Points > Troops??


~PW~ wasn't and has never done poorly. Copayn decided to leave, and I learned who aren't loyal people to invite to my tribe in future worlds :D

No disrespect, but I always wondered what PW was doing with their spread.
Have members in multiple k's.


I'll be honest they could of done good. they were very spread out which is normally bad. but if your able to get all the better players of their own area's in your tribe and use your rank 1 to scare players off then you can grow and have clusters all over. though it was a very small chance of them making it


No, they had good spread but one noob tribe could throw everything at say on K worth and wipe out 1/4 of the tribe.

BTW anyone know why Ghio1 and PW had such a hard on for us? lol putting bounties on my head day 1