

Hello all,
It's 18 days till world 42 wraps up it's been a long wild ride.At the insistence of the Llama who coplays my account,who btw is at the vet getting checked out (he thinks he picked up something from an alpaca he picked up hitchhiking ) I am creating this thread for any and all who played w42 at anytime or in any tribe to post their most memorable stories or happenstances from world 42 be it facepalm moments to moments that they think shaped or greatly influenced the happenings of w42, or maybe even to pay homage to tribemates or enemies past. World 42 I salute you let the bullsh....err storytelling commence.



GROOOOOO!! That means salute or pass the penicillin... I'm calling it salute.
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I don't know if I could come up with just one story or experience that I enjoyed the most here. I think I most enjoyed the Skype Chats in Dos-X and the joint drunk chat with ModWar. Especially on the weekends.


I remember there was a line I wasn't supposed to cross, but I don't remember where it is.


Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk

If it's and but's were candy and nuts ......... Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda



WOW maybe they should remove this thread as the overwhelming amount of responses could damage the servers :icon_eek:


I miss the fact that this was my first world :( I miss co-playing kankles for a while and being part of those awesome Dos tribe chats :D
Kinda sad to see this world end :S


The skype chats in Dos were what made this world for me i think, was gutted i had to quit this world.


My favorite time of the world had to be when Bio! first declared. Honestly, I hadn't ever lead nor was I any sort of player with any past experience worth mentioning. I hadn't ever defended anything more than 50 odd incoming and got thrown a sit with 2k incoming and had no idea what to do. Was a great experience to meld me as a player. All about me, right? Nope. What was really great was not really knowing what to do (only myself, we had experienced leaders elsewhere) but a few of us pulling a tribe together to form one of the power houses of the world. Was honestly great seeing a ragtag bunch of rimrats give the world a good 1-2 to the chin. The things I'd give to pull together another run with some of the players of that time :).


W42 was a place I made alot of friends...the most memorable moment was keeping Nyuk from removing me from their back yard and fighting non stop back to back with my tribemates at the time...Most fun...I also enjoyed my trip around the world...there was not one main area of the world I had not fought in/from....albeit I never made any true impact it was fun not to die till the end.


Arith, MonI, LG and the whole Nyuk team. Probably my most favourite world ever on tw, thanks to Nyuk. Definitely the greatest tribe ever for me.

Thankyou guys, and a special big thankyou to Arith who basically taught me how to play on here.

Also, well played KTA, DosX and ModWar. Some Damn good wars.


Meh, this world wasn't won, so I can't say I'll remember most of the people at the end in a very fond manner.

However, I did meet some people that I've become very good friends with here, and as Arith said, the Bio! days were fun, taking on the world and whatnot.


Meh, this world wasn't won, so I can't say I'll remember most of the people at the end in a very fond manner.

However, I did meet some people that I've become very good friends with here, and as Arith said, the Bio! days were fun, taking on the world and whatnot.

Bitter to the end


This was definitely a fun world for me, best times were landing Jill's op on T I think it was probably going back a couple of years, nothing like drinking beers on the weekend and chatting to dos guys in the shared skype chat.Pretending John/yings account really were 3 Hot Korean girls :pAlso playing with Fallo on our account for the bulk of the world, I hope you are well my dear if you do read this.Good luck to you all and well fought to everyone :)


Somehow managed to stay to the end even with Mod stuffing their faces with my vils for the last 3 months wellplayed everyone. It could have so easily been Nyuk! :(


The thing that changed the game for ModWar was ME joining the darkcrusader99 account.

ModWar were then introduced to lewd, rude, and crude behaviour only rivalled by another fellow ModWarian (Ben) who sadly left the tribe!!

I've loved my time on Tribal Wars, and have some awesome memories, and even better friends.

This shall however, more than likely be the only world i play. No because i dont want to hook up with my friends online anymore, but simply cos at its best you need to spend hours on it, and at its worst you need to spend even longer!! I just cant do that. With 4 kids and a demanding (and expensive) mrs, plus my ailing health, this i think really will be FAREWELL Tribal Wars.

At least for now.

Still, those of you that keep asking me to co-play them or take an account in their tribe or world w/e, im flattered, really i am, but please, dont waste your breathe. If i want an account then believe me i'll ask.

So, unless my uber awesome co, the ORIGINAL darkcrusader99 asks me to again be part of something, well, AWESOME, or, someone simply makes me an offer i cant refuse then i will use this thread to be my bowing out thread.

Love to you all,

May all your kids have big dicks (including the girls)

Jay/darkcrusader formerly 3lite Mage


It's been a pleasure Jay and I wish you well in all your endeavors mate you will be missed.


I wont be a hater today.. Congrats on ending this world.. Really genuine Grats here. This is the world I enjoyed fighting the most it's just was burnt. Playing multi accounts is only fun for so long. And Jay I will never forgive you for not quitting with me! Anyways Gl in RL.

grama Jo

I really doubt if anyone will remember me but I just want to say both times I played this world were fun and educational~ I made a few friends and even was slpped with a fish a fes times :p

Congratz to the winning tribe!


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Leading Bio! against Manic and 4Horse (was that the name?). Great tribe with great members, miss those guys.