i can feel CTRL/nomads has found an excuse:lol::lol:
CTRL/nomads: we won w10 we just deleted because of the new update......but we won promise.
little kid: ahhhh ok..... everyone knows you got owned:lol:
You're the wannabe replacement of Sight. And I'm willing to be you don't have an account in w10 either. At least he knew people. And had brought some substance. However incorrect to the forums..
You, you just sully and demean the name of the forum troll. You truly give the forum troll a worse name than it already has.
If you have an account in world 10. Tell the world which one it is, so that they may deal with your cowardice accordingly.
If you don't have an account. That's fine. It just means your posts hold even less meaning and substance. And if you do have an account, and are just refusing to say which one it is, cuz you don't have a pair of anything between your legs, and because you stink of cowardice to a point where your stench reaches up here in the cold of Canada. Then just stay off the forums until you're ready to man up and actually send some attacks at someone, without a disgusting fear of retaliation.
People like you make me want to come back to this world just to prove a point, and put an end to the crap constantly spewing from your mouth.
If there is anyone ion A88A around who actually has the guts to speak about how things were before we decided to quit. Then you wouldn't be speaking the way you are. We dominated for the entirety of w10. We were nobling more enemy villages on a weekly basis, than everyone else was nobling barbs/inactives combined.
We took the top 2 and 3 tribes. DDB with their own academy almost full of players. Borg with two full academy tribes. And we destroyed them. Brought them down to single tribes. And continued to dominate to the point where they stopped fighting back. And tried nobling more barbs than we were their villages. And even in that they failed.
Don't come spouting your garbage about excuses. You have no idea how very unentertaining it is to a tribe of players who prefer their enemies to fight, as opposed to lay down and die. You have no idea how brutal it is to literally walk into villages with almost no resistance.
Or break into a continent where your tribe has almost no presence, and noble over 240 villages off a single player in that continent practically unopposed.
You think you're hot now because you're part of a tribe of massive barb noblers who came to life when CTRL came inactive? Pat yourself on the back for beating the crap out of a dead horse.