Stop complaining about your 44 incomings.
stop complaining about your 44 incomings.
Stop complaining about your 44 incomings.
How are we hugging? We are fighting more than ever. You are just mad you can't get in you NOOB
Yesss. Ender's Game--good series.
On topic: It's really pitiful how SD has to rely on his "4 LAP spies" to do work for him For all of ~one~'s supposed might and power, they still have to resort to lowly spy-work? :icon_rolleyes:
Uber late post but:
No matter what the reason/the world, top tribes joining together to make a super tribe is always a poop idea. Unless everyone agrees they want the world closed asap, of course. :')
I think I was the only one who rejected the ~One~ invitation and deleted instead. :icon_cool:
I think I was the only one who rejected the ~One~ invitation and deleted instead. :icon_cool:
LAP are the ones to tell, right?
Anyways, even your "leaders" tell me what they are doing. For example: One of your leaders told me about this sneaky sneaky plan to noble barbs around me and stack them. Not to mention its one of the stupidiest ideas I have ever heard on tribalwars, and I didn't have hands enough to do a multiple facepalm.
Perhaps you could check the trust of your members, they are too scared to get attacked - they send just send me random information (without me even asking)
I'm not going to ask some LAP members to spy for me, no they come to me for it.
Anyways, even your "leaders" tell me what they are doing. For example: One of your leaders told me about this sneaky sneaky plan to noble barbs around me and stack them. Not to mention its one of the stupidiest ideas I have ever heard on tribalwars, and I didn't have hands enough to do a multiple facepalm.
being on the rim gives NO disadvantage...
im in K62, K61 and the corner of K62 is the rim, so im in a rim K, therefore a rim player, i am currently hovering around rank 20 and have top 5 rank for all ODa ODd and ODt,
if someone in another rim tribe has 20 villages instead of the 200 i have, its cos they havnt grown quick enough to keep up with the skill level of this world,
players like that should delete and play W52, a world made for new players,
or stay and stop complaining cos we are bigger and realise even the rank 1 player can fall if enough persistancy is put against them, maybe a 200K point person on his own, but theres plenty of scope left agaisnt ~One~ to do some damage,
i think its stupid how theyw aste their time here, flaimg ~One~ instead in the game fighting ~One~
we wont fall by you persistantly calling us names on the forum, we may not even fall if your persistantly keep at it against us, but its the best shot youve got, and id say it is possible.