Wow show's how much you actually know...
1. my home k would be east k26/16
2. fear's core would be k17
3. there is nothing to breg about taking long range barbs.
4. or claiming victory cause you cleared a barb we defended as we knew you were coming
5. 2 villages and how many has darren taken from prime. lol
1/ wow this is west K25 near K15 so thats pretty much the same area then, and i am including the rest of your tribe eg. Lennenick, darrennelson, kip69 and the others that cannot protect their areas along with you. you are after all Fear? are you not and all of you have each thrown literally hundreds of Nukes at me each. It has taken all of you to stop my little intrusion after all, imagine what will happen when others in my tribe help me to attack you...
2/ you completely own K25 so if you don't consider it an area you can defend as a core K we will have an easier time at it than we though at first.
3/You dont seem to be able to do it in our areas so maybe there is, get rid of my villages on K25 if its not something to brag about, until then i will tell all of your weakness and inability to rid yourself of the nuisance.
4/ If i new you were coming you would not keep the village, it shows i can hit your tribes areas even when you know it and take what i want.
5/ of course he is going to take villages, i have taken villages bordering me also, do it from a distance of over two K's and i will be more impressed. tell me your coming first and i would be even more impressed if you held them.
As for me being late to reply, so what ...what does time have to do with it? The forums are not the most important thing in my life, and thats not even counting the fact that the forums were down for large periods.
the pen can be mightier then the swords at times but rest assured you'll feel both strike you down soon enough.
So you keep saying...
If your coming dont wait, i'm not going anywhere... just look to K44, if you can see that far.
think you also find with out the inactive wizzy account your numbers drop quite a bit there PBR
Yeah, i think you will find that we are fighting other tribes also, when we finish with them more forces will be bought to bear on what you have refered to as a small border so that we can expand our little war. We are as aware as you are that this war will last a long time and we also welcome this. Other tribes that war us are coping it much harder than you are and when we finish with them your tribe will face more of the force than you are now. Time is something we have a lot of mate and we have used battles of attrition to our advantage many times in the past to our success.