Rejoin w16 in LSHRV


I was in LSHRV a while ago but i quit. As you can see i used to be called el cihad. I was wondering if there was anyone i could co-play with or any accounts going inactive? If so please could you let me know because i would like to get back into the action again.
IS CBK or alexhol still going? If so you know who i am. (The second el cihad!)
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I was in LSHRV a while ago but i quit. As you can see i used to be called el cihad. I was wondering if there was anyone i could co-play with or any accounts going inactive? If so please could you let me know because i would like to get back into the action again.
IS CBK or alexhol still going? If so you know who i am. (The second el cihad!)

Mentioning Alex might not have been the best idea :icon_wink:

Welcome back though, and I hope LSHRV will find a place for you :)


Um, no thanks

I hear C² takes in quitters. I'm sure they can accomodate. :)


Eddie, mentioning me means youve got no chance in LSHRV, they nobled me out for being a spy (which i wasnt), also, if you get one in Sunny, expect to be nobled out soon for being a "rubbish player with 1 million points"


So im trying to get one in either Plight, BANG! or C2. Ive messaged BANG! and Plight, if theres no answer/i dont get an account from either, i will go for C2.


Um, no thanks

I hear C² takes in quitters. I'm sure they can accomodate. :)

Why are you rejecting experienced players that want to join your tribe? LSHRV needs the new players, so that you can focus on C2, and not inactives like you have been for the past year im guessing.


Eddie, mentioning me means youve got no chance in LSHRV, they nobled me out for being a spy (which i wasnt), also, if you get one in Sunny, expect to be nobled out soon for being a "rubbish player with 1 million points"

2 things. Its Dylan :) And Why did they noble you out??? Thats a bit mean lol :icon_eek:


He wasn't doing a thing to help the tribe nor was he following any instructions,its a bit mean but if you bring these things on yourself you've got no one else to blame!

Hope you find a tribe that wants you el cihad and get to enjoy this world again


Hey el, It might be better to contact the higher ranking people in LSHRV directly and let them decide. Gammy has made his opinion clear, but LSHRV is a democratic tribe as far as I'm concerned. Worth a shot anyway.


2 things. Its Dylan :) And Why did they noble you out??? Thats a bit mean lol :icon_eek:

They originally stated that he was a spy, when this was pretty much disproved they suddenly started saying he wasn't contributing and therefore deserved to be nobled out.


to be honest i'd have rimmed him if i was in his tribe and he was shown to be contributing nothing to the major war going on and failing to help when directly asked to...


to be honest i'd have rimmed him if i was in his tribe and he was shown to be contributing nothing to the major war going on and failing to help when directly asked to...

Haza you were in his tribe, sort of. Its well known that you sit accounts in LSHRV


so much for C2 not spying on LSHRV then eh? way to ruin all those we dont use spies comments by MK :icon_razz:

yea i sat ttoommoo, i was asked to whilst they internally nobled him. pretty simple really. thats the only account ive sat as well, so where you got the plural from is beyond me :icon_rolleyes:


so much for C2 not spying on LSHRV then eh? way to ruin all those we dont use spies comments by MK :icon_razz:

yea i sat ttoommoo, i was asked to whilst they internally nobled him. pretty simple really. thats the only account ive sat as well, so where you got the plural from is beyond me :icon_rolleyes:

What MK said was that we don't have spies. He never said we would ignore information passed along to us.


if someone passes along information thats spying, whether you organised it or not...

Neither Kreamer nor Robonot gave priviliged information or offered to spy for us. If that's what they wanted, do you think they would have moved to C² and deal with all this fallout?

and if the only 2 that moved to C2 didnt give that information to you as MK claims then it must have come from inside, which is spying :icon_wink:


Thanks for the offer, but we decline. Please do not mail us any inside information on LSHRV, and please realise that we will not use any information that does get sent.

As far as C² is concerned, this is a war between C² and LSHRV. We want to fight it without spying, outside information or external interference (even if it benefits us). That's the best way to ensure everyone gets as much entertainment out of it as possible. We want to be proud of our accomplishments, not have them handed to us by if we need information, we'll get it the hard way :)

heres MK saying he would never use any information sent to him.... which you just said that he never said.... so if your not spying and your not being passed information because you would never use any that was sent to you anyway... how did you know that i sat an account in LSHRV? as theres no way for you to get that info "the hard way" :icon_rolleyes:

i think you just slipped up adam :icon_cool:


if someone passes along information thats spying, whether you organised it or not...

No, it's not. I have many skills, but "unreading" things is not one of them.

and if the only 2 that moved to C2 didnt give that information to you as MK claims then it must have come from inside, which is spying :icon_wink:
Once again, please tell me how I'm supposed to automatically forget things that are sent to me. Do you expect me to whack myself over the head with a frying pan every time I don't like the contents of a mail? :icon_razz:

heres MK saying he would never use any information sent to him.... which you just said that he never said.... so if your not spying and your not being passed information because you would never use any that was sent to you anyway... how did you know that i sat an account in LSHRV? as theres no way for you to get that info "the hard way" :icon_rolleyes:

If someone sent us operational information that was usable (e.g. an op target, someone who went red, etc), I'd forward it to LSHRV immediately and let them deal with the rat.

If someone sends us non-specific information (e.g. "Gammy is an idiot" or "Did you know Haza is sitting one of our guys?") that can't possibly offer us any advantage, I'm fine with that.

And lo and behold, that's exactly what I said I'd do since the start of the war. Unsolicited mail that offers no advantage to us whatsoever is not spying, and I'm not going to hang a guy out to dry for making small-talk. I speak to various people in LSHRV on a regular basis because I like them, do you honestly expect me to copy Gammy, Salvkas and CBK on every mail? They'll hear from us when someone says something that affects them.

i think you just slipped up adam :icon_cool:
Between you and the rest of your LSHRV brethren, you're the only ones :icon_wink:
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so by your own admission you are spying then?

dictionary said:

–verb (used without object)
to observe secretively or furtively with hostile intent (often fol. by on or upon ).
to act as a spy; engage in espionage.
to be on the lookout; keep watch.
to search for or examine something closely or carefully.
–verb (used with object)
to catch sight of suddenly; espy; descry: to spy a rare bird overhead.
to discover or find out by observation or scrutiny (often fol. by out ).
to observe (a person, place, enemy, etc.) secretively or furtively with hostile intent.
to inspect or examine or to search or look for closely or carefully.

the dictionary (in particualr the bits i bolded) states that that is spying whether you organised it or if someone simply sent it to you, just by reading it. :icon_cool:

you can also stop reading and delete things if it looks like it has operational material inside it so that you can fight your fair war... its really not that hard, i deleted some mail just today... :icon_rolleyes:

so no i think you'll find that i havent slipped up at all :icon_wink: