Here at the Senti-mental Times, we had a chance to interview the leader of Ascend (without his knowledge of course - heh, that's how we roll), and here's what he had to say (I had to edit out some parts as, not only do Ascend play dirty, they have dirty mouths as well):
[spoil][3:23:33 PM] Emporium22: I need to ask many of you to trust your leaders with that one even if the methods employed are not what we would call nice
[3:23:57 PM] swordofthanatos: i wontfollow leaders if they recruit people of his character
[3:25:32 PM] Emporium22: The ppl behind the account are of no interest for me; only tribe results will sow.Do you remember when i said about having all sort of individuality in the tribe; well, that's a prime example.
[3:25:55 PM] swordofthanatos: omfg he is sitting kezzlers account from within insane are u crazy?
[3:26:46 PM] Emporium22: not yet
[3:27:36 PM] swordofthanatos: SV Ostroski
Points: 16.676.048
Rank: 1Opponents defeated: 248.086.825 (3.)
Tribe: 1ns4n3
[3:27:42 PM] Emporium22: Please, don't make a big thing out of it because WE have looked at the possible consequences and the player will not gained anything for insane.
[3:27:44 PM] swordofthanatos: hes in insane right now
[3:28:07 PM] swordofthanatos: f this im outie . i wont be apart to this
[3:28:41 PM] swordofthanatos: id rather be rimmed then work with a member ahem a currrrrent member of insane
[3:28:42 PM] Emporium22: i know but he hasn't the choice as as soon as he leave them, he will be targetted so for the moment, he's moving troops and in about 2 weeks, he will move to ascend.
[3:29:54 PM] swordofthanatos: hahaha hes playing you...its the very same svaka the one that left us to join insane. he will betray you
[3:30:00 PM] Emporium22: It's funny because you repeating the same thing as last time about who you will or will not work with but this is your tribe and all its members will be working together regardless of personal opinions
[3:31:35 PM] Emporium22: I've know SV for a long time so i know what to expect. He laways had his own agenda and that won't change but just think at the big picture and look at the map if you include him, BACON and more from SA.
[3:31:42 PM] swordofthanatos: uve got tobe joking. he is the enemy you have just given insane acess to our internal council forums. enjoy being rimmed by insane
[3:33:23 PM] Emporium22: Look at the forum. there's nothing really sensitive in there.
[3:34:08 PM] Emporium22: It wasn't my decision only but all dukes were in agreement with that one even if we won't be sure until 3 weeks
[3:34:55 PM] swordofthanatos: ive already left. i will stay away til he is rimmed or betrays you
[3:35:43 PM] Emporium22: that was another stupid and rushed decision but i'm not surprised.
[3:36:58 PM] swordofthanatos: what else is new. i joined ascend to fight insane not join with them. maybe you should go join insane u seem to want them on your side
[3:37:45 PM] Emporium22: don't be ridiculous; i want to win with ascend and this will make huge waves in Insane if you stay quiet about it
[3:38:49 PM] swordofthanatos: stay quite not a chance. u let our enemy have acces to our council forums. u gave him baron acces ill make sure ur rimmed right along side your friend sv
[3:39:55 PM] Emporium22: See what i mean. You reacting without thinking the damage you will cause to your friends who have moved to ascend so you will gain nothing
[3:40:15 PM] swordofthanatos: u opened this im goin to make sure its your last action
Now, exactly what did 1ns4n3 do again?
Seems to me Bigbrad (aka swordofthanatos) - is the only one left in Ascend with any sense.
I Second this motion well written Amish
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