Remembering What Matters


So for the fourth day in a row, I have been destroying my room, throwing my television against the wall, ripping up my coursework which I have spent hours upon hours working on, and then screaming at anyone who dares knock on my room to ask what the matter is. Yes, even The Great 1One1 has his limits. If it makes people happy, I'll say that it was due to me losing 0.0267% of my points from cats.

I thought about maybe trying to channel my pent-up aggression in a more suitable manner. I was gonna call up a few mates so we can go down to the pub, get drunk and then get into a drunken fist-fight, but I remembered I had reached my overdraft limit, so drinks were out of the question. So then I thought I might try and rescue some of the coursework I destroyed, but my head just isn't in the right place to concentrate. I need to channel my aggression in some sort of way...but how? I have no weed so I can't chillax. I need to maybe do something aggressive, but at the same time, non-violent. But I don't want to have to face the repercussions of my actions in the morning, so where can I go where I can rant all I want, and not have to worry about the consequences? Right here of course.

Now, I have to decide a couple of things. First of all, I have to figure out who I want to flame. Then I have to decide why I want to flame them. Well, the who is easy, the couple of weeks, I have only been flaming one set of people; the Deus boys. Now, the for the more enjoyable part. I will start off with a quote from someone who has, over the last couple of months, has pushed him up my ranks of most hated players. This was from a couple months back when our mini-feud first started:

Now Mr.Holmes, in preparation for my flame fest, I decided to actually look you up on TW stats. My first surprise was that you, much like me, have had a name change. The second thing I noticed, when looking at your conquerers, that out of your 837 ennoblements in your W24 career, you have failed to make a single war nobling. When you look at the Garuda/Deus wars, you can include the likes of Kinky, TUFF (or were they Kings' enemy?), Xp F., VG, Manic, S²ORM F., Res, Soa and some others. Why is it that despite your complaints that no one has come after you to give you some ODD, you haven't decided to go to them to get some?

But maybe you can be forgiven somewhat because of your location. For the Manic war, I made a cluster 200 hours away from my main cluster and got into the top 15 of that continent, for my tribe, so I can help the war with Manic. So you must be nobling barbs to get closer to the enemy, right?


The only pitiful attempt that you have made to get closer to the enemy were a few K88 noblings. These started after Manic imploded and ceased before the S²ORM war got under way. I guess you were too scared to get any closer to the frontline. Happy to sit safe, 2 or 3 continents away? Happy to brag about your nukes on me? Yes, the nukes that have been sitting around for the past 6 months? You finally got a reason to send them, but it's ok, because you're not on frontline. You can send them, because you don't have to worry about any sort of retaliation. You are a player who does very little for your tribe. All you care about is getting your name on the dom map twice. That's all you bothered about. Your rank. Deus full of 1337 players? Pfft. There have been several examples of incompetant players in Deus and I have just given you an example of a selfish one too. =RedFox= is not even close to an ideal piece in any jig-saw. The points are the only thing keeping RedFox in the tribe, despite claims from KK and his puppeteer, Rukoh, that points mean squat.

Things you should know about Deus

1) If you flame Deus and they don't reply with a smart-ass comment, it means you have out-smarted them. They don't shut up unless they really can't figure out something to say. Don't try getting them to admit any failures; it's like drawing blood from a stone.

2) They don't like S²ORM because we recruit everyone. Deus war their way to all their success. That's why every single member of S²ORM are war-torn players and half of Deus are like =RedFox= in that they have never nobled an enemy village. Yes, Deus, you are full of elite players :icon_rolleyes:

3) They claim that family tribes are a dishonourable way to win the world. That really means that they know that S²ORM are going to win the world.

4) According to KK, it is ok to deliberately cause as much chaos to your friend and then demand that he/she should not get annoyed because you should be allowed to "fix it". I'm gonna shoot my friend's puppy and then fix it by paying the vet costs.

Ok enough rambling, I really can't be bothered to carry on. I did plan to ramble on a little more but I have run out of steam. But I do have on more thing left to say. One of my favourite movies of all time is Trainspotting. For me, it contains the greatest monologue ever filmed. I have edited it to make it suitable for these forums:

My choice is to quit tribal wars....for real this time. I have given up many things; class A drugs, television (the only television I have watched in the last eight years are the football, the news, and occasionally any special event), fast food and even some of my friends who were just messing up my life. Tribal Wars is a dangerous game. The first four days of war, I was either online, or I was asleep. I missed three days worth of lectures and I also missed the chance to get back with my ex. The game almost took too much priority over me in June; around the ime of my exams. Luckily I did just enough to get a first.

Yes, I have quit once already and came back. Last time, I didn't really want to quit. Things were going great for me at the time and I only wanted to quit to have more time for other things...which kinda blew up on me. Now I have hit a low and I am removing everything from my life that has the potential to bring me down in the future. One of those things is Tribal Wars. I will be on skype for a couple more hours and then I will delete it. I would delete my W24 account as well, but that would be too much of a kick in the teeth to some of the S²ORM guys.

I got some time away from my family long enough to check the forums this Thanksgiving, and I find a bunch of flame. Not just from Gopie, but from a lot of people.

It's aggravating beyond reason to see arguments which lose their original point and digress into nothing but a contest of who can word their insults the most cleverly.

I, for one, am sick of it.

Say goodbye, then shut the hell up. I'll even start an example below:

See ya, Gopie. Look forward to a few Skype chats with you sometime.


Goodbye TG1, I have only spoken with you a few times but you appeared to be a very good bloke and you're PnP has always been interesting to read.


*SLAP YA!!! *


When your just at the wrong place at the wrong moment

HAHAHAHAHA omg i had to watch that over loike 5 times before i seen the guy in the black reach around behind him and hit him.. here i just thought he snapped for no appearant reason.. frikin awsome :p

zelous 2

HAHAHAHAHA omg i had to watch that over loike 5 times before i seen the guy in the black reach around behind him and hit him.. here i just thought he snapped for no appearant reason.. frikin awsome :p

ive seen that one b4, but ur right, i still had to watch it like 5 more times.


this is a game, (lol) jesus man, you dont bring your personal life into this and try to get some tears, talk to your mother, wife or teddy bear for sympathy or whatever it is your doing.

man up dude!