Rate the player above


Player: Ares Kratos God of War

Points: 6/10 With that area of yours makes me think your pointwhoring.
Area: 1/10 Another horrible area made worse by tribemates in your 7x7.
Tribe: 3/10 Only good thing of note is the high OD for tribe.
OD: 4/10 You need more OD so start clearing some of those pointwhores in your area and start farming.
Forum presence: 3/10 From what I can remember of your posts you don't really argue well and make some noobish statements.

IGN: korttiapina

Thanks a lot for your rating!
Even though I doubt some things you're saying here... just an example:

Start farming: I microfarmed a lot, but if you don't get haul, you start just sending bigger amounts to the villages which DOES gives you something...

[h=5]Plunderer (Bronze - Level 2)[/h] You have already plundered other villages 741 times!
Next level: Plunder other villages 1.000 times!

So I am farming, just not as micro as before ;)
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i'm not sure who is supposed to be rated next here if anyone would like to enlighten me as i am a bit tired and confused.

i am playing Kinky Muffinz in game if anyone wants to rate me :p


I was skipped over .

Kinky Muffinz:
points: 10/10 - nice size - not sure how troops reflect with points due to low ODA
area: 3/10 - poor noble targets/farms
tribe: 10/10 - seem durable ;)
OD: 3/10 - low, could have a lot more farms

EFF U baron of war


points: 8/10 - good size
area: 5/10 - still seems to be a few players in the area for decent famrs/targets
tribe: 8/10 - Average member count seems to be going good from the outside will be interesting to see how they go against the larger tribes in k44
OD: 9/10- nice OD shows your not hugging

ingame: howboutdat
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Points 8.1/10 - academy at 3400pt not to bad of build
area 7.8/10 - tribemate close by you good and bad
tribe 3.7/10 - to many members in k56 but not a horrendous tribe could be worse.
OD 0/10 - Way to high for this stage unless you cleared a noble target then still to high. I say you need to cut back on it. Rank 35 oda wow I kill myself if I was that high in oda this early.
Forum presences: 6/10 Honestly don't know you really but you seem to have a bit of posts so I guess not to bad

ign: farmer clown


farmer clown

Points: 9/10 top 100 nice work
Area: 7/10 farming area isnt greatest but definitely dominating your area
Tribe: 9/10 decent enough premade
OD: 8/10 pretty nice, obviously not ready to noble so no need to be getting od yet
Forum: N/A i dont know anyone here yet

S U Stephens


S u stephens isnt an ign, assuming you're s u stephen

points 7/10 too early to really tell, but growth seems consistent
area 7/10 too early again
tribe 5/10 seem mass recruity
OD 7/10 again, too early
forum presence idk/10


Damnit, the one time I go and do this you don't post your ingame name.


It's the same as my forum name, if someone doesn't post their ign that's the assumption.


Alright shhh :p

Points: 8/10 Not bad, but with the amount of farms you have around you, you should be way higher.
Area: 9/10 Lots of farms and a couple of noble targets ready for you to take.
Tribe: 4/10 Small tribe - if you're close together it might work.
OD: 8/10 Good size ODA, but I'd expect nothing else from your area.
Forum: 19 posts? Not much to see here,

IGN: EndlessArmada


IGN: EndlessArmada

Points: 6/10 knowing you've been around for a long time it is just bad only top 500
Area: 4/10 with a quick look noticed 2 tribes mates in 15×15 one who is bigger than you, just bad.
Tribe: 7/10 Durx still here, not bad, nothing special either.
OD: 5/10 Way too much ODA...
Forum: 10/10 you try to contribute with your maps kudos for that.


Points: 0/10
Area: 0/10
Tribe: 0/10 - all noobs
OD: 0/10
Forum: a nobody.