mad families

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all they are is a couple of sim city players thrown together with big points! maybe they can prove me wrong but to be honest i dont care!

As a former baron of "GVC" not SGL-G, however the players remain largely the same, i know that a few of their players are not "sim city" players, of course some may be but not all of them, i had/have much respect for GVC and our old players. My time there was truly great, although i am with FLX G now till death do me part, i can't be that bothered with moves or anything like that and i like it there now as well.


dinkoman we miss you :(

we're pretty much the same core of players. some new recruits came from the academies to fill spots from the K66 players who left but its all good here :)


what are you talking about!
ill tell you why life rule and sgl dont!
there simple factors!

1)life are highly organised=sgl have no orgnaisation

e.g.they al think they rule and all tribe have different diplomacy and there is no rank! doubt external forum!

could someone point me in the irght direction please!

2)life have gained respect from bigger and stronger allies as on the other hand once more, sgl have none and have no idea!

3)Life have respect as they take on big tribes in war and earn new lands and stripes. SGL..WELL THEY ATTACK TRIBES WITH 10 MEMNERS ONLY REACHING 10K POINTS AND EXPECT RESPECT! thats why the dominate that rim area and hide fomr the core where all the real fighter action happens!

all they are is a couple of sim city players thrown together with big points! maybe they can prove me wrong but to be honest i dont care!

thanks for hearing the truth!

your an idiot.. i was a former member of l-s now SGL and number 1
they do have organization and there IS an external forum
2)SGL is allied with -JG- ..hmm they arent a big ally or anything your right.
3) stop whining because LIFE sucks :)..if you want an invite to SGL i can pry get you one ;)


everyone hates LIFE....they recently attacked me without warning, we are meant to be allies with LIFE though they have never honoured it, one of their members went abandoned and we were taking villages and one of their members claimed i sniped one so he sent 80 attacks at me, all were fakes except the noble train but he attacked without even asking for the village and without askeing wakeling (the leader) when i told wakeling about this he said that this player has his authorization to attack....what kind of allies attack to get a sniped village back without asking for it 1st?


arvanlaa said:
dinkoman we miss you :(

I miss GVC, i was with them from 500 points lol

What has happened to Thomber as well? You can PM me in game or on here if you know, hes not on MSN anymore?


oh c'mon mate dont tell me that LIFE is a well-organized tribe..i've seen them fighting against woots 3 members at k76 with nearly all the continent but still the earnings were too small..

and with all the branches they got its nearly impossible to be organized, honestly i dont think a bright future lies ahead for LIFE..


actually LIFE are still trying to fight those former w00t3 members, they reformed their old tribe that was +MIB+ and are now known as +RBD+. i say trying because they are failing


I have. They're one of those annoying tribes that just fill gaps with tiny players who you can't quite eradicate thanks to morale.

Kind of like cockroaches. They're everywhere up here.

Hehe, consider some of my boys exterminators in a few days then Nimiza :icon_biggrin:


everyone hates LIFE....they recently attacked me without warning, we are meant to be allies with LIFE though they have never honoured it, one of their members went abandoned and we were taking villages and one of their members claimed i sniped one so he sent 80 attacks at me, all were fakes except the noble train but he attacked without even asking for the village and without askeing wakeling (the leader) when i told wakeling about this he said that this player has his authorization to attack....what kind of allies attack to get a sniped village back without asking for it 1st?

Players who overreact and press buttons when they get mad :icon_evil:

trust me dude, i had a constant problem with someone in my sister tribe for a long time, i feel ur pain bro :icon_sad:


TUBA were not that big compared to RUM which had up to 50 tribes at one time
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Don't know world 3 but they were there for awhile.

Apart from w2, w3 has had the biggest family tribes only problem is the CA destroying each one, one by one their are only 3 family tribes left now Cult, OT and FF and all of these have more family tribes than LIFE only diff is they are all top 100 tribes


i miss the big cult tribes i was never in 1 but we had a war with 1 of their factions but they were still a great tribe


hi ppl

i am in both LIFE in w4 and Cult in w3 so i get full comments rights :icon_biggrin: ... i hope

so first about life , if they can fully put their act - and active-ness - together then they will be able to speed the procsess of things , but until then .. we are on .5 speed :icon_neutral:

and now to cult .... i don`t need to say anything really do i :) ?


hi ppl

i am in both LIFE in w4 and Cult in w3 so i get full comments rights :icon_biggrin: ... i hope

so first about life , if they can fully put their act - and active-ness - together then they will be able to speed the procsess of things , but until then .. we are on .5 speed :icon_neutral:

and now to cult .... i don`t need to say anything really do i :) ?

You have a real knack for picking the right tribes don't you?


on W4 it is a long story :icon_rolleyes: - don`t ask - ...

but on W3 i did get it right :icon_cool:


You all were wrong about LIFE now weren't you? hahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahaha.


We were in it for the long haul and had grand plans. Part of those plans involved mass recruiting so we could find the gems mixed in with all the trash, instead of just grabbing the largest point players and fizzling within a year as so many other tribes did. We were able to keep tight controls via sitting the dukes of each of the K tribes almost daily. We also mass mailed ALL the members at once instead of waiting for the K dukes' sittings or for them to get around to forwarding the mails. And, finally, while it was true odds were good back then that the LIFE player nearest you probably sucked, there were always better players who would come for you soon enough. This is what greenie discovered a few weeks after he back stabbed LIFE after purposefully misinterpreting our actions. Greenie further believed, according to his mails and our spies copies of his SGL posts, he was the primary focus of LIFE and couldn't understand at the time why we didn't counterattack him and noble him out of K76 immediately. In truth, he was barely a bump in the road... or perhaps more like avian roadkill on the road - squawked a lot while he breathed but then squashed nicely between the rocky pavement when push came to shove. We simply added him to the to-do list and finished up what we were working on before paying him any attention. Greenie took this as evidence of lack or coordination and all around suckiness on our part. I think this is the main point which has always stuck in his craw and engendered his endearing hatred for LIFE for years to come.

Oh, also, TUBA did not become LIFE. Three TUBA members migrated to K76 when they saw the writing on the wall and after some disagreements with TUBA leadership. After arriving, they created LIFE. Can't really blame anyone for messing that up because honestly, who cares :p


Hey Jumanji, I'm a die-hard W4 fan (and player), and used to work with DOG in K94/95 back before DOG merged into you guys.

Got an extra account that I can play on for a few days/weeks just to get a feel for what it was like? Idc if it's 20k or 20mil.
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