self confessed masters at this game.


I know everything that has ever happened or ever will happen in TW. I am a self confessed/professed master. Call me god:icon_cool:

Ahhh I was gonna say something that would definitely get me infracted. So I'll stick with the second part of what I was going to say.

/Bows to God


Haha, I was assuming the first message would have a few expletives and numerous flames in it :D


Ah, killergoon, I do so miss your randomness.

OMG the last few days have been so awesome it is like everyone from W17 and all the crew from 7 have all come out of retirement. Was there some sort of reunion on Skype that I have missed out on?


I'll just sit there with one village, and a bonfire with a few cats BOOM! end game here I come :lol:

king dalt555

Doesn't morale disappear at a certain stage now? Also having 1000+ vills throwing 15 nukes at a cat vill doesn't seem like much. Just wait :)


It was ment to be stupid :lol: I have another Idea I'll just be one of them co-players no one likes, and just sit there, and spam :lol::icon_cool:


I hope so!

I think it's something like 6 months? Though I'm not sure. Morale went after a certain amount of time on 53, 6months sounds about right. Gives the smaller players a chance to defend against larger players (until bashers are manipulated into the equation) 6 months should see the determined players survive and the lesser players quit as the world starts to solidify into the tribes working towards domination of their area/k/direction and for the large wars to hopefully break out as the larger tribes players are done eating small targets and internals.

I could be wrong though,

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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Morale changes depend on the world settings. Past worlds' morale changes are irrelevant unless they have the same morale settings as this world.


Some worlds dont stop morale until there are something like 200 players left in the world. Don't know if 200 is the actual number but w33 didnt stop morale until restarts were stopped as well


Didn't you hear High Activity is the new Pro! Doesn't matter how skilled you are, usually by end game ost of the skilled players have left their accounts to players who don't even know what to do with them, and resort to bashing the hell out of a player 10, 20, 30 times smaller just to get any villages. It takes a LOT of skill for a skilled player to stay active until End War

That is B.S. There are alot of late game wars going on between very skilled players in world! The "skill" players you speak of who start every single world quit cause they rather handle 100 incomings instead of 10K incomings. Or they like the small wars where one op can elimnate players. Me i perfer the 5K incomings and attacking instead of these small wars. People can't fake well this early in a world

But then again there is always the excuse of "I have a RL"


I only like the Barb wars once they are eliminated from a world I am basically of little to no use after that.