Please try to stay on topic folks, and keep your flaming within the confines of the game, personal insults will result in infractions.
Carry on...
Can we expect muzzling soon?
Please try to stay on topic folks, and keep your flaming within the confines of the game, personal insults will result in infractions.
Carry on...
Can we expect muzzling soon?
Please try to stay on topic folks, and keep your flaming within the confines of the game, personal insults will result in infractions.
Carry on...
Are you kidding me Areyoukidden?? I would consider being called a coward a personal insult, but the continual goal post changing in this world is at least consistent.
you know this is sooooooooooooooooo pathetic, for a player who have quit he got so much time posting in the externals, FEC is a pure bred COWARD........
a schoolboy tellss the tribal wars world that he need to study for his future...Hhahahahahah...You know I find it funny cause he got more time to post in the forums instead of studying...
Can we expect muzzling soon?
Are you kidding me Areyoukidden?? I would consider being called a coward a personal insult, but the continual goal post changing in this world is at least consistent.
I would consider this a insult as it goes past the confines of the game.
It insults the player's choice of quitting tribal wars and focusing on his future, insults his ambition to study and give himself a better future instead of some villages; a coward for studying?
They say troublsom1 puts a bad image on ??? , but Ampac sounds like ,well
I don't wanna personally insult him :icon_biggrin: