Rate the Player


Points: who cares, 100k must be doing alright 8/10

Location: morale must suck, apart from that, little spread out for my personal liking but still... 7/10

Tribe: same tribe 6/10

OD: your area is a wasteland pretty much, your OD shows why 9/10



Points: 9/10- Started on the 19th and already in Top 10.
Location: 7/10- Little crowded for my taste and your not really clustered.
Opt. Def: 6/10- Your sheer size, you would think you would have had to clear something worthwhile. just looks as if you've been picking easy fight's. 10k ODD doesn't really show signs of defending or knowing how to :p
FORK: 7/10 seen better, seen worse at the same time. we have a love hate realtionship but eh i wont be biased :lol:

Rawr Mode-
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If I may respond...

Points: 9/10- Started on the 19th and already in Top 10.

Thank you :) Little surprised myself but I am the (relative) new guy co-ing on the account

Location: 7/10- Little crowded for my taste and your not really clustered.

Bit of a longer term goal in the way of clusters, you have to build them around worthy noble targets which are further afield (watch this space)

Opt. Def: 6/10- Your sheer size, you would think you would have had to clear something worthwhile. just looks as if you've been picking easy fight's. 10k ODD doesn't really show signs of defending or knowing how to :p

If people don't attack you and you consider dodging a viable early game strategy for those that do.... I would like to think I defend better than most :)

FORK: 7/10 seen better, seen worse at the same time. we have a love hate realtionship but eh i wont be biased


If no one responds soon I will rate you :)


Points: As previous rating 8/10

Location: Hmm since the tribe change/issues makes for more fun though Southern expansion looks tasty... 8/10

OD: As previous rating a wasteland 9/10

Tribe: Hmm all a bit messy I would say... 4/10

Someone rate Deez....




Points: 7/10 it's decent for your start. Bit like me
OD: 9/10 Very good. Took out competition to get your villages, like that. Also, same OD like me :/
Tribe: 6/10 Looking good, though wonder how they will do.. world's still young.
Location: 5/10 Youre a bit surrounded by your tribe mates.. but I guess you find a way.


might watch ghostrider i decided to teach her how to play like me in w34 :icon_biggrin:



Points:6/10 your growth isn't that great since start date.
Location:6/10 dont really have a good cluster.
Opt. Def:9/10 for your point's your OD is really good but show's you've lost alot. so slowed growth by alot as you can tell.
Tribe:7/10 rooting for them asfar as in the top 10-20 rankings :p

IGN: Rawr Mode
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Rawr Mode

Points: 8/10 grown considerably since the last time i rated him, 7 is cause, compared to other players in his K hes above the slackers, but still under the dedicated.
Location: 7/10 Location again the clustering rawr mode has made, has left him with to many church villages for my personal liking.
OD: 10/10 ODT (oda/odd) is exxelent for his size, shows hes an aggressive player, but can hold his own if need be.
Tribe: 9/10 Best choice him and the fellow gbears players have done imo, ridden themselves of strangling and boxing in, now they have every way of expanding.

IGN: I Want Milk


I Want Milk
Points: 8/10 only cause you nobled a few lower point villages but you are the 3rd highest player in the K so good job ^_^
Location: 7/10 you have a lot of tribe members around you but thats not always a bad thing
OD: 8/10 nice ODA and not a lot of ODD
Tribe: 9/10 looks like you guys have a good hold on the K and a lot of good members

im coplaying marcous da black


marcous da black

Points- 6/10- Assume you started on par with everyone else you are rank 300.
Location- Sucks! You seem to be swamped by your tribe. Perhaps, to some the security is nice. My advice now start some other clusters.
OD- 3/10- Nothing fantastic. Looks like just enough to get the job done.
Tribe- 5/10- No idea. Looks like run of mill continent tribe. 147 villages in k33. DBB Rank 14.

Overall- 5/10. Look like a role player in a solid tribe.


marcous da black

Points- 6/10- Assume you started on par with everyone else you are rank 300.
Location- Sucks! You seem to be swamped by your tribe. Perhaps, to some the security is nice. My advice now start some other clusters.
OD- 3/10- Nothing fantastic. Looks like just enough to get the job done.
Tribe- 5/10- No idea. Looks like run of mill continent tribe. 147 villages in k33. DBB Rank 14.

Overall- 5/10. Look like a role player in a solid tribe.

you just started angus, not really worth rating you yet bud, hmu on skype later anyways :icon_confused:

Rawr Mode


Rawr Mode

Points: 9/10 Rank 21. You're doing something right
Location: 8/10 I'm sure you have ALOT of space to grow now ^^
OD: 9/10 Doing great. Aggresive enough, and you like trolling people, so I suppose that works out well.
Tribe: 7/10 A great tribe with pretty much 100% elite players. But since it's a BIT new, and near the Rim, I took some points away. But I'm sure you'll prove me wrong ;)

Overall: 8.5/10. Very solid player. Enjoys to troll people, but hey, that's more fun for people that are on the sides! :)


booo I want a rating!

It isn't to early compare me to the K haha.


Rawr Mode

Points: 9/10 Rank 21. You're doing something right
Location: 8/10 I'm sure you have ALOT of space to grow now ^^
OD: 9/10 Doing great. Aggresive enough, and you like trolling people, so I suppose that works out well.
Tribe: 7/10 A great tribe with pretty much 100% elite players. But since it's a BIT new, and near the Rim, I took some points away. But I'm sure you'll prove me wrong ;)

Overall: 8.5/10. Very solid player. Enjoys to troll people, but hey, that's more fun for people that are on the sides! :)


Points: 6/10 slow growth
Location : 7/10 hope u can survive altough u have good position to defend
Tribe: -
overal 6.5 Enjoy the game :)


Nuke on Fire

Points: 9/10 You're in the top 20. Like Rawr, you're doing something right.
Location: 8/10. Your clustering is great; you took the optimal villages and spread them out well enough. You also have some villages you can take and some villages you can grow. Although this means more churches for you, I'm sure at this point where you have alot of villages you're spreading them out well enough.
Tribe: 7/10 For the same reasons stated above in Rawr's evaluation.
OD: 8/10 I don't know where to go with this. Your OD shows that you can hold your ground, and destroy your opponents; that much is true. But since you are rank two, with ALOT of OD, I'm assuming you also took alot of losses. You had to fight to get to your spot; that's disadvantageous to you. Obviously, that left you with no problems, but still ^^

Overall: 8.5/10 I look foward to seeing TBH grow


I'd love to see an opinion on myself. Though I cannot rate anyone at the moment, rather busy.

Rate Klaus Heissler
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