but i wanna know now
this is gonna bug me for ages -.-
Oh I won't leave you hanging for long. My issue with your smack is that it is hypocritical. That's something I'm not big on, and drove me to post in externals which I generally don't have any interest in doing so.
You talk smack about how well TSL is doing in caps recently with Twist, but then you skyped with twisties on an ongoing basis making fun of those same TSL players and giving out info. You can try to spin it however you want, but my opinion of this will not be swayed.
This took about two minutes of research, but I assure you I will find better material to post. It's funny to me how dmoron takes up for eiknx, considering all the things eiknx has said about dmoron.
Here is one exchange :
[7/2/2012 12:16:58 PM] Matt Sayer: i give up with moron..he just to stupid
[7/2/2012 1:42:00 PM] Matt Sayer: OddiK today at 21:41
just read it, what a dumb*** lol
eiknx today at 21:37
about amp being a spy in the time of tsb etc...dmoron doesnt seem to know what a spy is
[7/2/2012 1:42:47 PM] : i dont think dmoron understamds the concept of pnp
[7/2/2012 1:43:12 PM] Matt Sayer: he doesnt seem to understand a lot of things
Or one of many diatribes against Opty:
[6/30/2012 10:34:53 AM] Matt Sayer: clearly...thats fine...i dont like opteron either
[6/30/2012 10:37:29 AM] Matt Sayer: dont like him or his stupid ops
[6/30/2012 10:37:55 AM] has he always organised the north ops?
[6/30/2012 10:38:12 AM] Matt Sayer: nah vinnie usually does
[6/30/2012 10:38:12 AM] what i mean is...is there a reason this one is so much worse than any other
[6/30/2012 10:38:22 AM] Matt Sayer: cause opty did it
[6/30/2012 10:38:35 AM] has vinny still got net issues
[6/30/2012 10:38:46 AM] he sent 24hrs later than everyone else
[6/30/2012 10:39:02 AM] Matt Sayer: vinnie usually does the north ops, but he had the net issues so opty had to do it..i presume he still does then
[6/30/2012 10:39:27 AM | Edited 10:40:08 AM] Matt Sayer: but even vinnie said he doesnt know why k5..he said he would have done it in k25/15
[6/30/2012 10:40:01 AM] (facepalm) opty fails then
[6/30/2012 10:40:17 AM] Matt Sayer: think he should just stick to inactives
[6/30/2012 10:40:29 AM]
[6/30/2012 10:41:13 AM] Matt Sayer: along with sorin and most of leadership
Yes, I removed Twist names- I don't provide info on tribemates. Any follow-up requests? Which other TSL members would you guys like to see commentary on? Maybe TSL ops?