Magnum Announcement


Edgey, frogman, what the hell makes you think you'll lose? I don't like reading that. Now, pull it together and have faith in the positive outcome for Magnum. You know it deep down and so do I.


Edgey, frogman, what the hell makes you think you'll lose? I don't like reading that. Now, pull it together and have faith in the positive outcome for Magnum. You know it deep down and so do I.

Know what exactly?

Edgey stated this was magnums last stand, well near enough

Magnum won’t stand for it anymore, as such Magnum forces have been given the orders for there troops to descend upon the warriors of Puffin, I am just happy to say that if this is to be our last war, it shall be a pleasure to stand by my tribe mates one last time, we shall dance with the best opponent this world has to offer. We will enjoy it, and there will be no quitting till we are without anymore troops to throw.

Its not good to have such doubt in your forces before they have even launched :S


This should be fun. I've been supremely bored with this world for the past few months.


We didn't care really if we're facing 2 war fronts at a time, we missed the gangbangs we had early on this world. We play to have fun,not bear hatred nor grudge..


We didn't care really if we're facing 2 war fronts at a time, we missed the gangbangs we had early on this world. We play to have fun,not bear hatred nor grudge..

Goodo, cause im sure Puffin can provide both hatred and grudges :D


Interesting timing, the same time the crayn and tesb nap time period expires, hmmmmmmmmm

could the old alliance be rekindled

If that happened, surely CRayn. would be angry. If we shared a front with CRayn, it could be war but hey at least we're getting into a little world war now! :)


Good luck to both sides. Should be interesting to see how this one plays out.
Unless im mistaken this is the first top5 tribe PuFFiN has faced, so it will be great to finally see this war machine in action :D

Bwah when you win i expect more pics of you in those dresses... :icon_wink:

From what I remember, Sexy! were ranked 4th when they declared. I could be remembering wrong though. :icon_confused: Anyway, should be fun - may the frog's blood run the Magnum rivers red. :icon_twisted:


Sexy was ranked 3rd or 2nd before we declared. They were one rank above us at that time.


From what I remember, Sexy! were ranked 4th when they declared. I could be remembering wrong though. :icon_confused: Anyway, should be fun - may the frog's blood run the Magnum rivers red. :icon_twisted:

My mistake. :icon_redface: The first top 5 tribe since the start of the world? Eh, you get the idea. Its been a while :icon_biggrin:


*loads spam cannon to launch at puffin*

*puffin sees the cannon and flees*

*the spammers claim victory and take over the world*


Did it ever start?

Well, actually i know that answer, you've been toying with Ron for god knows how long ^^

If by toying you mean 4 players in K46 vs. the entirety of 47Ron, then yea.
Of course a few jumped in now and again, but there really was no excitement.

This for sure will be exciting.

*Waves moral problems goodbye*


Just so the stats are known at the begining of the war:

Side 1:
Tribes: PuFFiN

Side 2:
Tribes: Magnum

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 5
Side 2: 3
Difference: 2

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1
Side 2: 1
Difference: 0


From what I remember, Sexy! were ranked 4th when they declared. I could be remembering wrong though. :icon_confused: Anyway, should be fun - may the frog's blood run the Magnum rivers red. :icon_twisted:

Bev!! You still play this world Bev? I have yet to see a tour date for my location :icon_cry:

For the record, sexy! was 3rd when sexy! declared. Puffin was 2nd. the first day of the war puffin dropped to 3rd and sexy! jumped to 2nd. Then sexy! members started jumping ship and sexy! lost points, moral, and a war...


No confidence in Magnum? Do you REALLY think I would have come back and posted this dec if I didn't think we'd do good? The RON war is one that makes things a little difficult I'll admit, but we're here, we're queer, we're here to stay, get used to it. :icon_twisted: