Rumours & Facts of World 82


Rumour has it that stealthy is the key component in this world, and is fighting the good fight against the ghastly greys.

yea no offense to the jag guys...but all those barbs was more of a threat then and besides i would not get all caught up on the barb nobling..after all this is a church world and not to mention if i don't take them some one it might as well be mine. and on a last note...don't take this as a sign of weakness just because i nobled some barbs..i am able to take a target out at will if i feel the need...its called smart play my friend. Cheers!


I thought you were sleeping.. Welcome back.

I thought you had some players in Se7en you wanted to take out? Not got round to that yet? :)

- Nubzz


I thought you were sleeping.. Welcome back.

I thought you had some players in Se7en you wanted to take out? Not got round to that yet? :)

- Nubzz

well nubzz thanks for the welcome back...their is many players i see i want to take out..this is very true! as far as Se7en is concern it's no secret that some needs to go...i wont deny that..but im sure thats true in many other tribes as well...not all tribes has a perfect roster...i know you know that all to well by looking at your by the way nice job on cleaning up your tribe a bit..:lol:


well nubzz thanks for the welcome back...their is many players i see i want to take out..this is very true! as far as Se7en is concern it's no secret that some needs to go...i wont deny that..but im sure thats true in many other tribes as well...not all tribes has a perfect roster...i know you know that all to well by looking at your by the way nice job on cleaning up your tribe a bit..:lol:

Great job by nubz of protecting his axes and his 8 rams at home


Great job by nubz of protecting his axes and his 8 rams at home

you know their is one rule in TW that all good players should know..and that is never under estimate your enemy! now i know i have given nubzz a hard time in the was all for shits and giggles. But i assure you nubzz knows what he is doing! their is players on the externals that will always say dumb shit just because it fits their fighting style or for their tribe..even if they are wrong they will never admit anything good for their enemy..i get it. But with that being said...facts is facts..and what i see is that nubzz is doing exactly what he needs to do. this dont make him a noob or a bad fact as the days go on i see him becoming a bigger threat! why is that you ask? well its simple..he holds the best tribe in this world fact number one! he is doping something right because jag has not slowed down one bit...also as far as him doing internals..its very smart for him to do that..he is busy working on diplomacy...recruiting and running ops to his tribe im sure the internals is a good way for him to grow as well while doing these things.

now lets get back to noob comments on the externals...i call it the way i see it. right now in my mind the strongest tribe is the CGI And family. as far as good players here in Se7en we have some good players as well..just not enough. but i do give nubzz and his jag members props on what they have manage to do thus far..i personally will not under estimate jag or anyone else for that matter...their game play may not fit in the idea's in most players..but their game play is working so far..lets keep that in mind. their playing very smart considering they have the entire world gunning for them...good job jag! not sure how long you guys will continue this...but so far you have backed up what you have been saying all along..and for that you earned my respect. :icon_twisted:


Appreciate the mail stealthy.

I honestly don't care what these guys think, as a matter of fact I come on these externals to keep them going on a daily basis. If it's a random piece of info, a silly joke, slagging someone off.. It keeps them flowing and that's what they need as they are on a downward spiral and have been for a long time. Without the likes of Stealthy and I these forums and externals this world would have been dead and that's not factual but it's close to it.

People don't like Jager, see me as a mouth piece, but everything that I've said I've backed up with facts on this world and progressed as a player and became the Duke of the #1 tribe which was made from a small amount of players from the start. I've grown a tribe from nothing and achieved more this world than most so therefore can't complain. Internals? Oackmans village was basically the only internal that was taken. Gestalts were to gain a new cluster south and Pwnage was coming on to co play as my real life is taking more attention with a pregnant missus.

I like coming on here on a daily basis to see that shit is being wrote about us, keeps me in check that obviously more needs done and shows that players are interested in our every movement. That alone I appreciate as to me that means that players still have interest in the game and externals which is motivating as I don't wish to see the game go lapse sided as it has been for a long time.

Yet though, although some mistakes were made on my behalf this world.. Who has actually stood up to the challenge so far in this world to Jager in wars? We are fighting two fronts, winning both and yet all that's being said is about a ramless nuke.. Wow, catch a grip lads and ladies, actually appreciate that a tribe of 44 players is warring a couple of 100 and still maintaining growth but not only that actually winning on both fronts. But eh, what do I know. More ODA that both tribes we are warring with, top ODA and top ODD, not only showing that we can attack and win though that when defending we are just as effective and efficient.

- Nubzz


Rumour has it Se7en/SUBV are coming back strong against Jager :O

Side 1:
Tribes: Se7en, SUBV
Side 2:
Tribes: Jäger

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 79
Side 2: 150
Difference: 71


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 15
Side 2: 4
Difference: 11


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 313,968
Side 2: 905,226
Difference: 591,258


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 89,272
Side 2: 34,734
Difference: 54,538


Rumour also has it Nubzz is too busy mashing the recruit button to do anything about it.


When you come across a back to back Stealthy and Nubz post that take up more then your entire screen...




Rumor has it xxstealthyxx is not very happy these days...I fear the dark side is taking over...I'm starting to lose it!:icon_evil:


Rumor has it one or two tribes is going to lose some massive points and several active members while others will gain a few new ones and possibly a new tribe will emerge.

Just what the little birdies are tweeting about in my skype chats.


Rumor has it one or two tribes is going to lose some massive points and several active members while others will gain a few new ones and possibly a new tribe will emerge.

Just what the little birdies are tweeting about in my skype chats.

Looks like my birdies called it correctly.


Rumour has it that there is a lot of fighting for control of Jager, and factions have started to appear. If they can't sort this out asap, will they simply split into two or more tribes, and fight it out the tried and tested way?


Rumour has it that there is a lot of fighting for control of Jager, and factions have started to appear. If they can't sort this out asap, will they simply split into two or more tribes, and fight it out the tried and tested way?

It has been said they have a new Duke so we will need to see how it plays out from here but yes many different ideas on how the tribe should be run and what direction.