Calmir stop trying to start a argument over nothing. Are you seriously telling me you are not going to clear the majority of players in your 15x15? If you are starting in the core, yes letting one grow but letting several grow? Stop been a noob.
The reason why i said agressive at farming, is because you do have players who either are scared to take on players the same size of them or hardly farm.
I'd rather like to think of this as a discussion on fleshing out the advertised tribe - not an argument, after-all one must ensure they meet the appropriate criteria. Alas, I don't think I'm made to be an aggressive farmer.
And I never said I wouldn't clear players in my 15x15, I just wouldn't go and clear 'larger' ones so I can be an 'aggressive farmer'. Not to mention, a specific location on a world was never indicated. Besides why wouldn't I let several grow? For one, I like nobling, and two I'd rather have my lc to farm with, not waste it on clearing some player I can noble later.
Personally, I'd recommend getting rid of the "when it comes to farming". An aggressive player would make sense naturally..