Hello guys and girls,
My name is Tommy, a member of Panda playing the Tommeehh account.
I joined Panda when I had 800 points under the leadership of Superguy123. I have fought alongside this group of Panda's all the way up to rank 1, fighting in many wars and building strong bonds with many members (so I thought).
The problem here Tom is, that you never fought alongside your tribemates and allies.
All you did was find a co with great farming skills, bully everything and everybody into giving you free villas, en never really participated in war efforts till a few months ago. Yes you were ranked 1 in points once, but your OD rankings at the time were pathetic.
I had the highest ODA stats in Panda at the time of the Rabanda merge, and a large account.
Yes, you did gain a lot of ODA in no time, coz you did't use your troops in the past and Strannox dumped them on X.
IOW; your points came from 1 co, your OD from another. What came from little tommy? Nothing but a big mouth. (inserts funny picture, gets infraction...)
However, Tommeehh account has been inactive because I had exams (they went well), hence my big drop down the leaderboards over the past month or 2, but I still sent support to front-line and sent nukes when required, to Hidden with the help of Strannox, who helped play my account while I was revising and taking exams, although i have kicked him from the account now, as he sent all my troops long distance and send my 16k pp to 26 pointers (I got them back) without reason, apart from him quitting the game altogether.
The account went inactive coz you had exams, and your co-players left you, nobody wanted to take the sit. Perhaps coz nobody likez little tommy? Congratz on the exams, good to see you have your priorities straight. I have hit a lot of full D villas in your backline, so please don't say that you sent support to any front line what so ever.
We were doing well in the Hidden war. We knew they were struggling for gathering D and Rabid were closing in on Hidden to help us with the war anyway. A merge wasn't necessary to leave certain players for meat, but many Panda players were willing to sacrifice a few individuals for a solidified world win, and therefore jumped ships. I am being left behind because Garrock simply doesn't like my lol, fair enough Garrock, but I've done nothing bad to you except beat you to rank 1 spot earlier this world. oops.
You were not doing well in your war with X, you were getting your but kicked, and only beat them in barbling. There is no merge between Rabit and Panda; the few active peeps had a chat with Gar, and based on his judgment, some got invited. As for the reason you did not get an invite, I can only guess, but I think it is safe to assume, it is the same reason your co-players left you and nobody in panda vouched for you; people simply do not like loud mouth, bullying kids.
El Chacal takes the piss. We should have rimmed him as planned ages ago. He broke the 5 day grace period by nobling multiple villages of mine while I was offline, and hmm.. Garrock not gonna take action again? No kick? Nothing? No.
So panda planned to take me out ages ago? Why didn't you try? You asked me several times if you could have my villas for free. Waz the nr 1 afraid of losing some troops?
In the past El Chacal has taken liberties, including nobling villages off of Panda during the Rabid + Panda alliance, and he is known for being a great player and a serious wanker, as shown where he left Panda in a hissy fit after 1 large barb got nobled by a defensive player, yet Garrock does nothing about it. They're both 69ing the doody out of eachothers butt holes. All Panda/Ex-Panda hate El Chacal, and they're just waiting standing by rather than taking action. We should have rimmed him as we planned to do early game. Would have been so easy.
I have taken the liberty of nobling panda villas since I left panda, and was just by myself. (After I left coz my co duke felt the need to take a shit in my pants) You could have tried back than, but waz afraid, you could have tried after I joined Rabit, but was afraid. Funny that all those peeps that hate me, never attacked me. Some even applaud my actions against you, and thank me on skype.
I've gone through the reports of El Chacal's attacks, which he is still launching even now lol (cheers Garrock love u loads.. not). And it's as if he knows which of my villages are O and D. Everything seems a bit too good to be true. Garrock sat my account for 5 minutes around a week ago as it was a compulsory check for Rabanda merge which I thought I was in on, but the reason I'm not allowed in is for Garrock simply disliking me, so he didn't even need to sit me and I believe he informed Chacal of my troop counts in each of the villages near him, so I'd like tw to investigate that.
I am sure TW will investigate for you and will find out that you have a constipation issue.
When it comes to cheating, Gar is holier than the pope. Again, I hit a lot of D at home, why would that be?