Order 66

0.2 Percent Nigerian

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With WET leadership fading in and out, being a land of no control and unorthodox game play with mass recruiting, hugging, barb nobling, terrible diplomacy methods. We will now be executing order 66. We will not be making the first move on this matter. When we left we tried to leave diplomatically. But now leadership has started telling their current members in WET to go after us instantly.

So we will be taking a stand. At first it was the principal on the matter. That we need change if we're going to stay as WET. But obviously they have zero care for us and our opinions.

Lets see how this plays out shall we?

(Shoutout to Jake for the tribe name suggestion a few worlds back, knew it'd come handy.)

0.2 Percent Nigerian

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breaking news man with history of backstabbing tribes teams up with other guy with history of backstabbing tribes.

more at 11

wet have had said play style now every single world they been on. if you didnt know that by now lol
I think you're missing the point. We simply were leaving to make a stand, we didn't plan to hit wet. This isn't a full on war we're going after. We're simply breaking off and going for a different direction, but willing to hit back if we're hit.
It gets beyond obnoxious sitting in a tribe being told to do an op and 49% land super early, 49% landing super late. Then the 1% landing on time are being screwed by recaps and stacks because no one can follow simply instructions. Especially when you're having to launch trains 36hrs in any direction to try and hit something because you're surrounded by a sea of baby calves feeding off the mother land wet's utters.
Ontop of it all being told that we don't want to get rid of anyone of the 80 people because council wants to make new friends. I felt like I were playing tw 8 years ago before premades were around and everyone just joined random stuff with one or two friends.
I rather just be a lost soul on the world and not be bothered with the obnoxiousness.


It gets beyond obnoxious sitting in a tribe being told to do an op and 49% land super early, 49% landing super late. Then the 1% landing on time are being screwed by recaps and stacks because no one can follow simply instructions.
Where'd the other 1% go? Also, were you apart of the 49% who were late as it took you this long to find issues with WET's philosophy and decide to leave?

Just razzing lol. Should be fun times ahead.


is not it the same as wanting to do a coup? how many more members do you invite to follow your principles?


I felt like I were playing tw 8 years ago before premades were around and everyone just joined random stuff
Nothing wrong with this my friend that's what I did in w17 and I eventually meet the women who would become my wife :).
Now playing again on this world and meet some great new people already.
Although I have to say the world forums havnt changed much still lots of petty name calling and arguements. Makes a fun read though ;)


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Lol @Mia Khalifa still at the drama! You know how badly WET is lead sure we wiped them on W90. The same world you did so good for us but then left us high and dry.

II is just an idiot.

I don’t really care but these threads do get boring haha

If you have such high standards just be a KingMVP.

Anyway easy works for Obey Zzzz


Lol @Mia Khalifa still at the drama! You know how badly WET is lead sure we wiped them on W90. The same world you did so good for us but then left us high and dry.

II is just an idiot.

I don’t really care but these threads do get boring haha

If you have such high standards just be a KingMVP.

Anyway easy works for Obey Zzzz

You shut up, lets talk with Nuke and Noble !
increase your point and come to K55


I rather just be a lost soul on the world and not be bothered with the obnoxiousness.
**Moves back to WET**

What changed?

0.2 Percent Nigerian

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Wet has promised change. Like I originally stated it were a stand that we were trying to point out. And I think we got our point across (hopefully). Never were planning to go full force after WET but we were 100% ready for it.

Michael Corleone.

they have played the same way since before W73. what makes u think they will change


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And MIA has played similar since 65. Maybe pigs will fly. Although I actually want WET to do okay this time a round. I have a few friends there. Hopfully II is gone for their sake.

Good luck folks!

Incoming impact

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Hello Guys

I have been reading these terrible externals over the last few days and thought I would just add a little something , After All I have read is Almurph chatting complete BS. I love the way is he is calling people out when this world he has only nobled barbs and 2 small players that I bet Jake cleared for him and dam his farming record is amazing too.



People can say what they want about me but at least I know how to play the game , Stop calling people out almurph you are quite possibly one of the worst players on W96. Only reason you are still here is because of Jake who is a good player. You talk about everyone else but what about your failures on W90 ?

This whole situation with WET did not stem from me at all I was part of a big group of players wanting to leave and I got found out , Big Deal I am not bothered. Mia can back me up on this too.

Looking forward to reading the hate and Michael please make sure the comment you post in something worth while reading this time.

Love you all


Michael Corleone.

lmao *claims i didnt post anything worth reading* *read it anyway*