nothing wrong with a comunity of people showing sympathy for one of there own because weather you chose to admit it TW is a sort of community. Most of us on here know each other to one degree or another. We all have feelings about each other and we all have ideas of what each person is and does and how they react. There are some here who know others very well and some who simply know the name. No different from any other community.

Stop being an ass. if you have nothing decent to contribute to a post of this nature then simply STFU and go away.

Lady Lee said:
Dreamr on 19.09. at 04:26
We have never corresponded outside of the forums, and even then not directly. But I want you to know that while I have been making plans to attack Lady Lee as part of an overall strategy to liberate ninjas territory taken by undecided, since learning of her hospitalization I will not be including any attacks on Lady Lee as a part of the plan.

I would ask that you respect this choice by not including her account in any actions other than what is required to maintain her account.

I do not speak for my tribe, but since I am part of the planning process (intelligence here), I will not include her as a target, an I will dissuade all ninjas players from attacker her to the best of my ability.

With Respects,

PS: I've been wanting to ask you, have you ever read The Art of War? Your overall strategy seems very much in the vein of Taking the Whole.

Angacam on 19.09. at 04:49
Yes, I have read Sun Tzu. I have trained in the arts for over 25 years and own my own Dojo.

Ladylee: I thank you for your sentiment towards our lady but I know she would never want her villages to sit idle. We are sitting her and will defend her to the best of our abilities, of course she will lose a few villages here and there but i think she would prefer they remain in action. i did not post on forums to garner sympathy for the TW war but simply to make sure that all her friends here knew of her illness and were able to expresse there thoughts for her and her family.

Good luck in the war.


If the hototogisu will not sing-- Kill it.
If the hototogisu will not sing-- Try to make it sing.
If the hototogisu will not sing-- Wait.
Last edited by a moderator:


Just passing by to wish gentalman jack's wife, Ladylee, a speedy recovery with thoughts and prayers. Get well soon.


ok Angacam, then if we are to feel sympathy for every and any entity that is deathly ill or dying, who has husband and children, it goes back to my Kenyan statement. Do you feel bad for them, and sponsor a kid a day through World Vision or sorts? What about animals whom go to the slaughter so we are given meat; do they not have a partner and children? Should I pray to God, Allah, whoever that my Striploin Steak is now in a better place?

As for showing someone who would not make a hit because of her supposed illness, thats dandy and all. Personally, I wouldnt attack her either but that is because she is too far away. You claim to have read Sun Tzu, so surely, you would know of the part where he says to feign weakness to lull your enemy and then strike. There is also a tactic that also says to befriend enemies and strike when least expected. Then knowing this, could Lady Lee not employing the art of war, or was the novel you read, written at an university level, making you unable to comprehend?

This is not about being an ass, but pointing out blatant flaws in the story. I think I've contributed enough to this thread, so there is no need to walk away. If you're expecting me to be like the above poster, dest21 who will bow to your authorative voice, you're thinking of the wrong person. This is the Internet, and it is a game; I've been Alpha Male in a gaming community before also when i was younger, and understand how it is like to have nubs stroke your ego. However, I never made that my goal, unlike yourself, spamming the forums all the time in a wild frenzy to make nubs bow at your whim.


i have one problem there angacam aint a spammer inless you is a ninja spammer :icon_eek:

once again hope you get better soon lady lee


ok Angacam, then if we are to feel sympathy for every and any entity that is deathly ill or dying, who has husband and children, it goes back to my Kenyan statement. Do you feel bad for them, and sponsor a kid a day through World Vision or sorts? What about animals whom go to the slaughter so we are given meat; do they not have a partner and children? Should I pray to God, Allah, whoever that my Striploin Steak is now in a better place?

As for showing someone who would not make a hit because of her supposed illness, thats dandy and all. Personally, I wouldnt attack her either but that is because she is too far away. You claim to have read Sun Tzu, so surely, you would know of the part where he says to feign weakness to lull your enemy and then strike. There is also a tactic that also says to befriend enemies and strike when least expected. Then knowing this, could Lady Lee not employing the art of war, or was the novel you read, written at an university level, making you unable to comprehend?

This is not about being an ass, but pointing out blatant flaws in the story. I think I've contributed enough to this thread, so there is no need to walk away. If you're expecting me to be like the above poster, dest21 who will bow to your authorative voice, you're thinking of the wrong person. This is the Internet, and it is a game; I've been Alpha Male in a gaming community before also when i was younger, and understand how it is like to have nubs stroke your ego. However, I never made that my goal, unlike yourself, spamming the forums all the time in a wild frenzy to make nubs bow at your whim.

im pretty sure theres a lot of people agree with this guy
but just wont post , afraid to get flamed
but i wont say anything :icon_rolleyes:


Glad to hear LL is doing better.

Having worked in the military aviation industry for some years, I am familiar with the effects of Hypoxia and how it can occur. Since it is indeed a condition that results from oxygen deprivation (high altitude in the case of flying) and pneumonia does obstruct the lungs, the offered explanation is plausible.

In extreme cases of hypoxia, the result can be unconsciousness, coma, and death. That is why they have drop-down oxygen masks in commercial aircraft.


This has gone way out of line.. :icon_sad:
People should learn which opinion should be expressed & which one should be kept. This was supposed to be a sympathy thread, if you don't give a f*** about her, don't twist it & turn into a scheme..
Anyways, best regards to LL & for a speedy recovery..


dreamr, we are absolutely in agreement, as Hypoxia indeed reflects a lack of oxygen. However, Hypoxia often occurs in an extreme environment such as high altitudes, like in flying, which would actually be very common in your field of aviation. You can view Hypoxia as basically altitude sickness. The sticking point here is that when there is a lack of oxygen due to pneumonia, the condition is Hypoxemia, as we have not read she fell ill upon doing activities like flying, parachuting or deepsea diving to dub it Hypoxia.

dest4321, you are getting emotional so let me interject your menstrual cycle and explain. I do not know this ladylee person so it is hard to say if i give a flip about her. I have not distorted anything as everything I point out was not presented by me, but by her party. Anything else?

Lord cat man

Now can you please stop discussing this and either get back on topic or I will give out infractions.


I heard yesterday it is still a few days - nothing specific, though. I keep checking to see when her computer comes back online (Skype), but she has been offline for quite a while. Last time online was her son to tell us about the situation.

Giving the 100s of mails I have had with her, I know of many people that she keeps in contact with and I am sure she will get back online as soon as she is able.


Lady lee is back now, she is still being sat as she has a bit more healing to do. She will be on within a day or two to give her account of her illness.