This is for punch, g.khan, win, and whoever wants to see and help take down |RAW|
So I'm taking a differant tactic.. the problem with scouting is it telepaths you next attack.
but a previous incomming attack gives you almost as much intel as scouting.the upside of knowing where the nukes are without scouting is that it makes your fakes more efficient.
as you can fake the d to keep it home or you can fake the o to pull the d away.. so with this in mind Iam going to post actual attack reports from RAW members to me and my mates.these reports show, full nuke villages.. defense. Villages. speacialized villages.. wouldn't it be coo to know where a full scouting village is,or a village that has 1000 cats built in it.. I have the reports of where those villages are.. I'm posting them here at 18:00 server time today...
So I'm taking a differant tactic.. the problem with scouting is it telepaths you next attack.
but a previous incomming attack gives you almost as much intel as scouting.the upside of knowing where the nukes are without scouting is that it makes your fakes more efficient.
as you can fake the d to keep it home or you can fake the o to pull the d away.. so with this in mind Iam going to post actual attack reports from RAW members to me and my mates.these reports show, full nuke villages.. defense. Villages. speacialized villages.. wouldn't it be coo to know where a full scouting village is,or a village that has 1000 cats built in it.. I have the reports of where those villages are.. I'm posting them here at 18:00 server time today...