New mod... aww

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File Not Found

Hi there guys.

As your all no doubt aware, after the retirement of your previous mod, eventually, someone would have to be assigned to sit here, and randomly infract people for no reason at all. Mostly Walshaw, and Repinski.

I gather from your lack of a chuckle, that you didn't realize I was joking... /sigh

Yeah, I talk to myself sometimes to.

Anyway, if you want to know more about me personally, then please, by all means, check out my introduction thread in the Moderator introductions forum.

Anyway, on a serious note, I hope sincerely that I never need to infract, or even warn any of you, and will always do my best to err on the side of... nevermind, I'll try and be nice is what I'm trying to say. It should be known though, that my tolerance level for things that annoy me is low, and repeated offenses will result in a reaction you may not like.

I'm so terrible at intros...

I'd much rather spend my time writing scripts, than moderating a forum, and everything you do wrong, takes away from time that I could be doing that, so... Don't make my life difficult, and script stuff will get done significantly quicker. Hopefully thats enough incentive to behave.


Welcome to our forums.

No offense but I want MKC back. =(


Welcome to the forums FnF. I'm glad you finally made an intro. Good luck on trying to gain the love MKC had around here..... she pulled a lot of weight in that area.


Aww who cant love file :icon_redface:

On a side note, notice you still do /sighs alot :lol:


Not the perfect 1st post by Austrian,but welcome File Not Found..
Will we be getting some extra custom coded scripts especially for w48? :icon_razz:




i fail at scripts so u might hear from me alot ^.^

welcome to 48.


Yay! Someone else to help nuketech with script besides me :icon_razz:

But on a side note glad to have you here. It will be nice to have a mod after MKC left :icon_sad:


... I can doez be joor new best freind?...and can has nommy script cookies?



glad to have you here i creep regularly. its too bad though i dropped in to see MKC


Anyway, on a serious note, I hope sincerely that I never need to infract, or even warn any of you, and will always do my best to err on the side of... nevermind,

Guess that Hope failed when you met me :icon_cool:

File Not Found

Looking back over this post, I guess I need to make a few notes. As such, I will bold them into the quote as I go...

Hi there guys.

Yeah, I talk to myself sometimes to.

Still do this...

Anyway, if you want to know more about me personally, then please, by all means, check out my introduction thread in the Moderator introductions forum.

Or not, you could just ask here... I'm kinda bored, tell me what to buy on Ebay next...

Anyway, on a serious note, I hope sincerely that I never need to infract, or even warn any of you,

That lasted all of how long?

and will always do my best to err on the side of... nevermind, I'll try and be nice is what I'm trying to say.

I still think I'm being nice

It should be known though, that my tolerance level for things that annoy me is low, and repeated offenses will result in a reaction you may not like.

and you all have tried my patience so much, with particular note of a handful of you :icon_wink:

I'm so terrible at intros...

Which is why I felt the need to respond to myself

I'd much rather spend my time writing scripts, than moderating a forum, and everything you do wrong, takes away from time that I could be doing that, so... Don't make my life difficult, and script stuff will get done significantly quicker. Hopefully thats enough incentive to behave.

and I have had no time whatsoever to write any new scripts lately, because I'm so busy with you guys. :icon_evil:


FnF remember how long this world has been without a Mod. So i am surprised that you didn't need to infract a few people earlier.


:O I think FnF needs a hug, Im sure you could find one on this world :)
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