Greetings all,
While there is no requirement for a formal declaration on the Pnp, I feel it necessary to make things clear.
The following note was left on the shared Forum by Sumosland at the behest of Integritous the Emporer of the South:
The ultimatum was placed in the General Section of SABRE Forum so all members could see it and decide what to do about it, those who did not wish to fight Wisdom have gone to Eturg who have longstanding ties with Wisdom, or to KSABRE who have yet to decide what their path is regarding Wisdom.
SABRE Family as it previously existed has fallen, Eturg has left the family although we still consider them friends as we do KSABRE members who are still part of the family but neutral.
SABRE members have chosen not to be bullied or to go down the path that Wisdom desire
and would rather fight than kowtow to Integritous or Wisdom anymore. It may not be the safe thing to do but we will fight come what may.
And we will fill the Wisdom vaults with their dead as long as we are able
SABRE has grown and changed and we have accepted members from the former HORDES as well as others who wish to fight Wisdom.
I proudly stand beside my SABRE companions as we charge Wisdom together.
I won't quit and won't stop till the falseness of wisdom is purged from our borders and we can once again breath free air.
And while it is possible that I may go into the sunset crushed by larger forces I will go knowing I took some of the enemy with me and with my head held high
Valoki of SABRE
While there is no requirement for a formal declaration on the Pnp, I feel it necessary to make things clear.
The following note was left on the shared Forum by Sumosland at the behest of Integritous the Emporer of the South:
I won't go into all the gory details although no doubt Wisdom members will fill the PnP and my inbox with propaganda notes about how it's all my fault and I'm the reason SABRE is at risk. Not mention that Wisdom is lilly white and has never done anything underhanded or deceitful?Wise S - sumosland today at 11:58
First off, this is NOT a discussion topic so I'd ask Wisdom members to restrain themselves from posting here. Either it is accepted by SABRE or it is not, SABRE please make an official statement here.
We have concluded that the recent actions by SABRE, especially the recent recruitment and defensive help to our targets/refugees from HORDES, are unacceptable and that we will no longer tolerate such ignorance and disrespect.
From time of this post has been posted, SABRE have 24 hours to release (dismiss) all ex-members from HORDES that you have invited in the last week. Furthermore, no further support must be sent to these players, as well as all current support in their villages has to be removed by all SABRE members within 24 hours. If needed I will provide the list of all players that should be dismissed, but probably you know who you've invited from HORDES.
If the Ultimatum is accepted and followed by SABRE we can then discuss our tribes' future. If it is not accepted within 24 hours then we will react appropriately.
Your attempts to bring us close to war have worked, it's now in your hands whether or not you want the lines to be breached.

The ultimatum was placed in the General Section of SABRE Forum so all members could see it and decide what to do about it, those who did not wish to fight Wisdom have gone to Eturg who have longstanding ties with Wisdom, or to KSABRE who have yet to decide what their path is regarding Wisdom.
SABRE Family as it previously existed has fallen, Eturg has left the family although we still consider them friends as we do KSABRE members who are still part of the family but neutral.
SABRE members have chosen not to be bullied or to go down the path that Wisdom desire

and would rather fight than kowtow to Integritous or Wisdom anymore. It may not be the safe thing to do but we will fight come what may.

And we will fill the Wisdom vaults with their dead as long as we are able

SABRE has grown and changed and we have accepted members from the former HORDES as well as others who wish to fight Wisdom.
I proudly stand beside my SABRE companions as we charge Wisdom together.

I won't quit and won't stop till the falseness of wisdom is purged from our borders and we can once again breath free air.

And while it is possible that I may go into the sunset crushed by larger forces I will go knowing I took some of the enemy with me and with my head held high

Valoki of SABRE
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