Leave Me Alone


Nope, it is private so no one can really see it. I feel bad when I see mine under my name too. But I ignore it anyways. :)


Haha oh i thought you could. I thought everyone else didnt have any lol. I got 2 :(


You got the same amount in 5 days as I got in 5 years :icon_rolleyes:
(Both expired already though)


I have one active now because of posting one-word posts.

Where is Odr :(


I got a warning because I am not allowed to put text under mine :(


Title of the thread: "Leave me alone".
We didn't leave him alone.
Ergo he left us alone :^)


Which is what i said
That's not what you said at all.

I made myself perfectly clear, yet you still fail to understand.
You did not get a warning for having a line of text under a picture, you got a warning for exceeding 80px height.
What part of this is confusing you?


I made myself perfectly clear, yet you still fail to understand.
You did not get a warning for having a line of text under a picture, you got a warning for exceeding 80px height.
What part of this is confusing you?

so....we're NOT allowed to have a line of text under a picture? Is that what you're trying to say? :icon_rolleyes:

*dinosaur facepalm

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Forum Rules.

The relevant parts:

The signature may not exceed 700px in width or 80px in height. This is the maximum size limit for the entire sig, not for individual components. Two pictures of 80px in height one above the other = 160px, and is thus illegal. Any combination of items that exceeds a total of 700px by 80px is illegal and will be punished.

Below is a list of the height values in pixels we have assigned the different items your signature may contain:
A line of normal-sized text (size 2) = 15px
A line of small text (size 1) = 10px
A blank line = 15px
A bb-code quote (1 line) = 65px
A bb-code quote (2 or 3 lines) = 80px
Spoiler = 50px
A picture = whatever height it has (viewable by right-clicking it and selecting properties)
Forum-native emotes = 15 px

Please Note:
-Items not listed above are not allowed to be used in your signature.
-Animated pictures of any kind are prohibited; note that this includes the animated emoticons provided by the forum.
-Quote generators are illegal.
-The rules regarding the Content of posts (see above) also apply to the content of signatures, though we are stricter on images containing sexual references or connotations in signatures.
-Signatures inside Spoiler Tags may not exceed 700px in width, nor 300px in height.
-Everything within a spoiler must be within the rules (posting rules and signature rules), except it's allowed to have it higher than 80 px.

It's fairly self-explanatory - complaining here will get you nowhere. Take it from someone with a lot of past experience that you're just digging yourself a hole by discussing an infraction on the forum at all.


How is this guy even a mod. He can't even play Tribal Wars. As the old saying goes... desperate times call for desperate measures!

Somehow you always show up to rain on my parade

I'm still here, rules still apply.

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