

sean, by my count you have about 6 days left, so keep running that mouth until then. My open palm is coming hard.

DPN said:
And sean, I surely do hope you can finish it before Christmas? I mean, I'm not really defending at all? :D Just don't have the time for all that

For all his bravado, I sense a slight tremble in his text.
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sean, by my count you have about 6 days left, so keep running that mouth until then. My open palm is coming hard.

6 days until the threats you said on the 10th September (2 weeks ago) become true.


You do not know who I am DPN and you will never find out. I play l3gollas on this world lets concentrate on that rather than who I have been on other worlds. If you know, great maybe PM me and I'll tell you if your right.


What, everybody knows you! You're a legend in TW! Am I right or what?


Given the fact that you need more then 3 weeks to 'organize' an account, I can only agree with that.

I have not been 100% active. I am starting a difficult time of my career so I am only online at certain times until the end of this month. After that it wont take long.


I have not been 100% active. I am starting a difficult time of my career so I am only online at certain times until the end of this month. After that it wont take long.
I refer to my previous post.


Ignor him, he knows he's about to get cattle trucked and is running his mouth off.

And this is nothing. I promise you it will get alot worse. For now, consider us testing the fences around your tribe. you can't defend every where.
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I love that smell.

Anyways, we've seen you lot in offence, let's see how good you are at defence.


I just wanted to say thanks for the warm welcome attacks!

It makes me feel loved and well....appreciated :D

As a result of your kindness, I look forward to returning the favor. T'would be in bad form if I didn't :icon_twisted:

God help us all.
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Lol, that's freaky, I was actualy looking at that myself, couldn't find a decent use for it though.


great minds think alike....greater minds can implement :icon_twisted:



I just wanted to say hi to all of you guys, and tell you how good you are being and making my job very very easy.

Thank you :)

We can always spice things up a little....

No no please, I have enough spice with world 20 :p

Careful with the double posts please cdnJer :) thank you.

ok, fair enough. Can't argue the "rules". You got me on a technicality....damn rum always getting me in trouble :icon_redface:

Won't happen again. Crack that whip!
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cndjer!!!!! Hows it going buddy? Back into it I see! figured I'd stop by and say hi!