Hello all,
It's 18 days till world 42 wraps up it's been a long wild ride.At the insistence of the Llama who coplays my account,who btw is at the vet getting checked out (he thinks he picked up something from an alpaca he picked up hitchhiking ) I am creating this thread for any and all who played w42 at anytime or in any tribe to post their most memorable stories or happenstances from world 42 be it facepalm moments to moments that they think shaped or greatly influenced the happenings of w42, or maybe even to pay homage to tribemates or enemies past. World 42 I salute you let the bullsh....err storytelling commence.
GROOOOOO!! That means salute or pass the penicillin... I'm calling it salute.
It's 18 days till world 42 wraps up it's been a long wild ride.At the insistence of the Llama who coplays my account,who btw is at the vet getting checked out (he thinks he picked up something from an alpaca he picked up hitchhiking ) I am creating this thread for any and all who played w42 at anytime or in any tribe to post their most memorable stories or happenstances from world 42 be it facepalm moments to moments that they think shaped or greatly influenced the happenings of w42, or maybe even to pay homage to tribemates or enemies past. World 42 I salute you let the bullsh....err storytelling commence.

GROOOOOO!! That means salute or pass the penicillin... I'm calling it salute.
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