Nice to bring things up of another world that you have absolute no idea what happened.
And if what she says its true, why i had my friends til the end, when she was dismissed of her own tribe that she was duking?:icon_rolleyes:
Anyway, as we say in Greece, "laughs better then one that will laugh last^^"
Stay tuned.
How is it not true? Most other people in the world have observation skills :icon_wink:
I have no idea of what happen with the tribes that had relations with yours, but I know what happened to yours on W53.
1. You formed Rogues, which dominated 3 Ks. (K56, K65, K66)
2. You LOST to a tribe COMING, which dominated ONE K (K55)
3. Because you did not want to lose, you disbanded Rogues and founded Orphan, which was based in K56. Similar to what you did in W50 when you disbanded your tribe Orphan that dominates 4.5 Ks is losing to JPEG, a tribe which dominates only one K.
4. The ex-Rogues members in K65 and K66 formed a tribe called Static, while at the same time you started nobling inactive ex-Rogues members in K56, or getting other Orphan members to attack K56 ex-Rogues members and nobling their vills afterwards.
5. Somewhere along the line, you declared on Static. aka your FORMER MEMBERS. And you were LOSING TO THEM LMAO. Pretty hilarious if you think about it. After a while, you can't bear the thought of losing and so deleted your account and try to find an excuse in doing so. EXACTLY what you did on this world and on W50. And you didn't care about the members in your tribe.
thanks smile, i love ya too mate.
As for the rest, any decent person with a bit of psychology knowledge can easily see that from your reactions and only you have wet your pants and lost your sleep already, with only the possibility i may come back.:icon_razz:
I also enjoy the fact that in first days of APOC, a tribe that was been created to kill my Tribe... actually cause !?! was killing you all one by one, yeah yeah i know ET were advancing but cause we let them do it and only...
If you said ET is advancing and you will killing all of us, then you will have contradicted yourself. Also, you prove my point earlier :lol: You sell out your members and don't care for their well-being, a very poor duke indeed. Bin will never do that.
you were claiming that after i will leave you will go back to your original tribes.Are you?Nuh.
Proof or STHU
Why? Cause even the remaining members of us, without us, without even our top guns, still killing you:icon_rolleyes:
I love ya too people.
Stay tuned, clock is running, tik tok, tik tok....damn this reminds me something....:icon_cool:
What are you talking about?
Side 1:
Tribes: =APOC=, -APOC-
Side 2:
Tribes: ex
Timeframe: 01/08/2010 00:00:00 to 12/01/2011 00:00:00
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,947
Side 2: 1,038
Difference: 909
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 18,012,377
Side 2: 9,527,072
Difference: 8,485,305
This is us vs ex. AKA half of ex-Khan and half of ex-!?!. They suck imo because they knew they cant win us and so they merged with their long-time former enemies. And they are still losing :lol:
Side 1:
Tribes: =APOC=, -APOC-
Side 2:
Tribes: FE@R
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers:
Side 1: 773
Side 2: 455
Difference: 318
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 178
Side 2: 112
Difference: 66
Points value of total conquers:
Side 1: 6,671,889
Side 2: 4,298,902
Difference: 2,372,987
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,640,059
Side 2: 1,101,699
Difference: 538,360
This is recent stats of us vs FE@R. AKA ex-!?! with some of Khan since ex merged into them.
I don't see the "kill" in here, please enlighten us :icon_biggrin: