On some days it is. -.-'
/flees to Antarctica
/flees to Antarctica
msmshrek1, you don't want to be part of the group they call "the mods". You are subjected to countless hours of torture by the one they call, Jirki.
/me hides
Who couldn't love the giant green ogre.
Yes I remember now lol, I infracted you a couple times, ahh yes the good days :icon_wink:
xD i also remember having to forward a mail from you saying that my siggy was okay causejerky... jirki gave me one because apparently you can't have a picture and a quote at the same time and i had both but you'd said it was okay xD so. *sigh* i think it got reversed in the end.
Also, do infracts go away.. like completely away after a certain amount of time? cause i know i've had more than 2 infracts and 3 warnings (which is what it says in my cp, all expired aside from a warning). I thought they just expired but were always on the profile user cp??
On a side note, for some reason they are gone, so i only have a warning from you canibal,no infracts as far as my user cp is concerned.