LickMe: The Last Ice-Creambender


I see :) LOL so you're a good friend of Trexx (Insert Sarcasm)
They are having issues killing our southern members who is living inside their cluster :lol:
A decent amount of nukes were killed yet few village were taken. :icon_redface:

You guys stack villages like a boss! Good job on that, but I'll take em one at a time if I have to. Feb 12th at 10:00 is y'alls first big op. Can't wait to see if we hold up. Good luck!


You guys stack villages like a boss! Good job on that, but I'll take em one at a time if I have to. Feb 12th at 10:00 is y'alls first big op. Can't wait to see if we hold up. Good luck!

:) nah, we have not yet launched our official ops :icon_eek:
Its a trap its a trap!


I am just so proud of our mate CGI~DA-psychohz :)


:icon_surprised::icon_surprised: omg

Time to get our barb on:icon_wink:



:icon_surprised::icon_surprised: omg

Time to get our barb on:icon_wink:

Hmmm I think there is no need for me to post all the nukes that he killed, the trains we sniped. :)

There's definitely a reason why he nobles those barbs :) He is staying strong inside your core so Goodjob on him and Goodluck to you :)


Hmmm I think there is no need for me to post all the nukes that he killed, the trains we sniped. :)

There's definitely a reason why he nobles those barbs :) He is staying strong inside your core so Goodjob on him and Goodluck to you :)

Just going to point out. Pahiii tried the same with us. Didn't work too well for him in the end.

I hope for your sake, that Psychohz handles it a little better.

One Last Ride

Skilled Soldier 2017
Reaction score
OMG ! Psycho just killed like more than 20 Nukes :)
Howdy Howdy, I bet Trexx will slow down for awhile :)

Nukes are meant to die, no reason bragging about it. :) slow down? I believe my growth has been quite slow for weeks now...


How about them big daddy snipes eh? Nice work Ice cream lovers.

Good job sir Trexx :)
Should you failed to sniped those 100+ trains, then I'm not gonna call you sir again. lol
And how many fakes noble trains have you sniped sir :) hehe
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Side 1:
Tribes: CGI~DA, DA~CGI
Side 2:
Tribes: LickMe

Timeframe: 26/01/2016 16:20:00 to 12/02/2016 14:06:01

Total conquers:

Side 1: 843
Side 2: 243
Difference: 600


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 55
Side 2: 42
Difference: 13


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 5,259,975
Side 2: 1,566,995
Difference: 3,692,980


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 482,359
Side 2: 323,904
Difference: 158,455


CGI F. up by 13 caps now, not much in it at all, will be a close war as expected.


Nice little OP there by CGI. Well defended for the most part. Although LickMe being let down massively by that one player.


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Side 1:
Tribes: CGI~DA, DA~CGI
Side 2:
Tribes: LickMe

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 306
Side 2: 96
Difference: 210


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 42
Side 2: 11
Difference: 31


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 2,139,094
Side 2: 658,916
Difference: 1,480,178


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 363,325
Side 2: 98,041
Difference: 265,284



This whole war is a disappointment, congrats to CGI family ofc, but the whole thing about getting ~BR~ to hit Lick me backline, or so it seems, is really sly and unfair, predicted or not, it's really sad that this war has turned to be another hugging demonstration or so it seems :(. Anyway, best luck to both sides. Cgi stealing ice cream every day


I've been keeping track on posts in this thread about on a daily basis (Had a few giggles as well :))

But this time, I think that one thing should be cleared a bit, as it seems to cast a bit of a shadow on our merry crew and so far quite civilized entertainment: claim like we needed to contact anyone for getting an edge. The tribe, that was referred to, in previous post, is on the rim, pretty much surrounded by LickMe, and now as they see an opening, they decide to join-in on stealing the ice creams. So it just seems to be relatively common case of scenario, where smaller tribes join-in on looting, once one of bigger tribes starts getting hurt in a war.

But got to thank you guys for genuinely interesting war so far! I was just about to think about quitting, before you guys declared! Been fun and I really hope, you guys are able to recover and regroup and put up more fights!



This whole war is a disappointment, congrats to CGI family ofc, but the whole thing about getting ~BR~ to hit Lick me backline, or so it seems, is really sly and unfair, predicted or not, it's really sad that this war has turned to be another hugging demonstration or so it seems :(. Anyway, best luck to both sides. Cgi stealing ice cream every day

:( BR hitting LickMe is their choice.
Even without BR,we are already melting some ice cream when we penetrated their frontline. hmmm please dont just us sir :)


BR hitting LickMe might be their choice but it was CGI leadership that guided them to it at least according to BR leadership. It is a lil sad the CGI would need to push another tribe into their war when they are 4 size the tribe they're fighting.



I'm not filled in on this guidance part, but it sounds pretty logical. If to look at things from BR side, then they are not facing too many options in the long run:

Option A: Side with LickMe, a tribe surrounding them, maybe get decent relationship.
Future 1: LickMe looses war to CGI - CGI continues carnage and eats BR as well.
Future 2: LickMe wins war and either still eats BR or merges. BR is still surrounded and their members have no room for growts or prosperity.
Asking me, neither future looks too bright :/

Option B: Stay neutral and hope that neither tribe pays any attention to them.
Future 1: LickMe looses war - CGI eats Lickme and then BR, as they're still in their corner without a chance to gain more strength.
Future 2: LickMe wins war - LickMe eats BR as BR has no room for growth or BR just dies slow death as they still got no way to expand.
Looking loose-loose again.

Option C: Stab LickMe in the back, while they're hurt.
Future 1: LickMe looses war - CGI eats LickMe, but BR has better hopes at standing against CGI and maybe get flanking alliance with some other large tribe in world, as they've grown and have better chances at success than by just standing stillin their corner.
Future 2: LickMe wins war - Lickers are pissed and kick the crap out of BR. At least went down with guns blazing and banners flying high!
To me this looks best results offering path for BR. And if CGI did motivate them to take it, then I see no reason for anyone to be hurt for this decision. As told we, in CGI are good people, we watch out for each-other and if possible help others as well. And if we get declared on, we fight our battles ourselves and don't need anyones help with those, even more, as we're already quite far ahead on balance of power :D But if someone approaches us and asks a bite of a ground, we're unable to reach in short amount of time, we're not greedy and not going to try to stop anyone.

So, cheer up! After all it's just a game and unlike Monoply it doesn't have a table to flip (If anyone intends to flip a table, remember, that it most likely has your computer on it!) :p



BR hitting LickMe might be their choice but it was CGI leadership that guided them to it at least according to BR leadership. It is a lil sad the CGI would need to push another tribe into their war when they are 4 size the tribe they're fighting.


Sir what they did is a good thing, they can't just wait sitting at LickMe's backline and hoping not to be hit in the future.
Also, I just want to point out that we are doing very well and we do not need help from other tribe with our battle with Lickme.
They are the ones who declare on us and even do the first:icon_rolleyes: ops while we dont have any decent amount of troops in our front, but guess what? Psychohz was able to defend against them with very low casualties and killed a decent amount of nukes from them.
Based on their ops with our frontliner which I believe failed big time, we already know that we will not need help from other tribe in our battle with LickMe. Yes, there are few very good players in their tribe but CGI-DA Family works well together which makes this war fun. :)

Also, Neon, Trexx and Zoorban are doing very well against BR :icon_biggrin:

And always talking/pointing our internals in another thread. :icon_rolleyes: Seems like they are also loving it :icon_smile:

CGI-DA just want to spread Love Love Love
P.S I still hope to see sirens tits :icon_rolleyes:
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One Last Ride

Skilled Soldier 2017
Reaction score
This is not a BR war thread this is CGI war declaration thread. Flame on brothers in CGI, it is not our fault we had some players that decide to quit and join another world when they receive incomings. The core of lickme has done it's best to sit and defend with limited defense and receiving sits late and defending untagged incomings.