This thread is getting funnier and funnier.
Next it will show that i have been sat by Jezuz sine 2006.
havent you? but i saw it!:icon_surprised:
This thread is getting funnier and funnier.
Next it will show that i have been sat by Jezuz sine 2006.
Now is Death a VVV tribe or not? GG would love to create one and invite every possible member from other tribes that she have tried before. Metaller is in my view a kid who's easy to manipulate or who would do anything for attention. Tell him an idea and explain how great it's, the next day he'll try to make it happen.
I love this thread.
Seems to me that death is a way out for people who are bored and want to play or do not wish to join their enemies or dumb allies after their alliance fell apart.
Good luck to death by the way.
If GG sits metaller or seven or whatever or whoever then that is her business, as long as no-one finds out or cares then there is no problem.
After all, Who doesn't want to be sat by GG?
And if people see a problem in the attacks and mails coming all together then you can honour the name of this game, come with decent proof, or just keep on the background instead of going public.
Jezuz doesn't understand that im cooler than he is.