crash are the noobiest tribe in the world, generally because i am in it.... lol
and some of what comes out of walshaws mouth is a load of rubbish but some of it is true
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Cant pick one over the other but I dont consider any part of Crash to be Subv. The good players of Subv have all quit or are in Womble now
FCB said:- Rolleywayman (giggles)
You forgot
Skunk15, Chill and Peta, they are all ex subv too :lol:
they were only under SubV's flag , they never tried to participate in any ops , the were only taking easy vills in k44 .
I have many quotes from RC that he was complaining about them , and at last they kicked from SubV , they never had RC's standards !
well yh, but they never been considered to be part of Crash before
You forgot
Skunk15, Chill and Peta, they are all ex subv too :lol:
you dont know how Much RC was happy when he kicked them out
he was like : sarah , guess what? i finally got rid of those ****. (party) (party) on skype
My opinion
I dislike CRASH more, just because of the fact they, when known as SubV flamed PIRANA so much!
Then they did exactly what gave PIRANA a bad name and merged.
That was my best at making it non-biased due to me being in PIRANA.
But I got all of k45, as his main plan was to attack them, you got ven and veiling as part of the package. Guessed that worked out for us too :lol:
For starters, he wasn't restricting this to only crash members. Since Crash was made up of number 1 and most respected tribe in the world's history, SubV, and their untested allies brave...he's not giving Brave members consideration. Rather he chose to say that since all the good players of SubV have quit or are now in womble, that he voted crash.
Members of this list would include:
Dark T-Rex
And more that I'm sure I'm forgetting. These were the elites of the core of this world though, the origins of facepalm and SubV.
ahole. :icon_confused:
For starters, keep your attitude to yourself.
If he meant something else and I misunderstood, it can just be said so instead of your attitude and flame.. read what i asked and what you replied with :? do you see any relationship :? don't change the subject.
2nd that
they were only under SubV's flag , they never tried to participate in any ops , the were only taking easy vills in k44 .
I have many quotes from RC that he was complaining about them , and at last they kicked from SubV , they never had RC's standards !
if rc wasnt banned those small clusters would actually work pretty well. Problem is, it takes too much maintenance and hard to sustain without someone really dedicated and good at planning.Yep, and those massively spread out clusters are doing well for you arent they :icon_biggrin:
I showed and can quote me back in feb why king would suffer, and he did. Skunk wanted to hit people locally, look what he did to mighty. Because he didnt want to have many small clusters all over the place. Lets say there is a split in your tribe, so many players would be screwed by having so many clusters all over.
Even now, there are 3 players we have yet to hit, with more than one cluster on our front. there was a player in mighty just like it, we hit him on 3 fronts, he didnt know what to do. :icon_wink:
The reason we did well, but never outstanding in wars, is because we only ever fought in small groups to ensure productive growth etc. I bet you have a lot more churches than us, not because we dont know how to use them, but more because you are so spread out. Even rage needs to cluster like mad in k48/49 as quite spread out, and must have a church in most of villages around there. Why he needs to time everything exactly, or lose villages quite easily.
I guess due to all the re caps womble have, is just proof at your small clusters not working with all the troops lost and then the village so easily against our front line BIG clusters.
if rc wasnt banned those small clusters would actually work pretty well. Problem is, it takes too much maintenance and hard to sustain without someone really dedicated and good at planning.