
Personally I don't hate you or anyone in game or in life our paths cross sometimes we follow the same way sometimes we confront each other before we can continue our separate ways.

Yeah, but you're a genuinely decent sort. You actually feel bad when you think you may have let your tribe down(which you didn't.. we just had nifty advance intel and you drew the shot straw). Many other sci players despise me.. mostly the leadership though as they are the ones I tear down all the time :p


Heh, it's a bit funny ... SCI say they won, R2-TRU disagree. I'm afraid you both lost, actually :).


I won, everything happened and turned out as I predicted(time frame doesn't mather).

Now we can all be happy.:D


Sci says they wont, R2-tru says that they havn't fallen yet.

We'll end up with that I won since everything happened as I predicted.:p


R2-TRU shook the world up, and went down with a bang. For a while, many of us believed that they had what it took to wipe out SCI. They went to war as real warriors should, and fell in battle as real warriors should. Yet, even now, they're still fighting under different tags.
They'll be remembered as a tribe should be remembered, and in that sense they've achieved a great victory.

SCIR0S, of course, are even more cocky now that they've gangbanged a tribe several times smaller than them, with the aid of their family and the remnants of a once widely-feared alliance. The slight increase in villages (Which ultimately means little, considering how many players SCI lost in total since the start of the war) and the morale boost from said cockyness is their victory.

In a sense, we're all winners.



This not directed at KK, just using KK's summary post with MHO

R2-TRU shook the world up, and went down with a bang.

Hoorah, it couldn't have happened to a nicer Tribe, my biased opinion is having had to deal with debethum (on a number of occasions over the years), he was a clown of the highest order if dealing with him from his prospective that 'my tribe is bigger than yours', POV

and before R2 jump on the high horse, this is my personal opinion, not SCIROS, I know in R2 they had good players, but I didn't count the leader as one of them.

For a while, many of us believed that they had what it took to wipe out SCI.

I think people fell for the Dizz and Matt show with bicky as the 'side-show' here!

They went to war as real warriors should, and fell in battle as real warriors should. Yet, even now, they're still fighting under different tags.

R2 did cry foul at first about 'you didn't tell us you where going to WAR on us'.

Yes, some did battle hard, but alas alot of the R2 active players just lost interest in the game, Frank, papa, graf, to name a few.

Now the ones that where left like matt, DJ, Bott and Daz, fair play they tried to carry on, but even they saw the light, i.e. run, run, run, or as TT said group, as KK says under a different TAG(s)

They'll be remembered as a tribe should be remembered, and in that sense they've achieved a great victory.

Victories maybe, but not against SCIROS.

Victory to SCIROS, other tribe (r2) is off the radar, FACT.

SCIR0S, of course, are even more cocky now that they've gangbanged a tribe several times smaller than them, with the aid of their family and the remnants of a once widely-feared alliance.

All I can say is from personal experience, I'm not party to Council discussions for strategy but what I can say is, where I am in K78, I and others I know locally get zero support from the family and allainces, i.e.
local SCIROS suppport local SCIROS,
backyard SCIROS support frontline SCIROS.

end of story to me, ask Daz about his OD he praises the fact that people support me, to raise his ODA, these troops are all SCIROS

The slight increase in villages (Which ultimately means little, considering how many players SCI lost in total since the start of the war) and the morale boost from said cockyness is their victory.

As Tesco moto in the UK says 'every little helps', so every conquered village is good.

As for cockyness, it goes hand in hand with denial, i.e both sides, produce cockyness and denial using stats, using hidden emails, 'you said' 'he said' rhetoric, basically its all propaganda, its why I read this stuff, it keeps it interesting!

In a sense, we're all winners.

Agreed, I like to read b*** on the forum, it makes me laugh!

and R2 are no more (in original state), ROFL and jumping for joy and the same time!


All I can say is from personal experience, I'm not party to Council discussions for strategy but what I can say is, where I am in K78, I and others I know locally get zero support from the family and allainces, i.e.
local SCIROS suppport local SCIROS,
backyard SCIROS support frontline SCIROS.

end of story to me, ask Daz about his OD he praises the fact that people support me, to raise his ODA, these troops are all SCIROS

Actually you couldn't have better illustrated a point for kustard. While you guys had to stack with hundreds and hundreds of def villages all over just against R2's smallest cluster you got allies to attack the other sides of the 2 larger clusters. I don't think there's anyone that believes Sci would've gotten very far into those larger clusters with only a 2:1 ratio vs. R2, and neither did Sci(thus all the sucking up to the LFKD).

I mean, are you trying to get W5 to believe that even if PKs and Sciova were sharing support with Scir0s that they'd send it to K78?


Actually you couldn't have better illustrated a point for kustard. While you guys had to stack with hundreds and hundreds of def villages all over just against R2's smallest cluster you got allies to attack the other sides of the 2 larger clusters. I don't think there's anyone that believes Sci would've gotten very far into those larger clusters with only a 2:1 ratio vs. R2, and neither did Sci (thus all the sucking up to the LFKD).

As I say, what goes on at the high echelons of the Council, is thier business if they organised support from other tribes good for them, if the PKs and others attacked other parts of R2, good for them.

All I know, as I'm probably navie, is that I placed support calls in the SCIROS forums and local players only sent in support, no PKs or SCI family just SCIROS.

if its called sucking up, then so be it.

I mean, are you trying to get W5 to believe that even if PKs and Sciova were sharing support with Scir0s that they'd send it to K78?

i dunno, I thought that's what people were implying that SCIROS was sharing tactics, strategy, troops, everything.

It is interesting though, I remember SB2 saying that he was awaiting support from his long range BNL chums at one point, but i guess this is OK as he was R2 not SCI


It is interesting though, I remember SB2 saying that he was awaiting support from his long range BNL chums at one point, but i guess this is OK as he was R2 not SCI
This SB2 you are talking about, who is he?


It is interesting though, I remember SB2 saying that he was awaiting support from his long range BNL chums at one point, but i guess this is OK as he was R2 not SCI

Doc I have one PA in BNL so don't try to equate a few thousand HC from a PA to SCI fam or PK fam...