im 16 now and have played since w5. While im not exactly solo top20 player material, most will confirm that im a nevertheless solid player. And im definatly not an exception.Whilst I appreciate your understanding of stereotypes not always holding true, your statement is absolutely incorrect. There is a direct correlation between age and experience, its easy to work out logically. TW is 6 years old, meaning those not old enough to play when it started/ play and understand and hence learn from those experiences are disadvantaged. However that's not to say your age will make you inherentally bad, but it is a more likely occurrence. Younger players also more often than not lack maturity, meaning the way they conduct themselves (descion making, generally annoying, valuing of points instead of OD/troops).
"And judging someone by their age means you are no better than they are." - that statement in itself puts down and makes a judgement on someone for their age, suggesting that you will be no better than they are insinuates that they are worse?
The 2nd part isnt very coherent. How does my statement put anyone down?