Pink/Step Merge?

Frozen Beauty

From twstats alone we already see that Step did a successful op against Pink. But really happened?

Here are some quick questions that i threw at Step's Duke (The Forgotten Titan)

Give me a simple introduction of your tribe and yourself as a leader?

Well, we started as a premade consisting of like 20 members, all friends from past worlds, and about myself.. i have some experience in this game and more importantly, i have more free time now than before so.. also a solid council, advising me and helping whenever needed.

What was the conflict between you and pink? What was the cause of it?

Not really a big story here, just not being able to find mutual interests as two separate tribes, and major threats to each others. so i guess an early fight was a necessary risk to do.

What were your thoughts/impression of pink prior to your op and after your op?

Mostly skilled players thats for sure, played a few worlds with some of them. as you see they are part of STEPS now and thats because i have high expectations and respect for them.

Was it a forced merge by you persuading Pink players or did they voluntarily decision to jump over to step?

Only after seeing our coordination and team working the merger happened ;) and personally i would like to put all the possibilities into consideration, so you can say that this merger was one of those possibilities, afterall we are two steps ahead.
Also the spread we have now and having more quality players in one tribe is something none of us regret it now.

May I ask why you didn't invite the former duke of pink into steps as well?

i would like to skip this question if possible :p


I believe there is 2 sides to every story. So I showed the responses from above to former Duke of Pink (.Smiler)

Anything you want to explain or disprove?

What barzy(Titan) doesn't mention is that we was in talks for diplomacy. I was his duke in world 86 in the tribe Pink so we had common ground as was willing to work towards something. He let his personal ambitions sway over the diplomacy when I told him out of good faith a player that I would be merging with. He didn't like this fact, instead of negotiating the matter he did not reply until after his 'op' . Members of pink were under the impression the two tribes were in talks and awaiting their terms from their council.

Their Op I will give them credit nicely executed but with no resistance hitting 4 solo accounts during the night. More of a backstab.

As for the merger, the tribe looked to me for guidance and I told them to merger it was a good solution and didn't want the tribe to suffer for my failed diplomatic talk with barzy which resulted in this.

I do feel for STEPS because they won't be the dominant tribe in 1-2 months time and I warn w95 to be cautious when talking diplomacy with STEPS cause they won't hesitate to pull a sly one. Also just mentioning one slightly negative comment to this guy is considered a threat :D

You mind asking me why you didn't join step also? If you guys have worked in the past wouldn't it make sense to put all this drama aside and work together?

Lol, honestly after this I don't like the guy he comes across as a snake, but that wouldn't stop me from working with him in steps alongside my crew.

Barzy does not want me there, I respect his wishes and allowed my guys to go even though numerous members offered to stay by me but I assure him he won't take me out easily.

Haram B

Non-stop Poster
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i've been asked to join pink side with big accounts , which means leaving the premade i made, refused politely, but the next day i see my members heard about 5 from STEPS will join pink.
next offer was "some of you getting in pink's way"
last offer was telling me 420|542 is going to merge into him , this wasnt acceptable at all of course he was next door to three of us, with academy built at 2.5k points, and the reply i get was (i am going to noble it back if you guys noble it) and recruiting him regardless. right after saying he is our food.
so yea those negative comments are threats to me and if we are a backstabbers and wont be dominant tribe why joining and working with a lost cause :eek: some contradictions in that story imo :D

edit: i dont see anything wrong in finding sleeping time of the targets and getting advantage.
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Why is Barzy not called Barry here?

How is attacking in the night a backstabbing move? This is the international tribewars and there is always night on some spot on the earth. Quite funny how .Smiler thinks he's the center of the universe and we shouldn't attack when it's night for him..


Why is Barzy not called Barry here?

How is attacking in the night a backstabbing move? This is the international tribewars and there is always night on some spot on the earth. Quite funny how .Smiler thinks he's the center of the universe and we shouldn't attack when it's night for him..

If you weren't so illiterate then you could read that i said him deciding to attack during negotiations is a backstab while leaving PINK to believe still in talks.

Of course this is international, i'm not disputing that what i am saying is i'm not going to sit here and praise you guys skill in a fight where their was no resistance.

i've been asked to join pink side with big accounts , which means leaving the premade i made, refused politely, but the next day i see my members heard about 5 from STEPS will join pink.
next offer was "some of you getting in pink's way"
last offer was telling me 420|542 is going to merge into him , this wasnt acceptable at all of course he was next door to three of us, with academy built at 2.5k points, and the reply i get was (i am going to noble it back if you guys noble it) and recruiting him regardless. right after saying he is our food.
so yea those negative comments are threats to me and if we are a backstabbers and wont be dominant tribe why joining and working with a lost cause :eek: some contradictions in that story imo :D

edit: i dont see anything wrong in finding sleeping time of the targets and getting advantage.

I asked you are the start of the world and left you with the option, and this thing you talk about 5 members from STEPS joining PINK is false i would like to see your proof of this coming from a member of pink? Otherwise I would expect you would believe someone if they said the cow did actually jump over the moon.

Your taking snippets of the negotiation and twisting them to say what you want haha. The whole reason we spoke about diplomacy is because "we were both getting in each others way so it was either conflict or diplomacy"

Me telling you i was merging was not an "offer" it was me informing you out of good faith. As for the "I would have nobled it if you take it anyway". Again as i explained straight after message (but you choose not to acknowledge that) what i meant was if you had taken the village before the negotiations i would have retaken it. We was in talks and was willing to negotiate but you decided to ignore take it personally cause you wanted that village and backstab PINK.

I'm not sour about this it is done and gone and i have even tried to make up with ya considering our history, but you continue to make me out to the arsehole that threatened poor ole Barzy.

Have a nice day :)

Haram B

Non-stop Poster
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i am not trying to make you look like anything, during frozen beauty blog , i havent mentioned a single bad word regarding you as you can see, but after seeing your replies, decided to show my part of story too, what did you expect me to do, after recruiting our food (the one i told you we are planning to noble, and the one who got nobled with a train having 6 hours travel time after a day from our first attack) you were pretty clear , noble it and i will noble it back.
and last thing i said wasnt i will be back to you or we will talk later or anything like that.
tried to be nice all the way but sorry , someone acting like they own me or scaring me is really cutting some ties for me :) cause i dont try those things with others,

about you trying to make up with me i remember i still replied after all you said to me and didnt refuse working with you completely even after your rage quitting on me, did i ? :/ if i was so into breaking you in a sneaky way as you mentioned , you were going to get noble trains while you are tribeless.


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I mean it IS the tribe brad is in

of course they merged to rank 1,was anyone expecting any different?


Contributing Poster
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I mean it IS the tribe brad is in

of course they merged to rank 1,was anyone expecting any different?

Every world I been in since World 60 when I started has its merges so why point out Brad ? IMO I think he is a good person by giving players a chance to play .


Early and mid game merges are nothing new or unique to a small group of players. It's very common and normal. If there are only 50 good players in one K it's better for them to team up than kill each other and weaken the K just for another continent who merged their best players to come in and clean up the left overs easily.

But late game when there are only two tribes competing for the win it's lame to merge then just to end the world and avoid the fight. That's not what's happening here


I asked you are the start of the world and left you with the option, and this thing you talk about 5 members from STEPS joining PINK is false i would like to see your proof of this

I am a baron in STEPS and I pretty much got all the logs from the conversation between Barzy and .Smiler so I was aware of the fact that the diplo talks weren't really going that well at all.
We started this world with a premade of 20 players and we weren't in a bad spot, in the pm you can read a pink member saying that the best members of STEPS were potentially joining Pink, however the position we were in so early in the world, we would never leave a large portion of our premade behind.

From my reply you can see my astonishment by the word "interesting" followed by we'll see how the situation develops.
This pm was a week before this op we did on Pink.

So in the week following this pm there were additional talks which ended in nothing because it appeared .Smiler didn't view us as a good tribe by his urge to recruit someone 2 fields away from our members, saying we were just in the way of Pink and only being interested in our best players or potentially a nap of 1-2 weeks.

We noticed a few pink members growing very fast in the early game and we didn't feel like .Smiler was interested in some long term diplo so we decided to turn down the potential nap and talks after that ended in some angry words so we decided we couldn't let Pink grow in our area and decided to pull the trigger on that op.

So basically due to something .Smiler said to his members they had a different impression of how the talks about diplo were going and that's not something we can do anything about, the week between the pm and the op only confirm that diplo talks failed and that there was no backstab at all.



I am a baron in STEPS and I pretty much got all the logs from the conversation between Barzy and .Smiler so I was aware of the fact that the diplo talks weren't really going that well at all.
We started this world with a premade of 20 players and we weren't in a bad spot, in the pm you can read a pink member saying that the best members of STEPS were potentially joining Pink, however the position we were in so early in the world, we would never leave a large portion of our premade behind.

From my reply you can see my astonishment by the word "interesting" followed by we'll see how the situation develops.
This pm was a week before this op we did on Pink.

I was just going to leave it at that, but if you want to come here and paint a shiny glossy front to STEPS antics go for it.

Derp bus had no right in saying anything of the sort, and i did not know this had happened hence why i asked for the proof you have provided. Nor did i tell him anything of the sort..

So in the week following this pm there were additional talks which ended in nothing because it appeared .Smiler didn't view us as a good tribe by his urge to recruit someone 2 fields away from our members, saying we were just in the way of Pink and only being interested in our best players or potentially a nap of 1-2 weeks.

Let me deconstruct this cause your either totally ignorant of the facts or Titan isn't telling you everything.

The Negotiations came to a conclusion with Barzy wanting to discuss terms with his council;

To which i then disclosed my merger below

Barzy refused to acknowledge anything after this so i was left to assume he was discussing this with his council.

I even mentioned to him i would be open to alternatives but woke up that morning to a "Backstab"

We noticed a few pink members growing very fast in the early game and we didn't feel like .Smiler was interested in some long term diplo so we decided to turn down the potential nap and talks after that ended in some angry words so we decided we couldn't let Pink grow in our area and decided to pull the trigger on that op.

So basically due to something .Smiler said to his members they had a different impression of how the talks about diplo were going and that's not something we can do anything about, the week between the pm and the op only confirm that diplo talks failed and that there was no backstab at all.[/spoiler]

This whole statement is a complete lie proved by those previous screenshots, STEPS never formally turned down an NAP, you led us to believe you was discussing it.

And as for the "angry words" these were only exchanged after you had 'Pulled the trigger on your backstab'

And those messages you can see by time stamps was the Day before the op so you can't try claiming diplomacy talks had been dead for a week when they were being discussed the previous day lol.

I admire you sticking up for barzy seems he has a good second hand but please find all the facts before you slate me on the externals...

Haram B

Non-stop Poster
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thanks for showing those screenshots but pretty sure its not the first time he sees them :) could show you the messages between me and mitchell as well if you want at that same day discussing if we can work something out with pink


Go for it although those screenshots are irrelevant your just proving my point that we was in talks to work together that 'same day' you decided to op us instead.

Hence the backstab.

I don't hold a grudge against any of you guys for what happened, what's done is done. But don't make me out to be the cause.


Lol maybe 5-10 max. Merging in the same K is lame having 40 people in the same K is just playing it easy because you can't do start up

So you joined in 2007 and have posted 7800 times and still dont understand the basics. I'd say one day you'll learn but obviously you wont lol

The tribe who dominates their K fastest will have an advantage over the neighboring K's. Lets use your under estimated numbers of 5-10 good players. If those 5-10 players are in different tribes that war each other instead of working together that K will obviously have less "good" players at the end of it and then will be at a disadvantage to other K's whose best players didnt kill each other, and are finished eatting the noobs while the first referenced K's good players are still fighting among themselves.

If you still dont understand after that I cant help ya :)

Age of Ultron

Why the hating on end game merges then, if you're going to merge all the way to the end, might aswell do it one more time and just end the world.


the first referenced K's good players are still fighting among themselves.
Lol, Humm I once had a tribe I lead of 30 accounts simultaneously capture 13 K's. We were 3 million points before rank 2 got to 1 million, sweetie if there is one thing I know it's how to build a tribe. Now it's a fair criticism that I and my group quit after mid game.
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Lol, Humm I once had a tribe I lead of 30 accounts simultaneously capture 13 K's. We were 3 million points before rank 2 got to 1 million, sweetie if there is one thing I know it's how to build a tribe. Now it's a fair criticism that I and my group quit after mid game.

30 accounts making 3 mil points would be 100k points per player average or 10-15 vills... spread across 13k's there would be an average of 2 players per K with holding 20-30 vills of the K... I'd hardly call that "capturing" a K.

By the time mid game came along your guys were probably so spread out that they were getting picked off and couldnt help each other. I wasnt there but thats what it sounds like from the info you have given.

Why the hating on end game merges then, if you're going to merge all the way to the end, might aswell do it one more time and just end the world.

You dont have to agree with my opinion :) I dont like merging after the first K is controlled and it usually only takes 1 merge to do that.


30 accounts making 3 mil points would be 100k points per player average or 10-15 vills... spread across 13k's there would be an average of 2 players per K with holding 20-30 vills of the K... I'd hardly call that "capturing" a K.

By the time mid game came along your guys were probably so spread out that they were getting picked off and couldnt help each other. I wasnt there but thats what it sounds like from the info you have given.
No we ended up capturing the entire top half of the map held 10-15 of the top 20 accounts till 2 million points per player or so and I quit when the summer came. I mean I've done that like every time I have ever started a tribe you should shush because yeah I quit when late game comes but you're trying to debate early game leading with debatably the player with the best early game leading record. That's not like a bragging thing I litterally have done something similar to every world I've ever started a premade, you've been around for a long time, ever see a tribe that litterally held rank 1-10 in a world at early game all the way through mid game then randomly disappeared? It was probably me. You should listen I'm explaining to you probably the best method of doing this, if you're going going to merge merge the top of different K's and trust your top echelon to win
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