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You are saying that they should be given access to villages at the cost of essentially 1 nuke and 1 noble each (should take approximately 1 nuke on average per village, and obviously the noble and coins to noble it).

Hanging out with cheaters = free villages. Let it be known to everyone from now on that you will never be punished for hanging out with cheaters, in fact, you get free villages! Great, now I've just got to setup my opera so I can farm in one click, and then maybe get some scripts that automatically tag incomings, because if I get banned it doesn't hurt my tribe, and I can always move to a new account.
/end sarcasm

Come on, this is ridiculous. The current system of punishing doesn't work, and this world is proof of it. You know when the rules actually work when no one breaks them, not when they are broken again and again by the same group of people.

One Last Shot...

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You're talking nonsense now. You aren't putting any argument forward, just that people who have come in to contact with cheats deserve to be banned.

That's pretty much going back to when segregation was a much larger issue. In case you need a history lesson: those who were brave enough to mix with people of a different coloured skin despite the risk they would face if caught doing so by pro-segregation people, got punished for doing just that.

Let's consider another angle on this.

If you or any member of your tribe has spoken to Xenthyl or OohDa at all in the last 6 months or had your account entered (unknowingly or not) by OohDa, then you may have been given free/easy villages from {HI} via information provided by them by your logic. So, you should be punished too for this, according to you?

Don't like that logic? It's your logic, just considered at another angle. If you don't agree with that, you also don't agree that guilt by association is correct. Or else you are acting like a bigot. Your choice really.
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You are saying that they should be given access to villages at the cost of essentially 1 nuke and 1 noble each (should take approximately 1 nuke on average per village, and obviously the noble and coins to noble it).

1.5-2 nukes each :(


You're talking nonsense now. You aren't putting any argument forward, just that people who have come in to contact with cheats deserve to be banned.

That's pretty much going back to when segregation was a much larger issue. In case you need a history lesson: hose who were brave enough to mix with people of a different coloured skin got punished for doing just that.

so you are suggesting people with dif coloured skin did something wrong? I know what you mean but maybe ya need to rephrase that

One Last Shot...

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so you are suggesting people with dif coloured skin did something wrong? I know what you mean but maybe ya need to rephrase that

Nope, I am implying that this is the attitude Bhawb is taking, if looked at without context. I'll edit it to make it clearer though :)
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You are saying that they should be given access to villages at the cost of essentially 1 nuke and 1 noble each (should take approximately 1 nuke on average per village, and obviously the noble and coins to noble it).

Hanging out with cheaters = free villages. Let it be known to everyone from now on that you will never be punished for hanging out with cheaters, in fact, you get free villages! Great, now I've just got to setup my opera so I can farm in one click, and then maybe get some scripts that automatically tag incomings, because if I get banned it doesn't hurt my tribe, and I can always move to a new account.
/end sarcasm

Come on, this is ridiculous. The current system of punishing doesn't work, and this world is proof of it. You know when the rules actually work when no one breaks them, not when they are broken again and again by the same group of people.

Going completely off topic here, what would you think as a general rule of punishing people? Do mind that it has to work for both your regular person who breaks the rules (in other words, someone like you, first time breach, for placing an inappropriate word in their profile) and for this kind of extremely rare case (I'm not sure myself, but only 4 - 5 cases like this ever happened? This would be the first with an admin I think).

I doubt you are going to easily find a good system, which doesn't seem completely disproportionate to the breach that occured.

And about those villages, I don't know how its going to be done, but what would you think? A 100K D troops stack? Would that be good enough? Surely you'd need more than 1 nuke?


You're talking nonsense now. You aren't putting any argument forward, just that people who have come in to contact with cheats deserve to be banned.

That's pretty much going back to when segregation was a much larger issue. In case you need a history lesson: hose who were brave enough to mix with people of a different coloured skin got punished for doing just that.

Let's consider another angle on this.

If you or any member of your tribe has spoken to Xenthyl or OohDa at all in the last 6 months or had your account entered (unknowingly or not) by OohDa, then you may have been given free/easy villages from {HI} via information provided by them by your logic. So, you should be punished too for this, according to you?

Don't like that logic? It's your logic, just considered at another angle. If you don't agree with that, you also don't agree that guilt by association is correct. Or else you are acting like a bigot. Your choice really.

Okay, you seem to be either willfully ignoring what I say, or just too blind to see the words I write down. I do not want any member of HI who is not banned to lose villages. I do not want any of them to be banned unless it can be proven that they cheated, or knowingly worked with cheaters. You are trying to disprove an argument that I'm not making.

I haven't even been attempting to say that anyone in HI deserves to be banned or lose villages except for those who cheated or knowingly participated in it. I'm saying that they shouldn't get NEW villages, those ones made barbarian by the bans. If they are rewarded with new villages for being in a tribe with cheaters, then it is just reinforcing the new trend in this game: that breaking the rules gets you a slap on the wrist, and nothing more.

Going completely off topic here, what would you think as a general rule of punishing people? Do mind that it has to work for both your regular person who breaks the rules (in other words, someone like you, first time breach, for placing an inappropriate word in their profile) and for this kind of extremely rare case (I'm not sure myself, but only 4 - 5 cases like this ever happened? This would be the first with an admin I think).

I doubt you are going to easily find a good system, which doesn't seem completely disproportionate to the breach that occured.

And about those villages, I don't know how its going to be done, but what would you think? A 100K D troops stack? Would that be good enough? Surely you'd need more than 1 nuke?

I don't see where in my profile is something inappropriate (you can pm me), seeing as I have a grand total of like 5 words. Yes, the ban system has to work for different cases, the problem is that the current ban system is being proven to be generally ineffective at actually preventing rule-breaking, which should be the goal of any penal system. It is currently geared to slap the wrist of the rule-breaker, in ways that are often easily reversed (IPs changed, get on new account, or re-noble the villages). I understand small breaches get small punishments, however I'd say a mod making 1,000 illegitimate actions in game is a bit of an outstanding situation.

We've said demolish the villages (you can leave the troops, or get rid of them). Make them the same size as the normal barb village in the world, 2.5k points, this makes them no more useful than any other barb. Obviously its down to the staff to actually decide how to handle this, and I hardly even know what their options are.
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One Last Shot...

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...I haven't even been attempting to say that anyone in HI deserves to be banned or lose villages except for those who cheated or knowingly participated in it...

Read what you wrote again.

Hanging out with cheaters = free villages. Let it be known to everyone from now on that you will never be punished for hanging out with cheaters, in fact, you get free villages!

If you aren't saying here that people should be punished for "hanging out with the cheaters", then I apologize. But you quite clearly did with that sentence. Which means, my entire point is still accurate - as you are trying to make a sarcastic argument that {HI} deserve to be punished for being associated with cheats. Which backs up my last statement entirely.

If you didn't mean this, then perhaps don't say things you don't mean. Food for thought.


Going completely off topic here, what would you think as a general rule of punishing people? Do mind that it has to work for both your regular person who breaks the rules (in other words, someone like you, first time breach, for placing an inappropriate word in their profile) and for this kind of extremely rare case (I'm not sure myself, but only 4 - 5 cases like this ever happened? This would be the first with an admin I think).

I doubt you are going to easily find a good system, which doesn't seem completely disproportionate to the breach that occured.

And about those villages, I don't know how its going to be done, but what would you think? A 100K D troops stack? Would that be good enough? Surely you'd need more than 1 nuke?

i suggest taking away the coins from a banned player ( who only loses a percentage of his vills) and as said by others downgrading the barbs to 26 points or 2.5k. If i got banned and lost 100 vills all it would really cost me is 150 nukes, plus i get a nice few mil easy oda for my trouble


That comment was tied to the /end sarcasm. It was a sarcastic argument tied to the idea that cheating appears to actually reward the group (with light punishment on the individual). I do realize that the average HI member did not know that cheating was going on (I'd still be willing to bet the knowledge was more wide-spread than will be found out though), and that they shouldn't be punished. I disagree with the idea that they should indirectly be rewarded. You don't see it the same, our disagreement is a matter of perspective; I see those villages being a gift to anyone nearby, you don't.

One Last Shot...

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i suggest taking away the coins from a banned player ( who only loses a percentage of his vills) and as said by others downgrading the barbs to 26 points or 2.5k.

I agree with the taking away coins idea, and I think I've seen threads suggesting this before as it is a fairer punishment than just villages (particularly on coin worlds).

However, I'd never agree with having villages demolished personally, as it merely means that the people suffering from the cheats' actions don't have the opportunity to take back the same-sized villages that they would have had their eyes on originally. The OohDa admin is gone now, and I doubt will be allowed to come back to the game in the near future. So, the punishment for her has been well and truly carried out - there's still no logical reason provided for suggesting people who haven't broken the rules should be punished by having local villages downgraded by non-catting.

If you really want the villages down-graded, just run a catting op on em.

Also, there's no reward in nobling a barb. It wastes a noble that could be used on an enemy. For what? A single nuke or full D? Not going to help that much, as it's not damaging the enemy.
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Like one last said...the person cheating took a village that their neighbor might have been looking at taking.


I am sure that Morthy restored the villages to their pre-tampering state as well


Come on, this is ridiculous. The current system of punishing doesn't work, and this world is proof of it. You know when the rules actually work when no one breaks them, not when they are broken again and again by the same group of people.

I have been posting this very fact since long before this incident - the proof is in the fact that it incidents of cheating are (or at least seem to be) getting more and more common which means either more people are willing to do it, or they are getting better at catching it... Either way though the effects are just as you said, you cheat/your tribe benefits no matter what EVEN IF YOU GET A 100% BAN AND RESTART your tribe can feed you defense/resources and make you unstoppable on the rim which will benefit them again...

The biggest problem is that TW exists to make money - in order to make money, they have to keep as many people as possible interested in playing, so if we sit around here and whine about the fact that they aren't doing enough, then continue to buy and use premium, what incentive is there for TW to make a change, I guarentee you 99.9% of people who cheat buy premium, and if they can't cheat they can't win, and if they can't win they won't play, and if they don't play, they don't pay...

I tried posting something in a general rules discussion forum that would ask the entire TW community what they thought of a harsher punishment system - (especially for partial bans) and it has not been reviewed or posted, so maybe I'll just try here:

1. Should a player who cheats/gets a partial ban be allowed to keep their coins? As of right now I believe they do which means they lose 0 potential, and could actually benefit if the timing was right by the sudden increase in nobles.

2. Perma-bans are tough, but I am of the opinion that the perma-ban should just erase the players villages entirely, or as bhawb said, reduce them to max farm size, or even min village size and let them grow. In this case tribes would think twice about who they associated themselves with (at least smart tribes would)... I know I wouldn't want to help someone take over villages if they were just going to lose them to oblivion...


I have been posting this very fact since long before this incident - the proof is in the fact that it incidents of cheating are (or at least seem to be) getting more and more common which means either more people are willing to do it, or they are getting better at catching it... Either way though the effects are just as you said, you cheat/your tribe benefits no matter what EVEN IF YOU GET A 100% BAN AND RESTART your tribe can feed you defense/resources and make you unstoppable on the rim which will benefit them again...

The biggest problem is that TW exists to make money - in order to make money, they have to keep as many people as possible interested in playing, so if we sit around here and whine about the fact that they aren't doing enough, then continue to buy and use premium, what incentive is there for TW to make a change, I guarentee you 99.9% of people who cheat buy premium, and if they can't cheat they can't win, and if they can't win they won't play, and if they don't play, they don't pay...

I tried posting something in a general rules discussion forum that would ask the entire TW community what they thought of a harsher punishment system - (especially for partial bans) and it has not been reviewed or posted, so maybe I'll just try here:

1. Should a player who cheats/gets a partial ban be allowed to keep their coins? As of right now I believe they do which means they lose 0 potential, and could actually benefit if the timing was right by the sudden increase in nobles.

2. Perma-bans are tough, but I am of the opinion that the perma-ban should just erase the players villages entirely, or as bhawb said, reduce them to max farm size, or even min village size and let them grow. In this case tribes would think twice about who they associated themselves with (at least smart tribes would)... I know I wouldn't want to help someone take over villages if they were just going to lose them to oblivion...


i like the 'u dnt get ur coins back for the village loss u recieve' thats very nice otherwise no incentive to not cheat really as u can easily get ur vills back


I don't see where in my profile is something inappropriate (you can pm me), seeing as I have a grand total of like 5 words.

It was a hypothetical example.

Sorry if it seems I wanted to insult your name or something, I had no such intention, by 'someone like you' I meant 'Someone of the "normal" playerbase who probably breached a rule without thinking'
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