Powers declares on NERD


I think you missed my point of the post. I was making fun of the back and forth between Powers and Nerd(specially xmach). I know NERD is losing the war. I haven't said anything to the contray on these forums....well...I don't remember making a post. I was just having fun.....not arguing a point or anthing like that.

CHILL man!

True dat, Flip you're a silly boy, flaming the only NERD who agreed with us /facepalm!

Hai there Jester, you ready to play in a relaxed tribe yet? :icon_wink:

1. NERD is not losing this war.

2. Powers can keep telling themselves that to make themselves feel good about their impending doom (which in their case is spelt N E R D :) )

3. You lead us in captures, so what?

4. My prediction, NERD will crush Powers.


Point 3 contradicts point 1 inverting the sentiment of point 2 and destroying any logical basis behind 4. "OUT!!!"? Please stay there. :icon_biggrin:

We are now WONKA eating our Nerds XD



great for the name change! otherwise i would just keep confusing pRo and Powers lol nothing to do with tribe style just cause there names are sort of alike


There is logic behind it, if you step outside your comfy box and analyze the situation as it truely is. Every enemy of NERD has fallen to NERD, save pRo who we made ammends with on mutual terms. Most of those tribes that fell were ONCE ahead of NERD in noblements. All of those tribes fell ONCE the nerd core was in a position to fight on equal footing. The early powers captures as has been stated many times, were 95% or more FUR refugees and also mostly inactives. The noblements for the last month show NERD nobles MORE of its war enemies then Powers does.

NERD did WIN our war against PSP, as that coalition no longer exists, one of those tribes is gone, and the other made peace. A month ago your side outnumbered NERD almost 4:1 in villages, and now even with the merger of KV you only outnumber us 3:2. So if you look at the war stats based on the total villages at war with nerd, you'd see NERD has shaved off 8k villages, while powers has shaved off, well 0, as NERD is 4300 villages now and was only 3500 when you declared.

To be fair if you want your stats vs. NERD to mean anything, you'll practically have to restart them from today on. I suppose you can count the 40-50 or so you were ahead of NERD before SCUM declared, but if you think anyone believes you've out-war'd NERD on a 5 or 6 to 1 basis, well you're deluding yourselves.

The real fun resumes now.


There is logic behind it, if you step outside your comfy box and analyze the situation as it truely is. Every enemy of NERD has fallen to NERD, save pRo who we made ammends with on mutual terms. Most of those tribes that fell were ONCE ahead of NERD in noblements. All of those tribes fell ONCE the nerd core was in a position to fight on equal footing. The early powers captures as has been stated many times, were 95% or more FUR refugees and also mostly inactives. The noblements for the last month show NERD nobles MORE of its war enemies then Powers does.

NERD did WIN our war against PSP, as that coalition no longer exists, one of those tribes is gone, and the other made peace. A month ago your side outnumbered NERD almost 4:1 in villages, and now even with the merger of KV you only outnumber us 3:2. So if you look at the war stats based on the total villages at war with nerd, you'd see NERD has shaved off 8k villages, while powers has shaved off, well 0, as NERD is 4300 villages now and was only 3500 when you declared.

To be fair if you want your stats vs. NERD to mean anything, you'll practically have to restart them from today on. I suppose you can count the 40-50 or so you were ahead of NERD before SCUM declared, but if you think anyone believes you've out-war'd NERD on a 5 or 6 to 1 basis, well you're deluding yourselves.

The real fun resumes now.

Xmach, not really up for argueing atm. But how can you say the stats from POWERS vs NERD since there was a 3 on 1, and a 2 on 1 are meaningless? Sure, they would have been easier than if it was still a 1 on 1. But theres members down there that would have been trying to defend their villages. POWERS still would have lost troops and nobles and will have still had to coordinated a bit against NERD.

This, now being a 1 on 1 will be fun to watch, and should be harder for POWERS now. But to say that what they have done so far is meaningless. Is just wrong. They still took a continent from NERD, just as NERD took a continent from SCUM.


True dat, Flip you're a silly boy, flaming the only NERD who agreed with us /facepalm!

Hai there Jester, you ready to play in a relaxed tribe yet? :icon_wink:



First, I have to admit this.....that is a funny picture. I can appreciate the comedy behind anything...even if it directed at us....

Just funny............I had a big laugh on that one!

Second.....a relaxed tribe? Which one?


All of those tribes fell ONCE the nerd core was in a position to fight on equal footing.

Why is it the NERD core being in a position to fight on an equal footing only ever arrives in timing with their enemy being gangbanged, coincidence is one thing but lets look at facts:

CHESS folded after pRo/SCUM/Ginger joined
SYN folded after 1nS4n3 joined
SCUM folded after 1nS4n3/R.L. joined

Seems to me like your 'equal footing' is actually the gangbang you did so protest a few months ago, win a war by yourself, hah!

The early powers captures as has been stated many times, were 95% or more FUR refugees and also mostly inactives

NERD did WIN our war against PSP, as that coalition no longer exists

1. The coalition didn't exist, several unbiased people contacted me aside from these forums exasperated at your insistance and agreed with me that there was indeed no real logic behind your linking the three tribes together since they all operated individually both diplomatically and operationally.

2. Had the PSP coalition existed you would still not have won right now since;
the first battle was rained off,
the second battle was a quick win with the help of let's say 'environmental conditions' surrounding the enemy,
the third battle is a long trench warfare in your back yard and you've already lost a whole county.

A month ago your side outnumbered NERD almost 4:1 in villages, and now even with the merger of KV you only outnumber us 3:2. So if you look at the war stats based on the total villages at war with nerd, you'd see NERD has shaved off 8k villages, while powers has shaved off, well 0, as NERD is 4300 villages now and was only 3500 when you declared.

NERD has roughly 100 members, that's 800 villages more than at the start of war, we've been at war for 3 months, 8 villages per member! Whoo go NERD!

Actually wait i think barbarians appear more frequently than that, at this rate you'll never beat the greys! :icon_rolleyes:

In addition xmach you might like to add the villages of ~SA~, -13D-, FIGHT!, etc. to NERD's side, seems the sort of bullshit logic you'd use and might get the Powers:NERD village ratios in your favour, all of these factors are of your doing I'm sure.

To be fair if you want your stats vs. NERD to mean anything, you'll practically have to restart them from today on. I suppose you can count the 40-50 or so you were ahead of NERD before SCUM declared, but if you think anyone believes you've out-war'd NERD on a 5 or 6 to 1 basis, well you're deluding yourselves.


Who owned it on the 22nd of October?

Who owns it now?

Which tribe lost an entire K without retaking more than 70, not even for a few seconds.

Subjective excuses vs. fact based excuses, i like to have both but the latter trumps the former when forced to choose.

The real fun resumes now.

You said something along that line when pRo undeclared over a month ago.

I think I'll tell my neighbour it'll rain tomorrow.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow I'll blame it on the sun and tell him once the sun goes in it's sure to rain.
If it doesn't rain on the night i think I'll tell him it was the winds fault and it's sure to pour the day after.
If it ever does rain I'll proclaim myself a weathermanperson (don't want to be accused of sexism here).
Seems a bit daft logic no?
Problem is xmach, i could still imagine you saying those things to your favourite camel day in day out even if you lived in the middle of the Sahara.
I'm sure you'd give the camel a little moisture injection once in a while since ludus9's gone inactive. :icon_wink:
I meant to ask you about that actually, is it called Hump purely from an aesthetic basis?

Nevermind seems I've gone off topic...

.....a relaxed tribe? Which one?

Dunno, I'll have an ask round my old haunt, they might tell me to shove off back to real life though. :icon_razz:
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I'm glad this'll finally be a 1 v 1. I'm waiting right on the front for all you NERDS. Om Nom Nom!


Kev, don't worry about argueing with him anymore. Everyone outside of NERD knows he talks a lot of crap, maybe even some of the members there who don't want to speak their mind. Some times hes right, but most of the time hes just talking crap or over exaggerating in the points he makes.

No offense intended to xmach.


ok i will end thisd conversation with 2 words for NERd: Shut up


several unbiased people contacted me aside from these forums exasperated at your insistance and agreed with me

Dude!!! I thought you were too old for imaginary friends? Do they have names? :)

to shove off back to real life though.

Aww, dude, please do:). Just because you quit (and joined the ranks of the lurkers) doesn't mean you have the right to bore us to death with loonnngggg posts like this. Or is this your new tactic to win this war:p?

When we win this war, I am going to ask Xmach and the NERD barons, if I can have the title, "The Flower Picker" or the "Hammer of the Flowers"? Na, 2nd one doesn't make sense. Back to the drawing board:(


Side 1:
Players: BlaKRaveN
Side 2:
Tribes: WONKA
Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1
Side 2: 1
Difference: 0

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 10,019
Side 2: 9,763
Difference: 256

Keep trying Blak. I don't think you deserve any.:icon_rolleyes:

Walls of Text was NERD's tactic. Its been working too! Check the war stats that has been thrown around 12 times. In Game fighting has been failing miserably for you.


Kev you're hilarious. You come up with every excuse and justification for why NERD wins its wars. Then you come up with excuse after excuse for why PSP failed, and why POWERS hasn't made ANY impact on NERD's growth. And you have the audacity to claim its NERD that comes up with excuses.

Several people ...wow really so since a few people agree with you, thats it, the end of discussion, nevermind the fact that you didn't name names, nor does 'several' people counterbalane the several TRIBES that obviously agreed with me/nerd.

As for the rest, all I gotta do is post the war stats of NERD vs POWERS/SCUM over the last month, but you'll ignore them because you only want to look at the ONE stat that is favorable to you/powers.

elementalite, saying "no offense" doesn't absolve you of the insults. And if everyone outside nerd believes that, then i'd like to know how it is that NERD has more and STRONGER pacts now then it did before the gangbang? Explain to me that one.


Side 1:
Tribes: Fruity

Side 2:
Tribes: NERD

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 318
Side 2: 55
Difference: 263


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,651,181
Side 2: 493,860
Difference: 2,157,321


There you go xmach...enjoy :icon_biggrin:


DJ, the forever time frame....
ill let this go down as your to lazy :)


Xmach, you're saying we've had no impact on NERD's growth? If Powers wasn't attacking NERD, NERD would have 2.1 million more points. If that's not considered an impact then there is something wrong with your head. It's like 1/20 of your entire points right now but that gives us 2 million more.

Again with the stupid NERD vs SCUM/Powers? Again let's put our wars together, even if you don't consider it a war. SCUM wasn't a war near the end, it was just attack inactives, sound like -13D- or FIGHT!?

Powers vs NERD/-13D-/FIGHT!

Side 1:
Tribes: Fruity

Side 2:
Tribes: NERD FIGHT! -13D-

Timeframe: 28/10/2009 00:05:00 to 07/02/2010 21:28:33

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 525
Side 2: 68
Difference: 457


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 4,262,451
Side 2: 606,931
Difference: 3,655,520


NERD vs SCUM/Powers

Side 1:
Tribes: Fruity
Players: Ewerks philk Insanity2Blood qawsedzxc123321 ludus9 scottm84 Roadkyl Mr..Yeti1 deathreapr5 muddshuvel Ninvil sepehrs SV Ostroski ryder360Adz oldman72 jon tilling die4mysins Hellraiser84 waffenTDR Diety James csnr satiletecannon1 ilkerbaser

Side 2:
Tribes: NERD

Timeframe: 28/10/2009 00:05:00 to 07/02/2010 21:28:33

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 533
Side 2: 388 + 42 (from Passionate Lover) = 430
Difference: 145


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 4,439,857
Side 2: 3,583,574
Difference: 856,283


So, as you can easily see xmach, even though yes you've been warring SCUM also, we've been putting more hits on you. You keep bitching about you also fighting SCUM. They put up hardly a fight for the duration of our war. They took 8 villages from you. If we really wanted to, we could throw a tantrum about ~SA~ "ganging" us while we're fighting you guys. So don't give me any crap about how you have sooooo much pressure when you only lost 8 villages. If you really need 3/4 of your war resources to noble inactives then you should go play Sim City.
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DJ, the forever time frame....
ill let this go down as your to lazy :)
Yeah im too lazy :icon_redface:

But in all honesty i think it has a few conquers difference on each side, nothing that makes a difference i dont think :icon_neutral:


Yeah im too lazy :icon_redface:

But in all honesty i think it has a few conquers difference on each side, nothing that makes a difference i dont think :icon_neutral:

I agree with DJ-slaphead.

The forever time frame is better. I think it only changes things by five villages or something.


So, as you can easily see xmach, even though yes you've been warring SCUM also, we've been putting more hits on you. You keep bitching about you also fighting SCUM. They put up hardly a fight for the duration of our war. They took 8 villages from you. If we really wanted to, we could throw a tantrum about ~SA~ "ganging" us while we're fighting you guys. So don't give me any crap about how you have sooooo much pressure when you only lost 8 villages. If you really need 3/4 of your war resources to noble inactives then you should go play Sim City.

Your stats put the full duration of the war from start of powers to end, yet you didn't add in pRo as they were involved for over a month? Want to manipulate your #'s some more? Cuz noone else here is buying it.

Then there's the part about SCUM only taking 8 villages from NERD??? Where the hell did you get that stat from? IT's completely false, SCUM took 243 villages from nerd, and Nerd took over 300 villages from SCUM (288) and detagged scum (30+).

Lets be honest, you're using FOREVER stats, and desperatly trying to keep them simply nerd and powers because your recent stats and your coalition stats were/are complete crap. And even more recently you got players getting banned using multiple accounts to defend against NERD, and your top leaders quitting left and right. Not to mention the revoloving door of new players taking over quitted accounts. Oh and lets not forget you had to merge in TWO TOP 15 TRIBES to keep your member base and village count up. Whoever it is you think you're fooling, you're not. The cracks are spreading in POWERS as i told your leaders they would.

Only be a matter of days now before POWERS starts whining about SA getting involved, even though it was POWERS merging in KV that caused it. I give Powers 2 months tops before its collapsed.


Your stats put the full duration of the war from start of powers to end, yet you didn't add in pRo as they were involved for over a month? Want to manipulate your #'s some more? Cuz noone else here is buying it.

Then there's the part about SCUM only taking 8 villages from NERD??? Where the hell did you get that stat from? IT's completely false, SCUM took 243 villages from nerd, and Nerd took over 300 villages from SCUM (288) and detagged scum (30+).

Lets be honest, you're using FOREVER stats, and desperatly trying to keep them simply nerd and powers because your recent stats and your coalition stats were/are complete crap. And even more recently you got players getting banned using multiple accounts to defend against NERD, and your top leaders quitting left and right. Not to mention the revoloving door of new players taking over quitted accounts. Oh and lets not forget you had to merge in TWO TOP 15 TRIBES to keep your member base and village count up. Whoever it is you think you're fooling, you're not. The cracks are spreading in POWERS as i told your leaders they would.

Only be a matter of days now before POWERS starts whining about SA getting involved, even though it was POWERS merging in KV that caused it. I give Powers 2 months tops before its collapsed.
Wow a tribe with all those troubles you've just stated and yet
Side 1:
Tribes: ~AS~

Side 2:
Tribes: NERD

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 318
Side 2: 55
Difference: 263


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,651,181
Side 2: 493,860
Difference: 2,157,321


Just how bad are NERD that they cant beat a tribe with such problems :icon_neutral:


Your stats put the full duration of the war from start of powers to end
The forever time frame is better. I think it only changes things by five villages or something.
Let me know if you want stacking Jester. :icon_wink:
yet you didn't add in pRo as they were involved for over a month?
Title of this thread, look at it.
Want to manipulate your #'s some more?
You add SCUM (your current other war/clean up), I'll add ~SA~/FIGHT!/-13D- (Powers current other wars/clean ups), fair?
You add pRo, I'll add Casino, PRIONS and every other tribe Powers was hitting for that month.

no-one else here is buying it.
Shame you're the main one trying to sell all this bullshit, at the end of the day it works both ways xmach.

You want to include other tribes then do the same for us it's a very simple and obvious concept being able to stand back and look at the situation from both points of views.

Besides which you never answered my question smexmach:

...is it called Hump purely from an aesthetic basis?