^^ aye cpt, best map so far, ty
2 things that would make even the best map of w64 much better, if you ever do another like this, and idk if you can even make one of the changes
1. top 20? really? i know you are in love with the complete picture of W64, but tbh, it is very hard to see the picture when you include tribes that are not in the picture

i would suggest top 5 tribes for something like this
2. is it possible that each tribe stays 1 color? idk how you did this, but am guessing you are using auto-updated maps and so keeping tribes 1 color would not be possible
anyway, hate to critique the best map w64 has produced, especially when i cannot create it
but i bet others would agree these 2 changes, if possible would have made the best even better
so if you do another like this and wanted to outdo even yourself, these 2 changes would elevate you from Map King to Map God :icon_wink:
anyway, thanks for the best map ever
EDIT: [2/20/2013 11:22:32 PM] Cpt Sandwich: yep, this was my tester... wanted to see how it came out before i went into making time-lapse videos for players/single tribes