if someone passes along information thats spying, whether you organised it or not...
No, it's not. I have many skills, but "unreading" things is not one of them.
and if the only 2 that moved to C2 didnt give that information to you as MK claims then it must have come from inside, which is spying :icon_wink:
Once again, please tell me how I'm supposed to automatically forget things that are sent to me. Do you expect me to whack myself over the head with a frying pan every time I don't like the contents of a mail? :icon_razz:
heres MK saying he would never use any information sent to him.... which you just said that he never said.... so if your not spying and your not being passed information because you would never use any that was sent to you anyway... how did you know that i sat an account in LSHRV? as theres no way for you to get that info "the hard way" :icon_rolleyes:
If someone sent us operational information that was usable (e.g. an op target, someone who went red, etc), I'd forward it to LSHRV immediately and let them deal with the rat.
If someone sends us non-specific information (e.g. "Gammy is an idiot" or "Did you know Haza is sitting one of our guys?") that can't possibly offer us any advantage, I'm fine with that.
And lo and behold, that's
exactly what I said I'd do since the start of the war. Unsolicited mail that offers no advantage to us whatsoever is not spying, and I'm not going to hang a guy out to dry for making small-talk. I speak to various people in LSHRV on a regular basis because I like them, do you honestly expect me to copy Gammy, Salvkas and CBK on every mail? They'll hear from us when someone says something that affects them.
i think you just slipped up adam :icon_cool:
Between you and the rest of your LSHRV brethren, you're the only ones :icon_wink: