Rate the person above you.


Maurice Salem

Points - 9.5/10
ODA - 8.5/10
Map - 8/10
Tribe - 10/10
Popularity - 7/10


Mr Nishi

Points: 6/10 -
ODA: 8/10
Map: 7/10 -
Tribe: 8/10
Popularity: 6/10

Uhmmm, no commentary, dude? Would have been nice reading something. Anyways, have to say that Nishi is pretty active on the forums and sometimes the dude's posts are funny. So popularity should be an 8 or 9 out of 10.


Uhmmm, no commentary, dude? Would have been nice reading something. Anyways, have to say that Nishi is pretty active on the forums and sometimes the dude's posts are funny. So popularity should be an 8 or 9 out of 10.

my bad then i don't really notice to names unless i already had contact with them...


Points: 3/10 - not active, only 14k point at this stage of the game is pretty bad ! but it seems every one around you have +/- points like you, maybe ur not encourage to grow anymore...
ODA: 2/10 very bad ! only 4k, maybe ur Odd can explain it...
Map: 5/10 - from what i see your surrounded by ur tribe mate and some of the big players around you are from different tribe
Tribe: 4/10 I personly don't have anything against Nerd but they have too much inactivity that the leaders should do some thing about them...
Popularity: 6/10 like i said i don't really focus on names that i don't know... sorry :icon_confused:


Uhmmm, no commentary, dude? Would have been nice reading something. Anyways, have to say that Nishi is pretty active on the forums and sometimes the dude's posts are funny. So popularity should be an 8 or 9 out of 10.

Mr Nishi is a woman. :icon_wink:



Points: 5/10 - could be a lot higher.
ODA: 7/10 - ditto. However, since your ODD is epic, I'm giving you a few extra points.
Map: 9/10 - nice amount of barbs, nice selection of noble targets.
Tribe: 7/10 - Fighting the most popular tribe in this world and not dead yet, although I think could have represented yourself a little bit better in the forums. I'm referring to that 'NERD declares victory on Gentle' thread.
Popularity: 8/10 - But only when you aren't talking about NERD/Chess. :icon_biggrin: Joking.

Don't hit meh... :icon_cry:

BlaKRaveN Avatar - 20/20 !!!! :icon_biggrin:


Maurice Salem

Points: 9.5/10 very good. number 4
ODA: 6/10 OD Attack Rank: 49. (187,688 score) should be higher
Map: 7/10 some decent targets.
Tribe: 9/10 good average points per player
Popularity: i dont rate but ill give you an overall instead.

overall 7.875 (its just math)overall i would rank the number 4 player higher


Rating brehmer >.>

1. Points : 8/10. He's ranked 141
2. ODA : 8/10 Ranked 113 in ODA, so he seems willing to attack.
3. Positioning on the MAP : 5/10 No comments on this
4. Tribe : They have 289 members, but are 1 and 2 in ODA and ODD, respectively. Ranked 6 so they get 7/10
5. Popularity : ?/10. Don't know his popularity



1.Points:7/10. You are in a K quite close to the middle of the world with an experienced player close to you(Hob) so you are doing quite well.
2.ODA: 8/10. You oda is above your points, so you have been attacking. Thing is I don't know if there are any targets to clear and judging by your map that's a no so:)
3.PotM: !!!/10 Ehm are you and Hob friends?:p
4.Tribe: 10/10 Like the name, reminds me of w6 STD:)
5.Popularity:-/- Wouldn't know


I can find you on the world. Alias?

1. Points : 6/10. 3.291, not bad for your location
2. ODA : 3/10 22.873, WAAAAAAAY too high for your size, you should be saving your troops untill later!
3. Positioning on the MAP : 8/10 on the rim, always fun there and you also twice the size of everyone else.
4. Tribe : 7/10 (o_O) ok tribe i guess, but isnt Ginger giving them a hard time?
5. Popularity : 2/10. Havnt seen much of you.

I will edit this when/if i find out what account your on.
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Points: 360 - Finally someone is not a pointwhore, 10/10
ODA: 0 - Smart man, don't waste your nukes this early, 10/10
ODD: 537 - 1.5 times his points, might be a turtle... 2/10
Position: Right in the heart of the Outer Core, very strategically positioned, perhaps I shall recruit him... 9/10
Tribe: None - He gets some points for being smart enough not to join most of the tribes in this world... 7/10
Popularity: Never heard of him, 0/10

Overall: 6.5/10



Points: 360 - Finally someone is not a pointwhore, 10/10
ODA: 0 - Smart man, don't waste your nukes this early, 10/10
ODD: 537 - 1.5 times his points, might be a turtle... 2/10
Position: Right in the heart of the Outer Core, very strategically positioned, perhaps I shall recruit him... 9/10
Tribe: None - He gets some points for being smart enough not to join most of the tribes in this world... 7/10
Popularity: Never heard of him, 0/10

Overall: 6.5/10

emmm i belive you should rate me ;p i am above you :icon_cool:



1 Points: 8/10 .. stable
2 ODA: 9/10 .. nice
3 Position on the map : 7/10 .. it's kk
4 Tribe: 6/10 .. bit active
5 Pop: 7/10 .. heard from you
6 nice avatars

i smoke to much
give me a sig lol
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black bean

Points: 9/10 - you're the biggest guy in the surrounding 8 15x15s
ODA: 9/10 - for your size, even too big. I hope you didn't catch some nasty turtle disease.
Map position: 8/10 - hopefully they'll grow, cause currently noble targets look relatively slim compared to you, other than that nice area for farming :)
Tribe: N/A
Popularity: N/A - first time I see your name around here, probably not the last :)