Name Change Needed For AFK?


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Which makes you a judgemental and rude person as well, not talking about creating a new account just to badmouth me. Same thing as the other guy.
And yes, if you make a post just to make someone look bad for no reason then you are a bad person by default because you want bad for others, just what you did now. You get what you deserve. There is nothing dirty nor scummy in taking sits. I'm asked from time to time to help with launching or defending on other worlds. Obviously a tryhard person will take every opportunity he can take against his opponents like sitting others for defending or attacking to slow them down. Its pretty basic, its just you big fat noobs, tipical rimsters you cry about that.

You seem to really indulge in baselessly attacking people for having opinions don't you? It's a shame you can't express your own opinions without name-calling and berating the few people willing to talk on the externals anymore. My account may be new but that is because I have just come back to the game and old forum accounts got deleted. If you want to believe that I made my account solely to "badmouth" you then so be it. There is clearly no use in trying to convince you otherwise. You don't take the time to read posts on here or understand what people are saying, you merely respond by calling everyone noobs and defend scummy tactics that you clearly implement yourself.

This game has changed, tactics like this and others would be shamed and the tribe would get rimmed and eventually leave the server. Seems all those that had the spirit of true competition are gone. This game and this forum used to be a place were people made hilarious war declarations, had grand arguments about each other and exchanged banter to make playing a world more enjoyable. Seems that has died here, I'm sure people like you were a big reason for it. No one wants to spend their time trying to have a discussion, just to be berated by immature insults that don't contribute to the discussion at all. I sincerely hope you grow up some day and realize how pathetic these posts make you look.


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You made an account just so you couldjudge me and call me out and now you continued the insults and went on a personal level as well just because someone offered his help for attacking and defending.
TW and the community was the same and people like you ruined everything who does nothing but insult others and talking about the "good old days" which in reality never existed but its easier for you to deal with it.

Our "dirty" move was offering help in attacking and defending. Then talk about your nice move that you sold out your own member for free vills: Nicely acting on the high horse
You are a tipical rotted person who puts the blame on others. This is the real you. We did nothing while you eating your own because you would sell your soul for any gain in a game. And you dare call others out, you dare call others pathetic. Everyone would be happier if the ones like you would never come back. Spread your negativity elsewhere and let others enjoy the game which you clearly cant...


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You made an account just so you couldjudge me and call me out and now you continued the insults and went on a personal level as well just because someone offered his help for attacking and defending.
TW and the community was the same and people like you ruined everything who does nothing but insult others and talking about the "good old days" which in reality never existed but its easier for you to deal with it.

Our "dirty" move was offering help in attacking and defending. Then talk about your nice move that you sold out your own member for free vills: Nicely acting on the high horse
You are a tipical rotted person who puts the blame on others. This is the real you. We did nothing while you eating your own because you would sell your soul for any gain in a game. And you dare call others out, you dare call others pathetic. Everyone would be happier if the ones like you would never come back. Spread your negativity elsewhere and let others enjoy the game which you clearly cant...

As I said before, it was obvious that there was no point in attempting to convince you why my account is new. A simple search of my name would pull up a multitude of pages from old forum posts.

The offer was not to "help attacking and defending"; the offer made was to sit another tribes accounts so that they could gain an advantage on their own accounts. Trying to rationalize it as anything else but an attempt to gain an unfair advantage is illogical. I can't say that it surprises me how vigorously you are defending this, must be a common occurrence on every world you've play huh?

TW and the community was not the same as it is now, that's obvious by the fact that these external forums are DEAD. It's hilarious that you are attempting to take the high road now by accusing me of insulting others when your first post, and all your posts, have been nothing but insults.

I also find it hilarious that you are accusing my tribe of selling out our own members just for "free vills"; in fact that account was banned for sending racist and toxic messages. I honestly have no issues with someone like that being rimmed and removed from the tribe. If you see an issue with that then it speaks clearly about your own views. Alternatively, I could also go to TWStats and pull pages of AFK's own "free vills" but that would be useless because every tribe internals it's own members at some point.

It's truly amazing how toxic you are in these posts, yet try to cast others as being exactly that. It's truly impeccable, almost feels like you live for these moments. At any rate, I hope you enjoy to continue making obnoxiously toxic and non-sensical posts, I don't feel the need to continue going back and forth with someone who can't express more than baseless insults.


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No matter the history of your account. You created now for the only purpose to insult me. All your post was about insulting me. If it wouldnt for me the account wouldnt be created. You are talking about my toxicity, while all of your post does nothing just spreads negativity.

When we offered help to others it was for both parties gain because the main goal was to slow down a common enemy. Your only problem is that noone would help you. Because of who you are and now everyone can see that.

Go find it in our history. We only force internalled 1 person because he played against the tribe yet we gave him many chances. You did not force internal him because of racism, you force internalled him because of the ban. He was racist when you recruited him but back then it didnt matter. Again your true self.

The forum was as toxic as now, the ratio between "good" and "bad" was the same. But there is a difference between worlds having 300k vills or 20k. Close to noone playing the game and thats why the forum is "dead". You are just full of delusions. But live in your dream world. Its totally fine. But stop accusing others, stop spreading your negativity and acting on the high horse while you are one of the most rotted person around here.

All you want is to cover AFK and me in dirt for no reason. While you are selling your soul, your own people out. Just some examples:

Just some of them who got force internaled for free villages after trusting you. You should put your own house in order first, then you can come to others'. I would like to through up, treating players like animals. Disrespecting their time, their effort, their money they put into the game and just simply use them. Disgusting.

PS: 1k ODS player. Literally a solo player who only looking for internals and doesnt care about anything nor anyone. I really hope OTA realise this and get rid of you so people won't judge OTA based on you.
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Dark Cello

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I've actually been laughing at this whole post..

You are such a hypocrite, you whine that you're being personally attacked while calling me an awful person, a liar, and delusional.
My original post was meant to talk about how you guys play the game, see what the community thought about it because I personally
thought it was chicken shit, and you've only reinforced my opinion of you.

This conversation is done in my eyes, in your eyes, we are food, which I respect and fully endorse as part of the game if you look at my
profile i have nobled members within my tribe for inactivity and refusing to maintain troops without having been attacked or attacking
others or for being point whore PP farmers.

To you, we are lesser players in which i agree, but because of that, we can not even be treated with respect.
You cry about are being judged, you are and it is because of your actions.

Lady Mihaela Targaryen

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To close this
The game this days is usually orientated of who nobles the barbs faster and how many millions of pp are used in each world
For new players (there still are some) , it appears as world after world is won by the same people
They're not entirely wrong and at the same time not right either
To win a world this days you need lots of free time , usually solved with the help of coplayers (where even some of the new players can have a chance) and lots of premium points,which can be bought or farmed
Moreso ,help a player on one world and if you're in a better position next world he may help you to win too
Yes ,new players will not join as they did back in the day ,but that's not a problem
The game can be kept alive by this players who join world after world
If you don't like ,go join tribal wars 2 or tribalhugs (if you can find the server)

The Peaky Blinders

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Not so much hugging but a lot of players here in W118 that can't take a joke. Especially in the discord chats ;)

You know who you are lol.

Also Buch says hello
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I will say that w118 was and still in the "treason and traitors season"

Most dangerous world
yeah I can totally agree on this one, I was in psycho tribe PP farming, and their leaders are maybe the most egoistic ppl I’ve seen / their tribe is not about fun, it’s legit about „lol can we internal them for our own good or do we just wait until they quit?“

but nah for real mccoys and his bros are pretty disgusting players, and I’m not the only one saying that

Black Hammer138

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yeah I can totally agree on this one, I was in psycho tribe PP farming, and their leaders are maybe the most egoistic ppl I’ve seen / their tribe is not about fun, it’s legit about „lol can we internal them for our own good or do we just wait until they quit?“

but nah for real mccoys and his bros are pretty disgusting players, and I’m not the only one saying that
Did they internal you?


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Did they internal you?
Well we kinda had an agreement that I will gift my villages on a certain date for free and they will just keep me in the tribe. They had my troop count obvi, cause Settings.

so when I woke up like 1.5 weeks before that date I just got kicked and had trains incoming haha

Black Hammer138

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Well we kinda had an agreement that I will gift my villages on a certain date for free and they will just keep me in the tribe. They had my troop count obvi, cause Settings.

so when I woke up like 1.5 weeks before that date I just got kicked and had trains incoming haha
Wow. Even with an agreement in place? That is just wow..

The Joke

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Don't know much about hugging but K46 is getting interesting. Thought Fallen wanted to eat chairman?