Senile Grandmother Unaware of Contradiction


This poor old Granny must be grasping on to the last remnants of life due to her lack of self-awareness. Several posts in the forums detailing the vengeance that must be displayed upon GRIM for such an act, a dedication on the player's COA to get payback, and reminders to anyone who might of forgot that it was PP that took her OG village and nothing else.

Here we've got a case of an old witchy grandmother, queue the images and clips of annoying grandparents in TV Sitcoms. She complains and points the finger at the world for her problems, but in turn doesn't see the truth that she's the source of it.

Our grandmother complains about PP whores and "players not even farming" as to the reasons for her downfall.
King Bobble III May 09, 12:42
I can see that... it appears that premium points have taken a larger grasp on this game. Makes it more difficult for casual players to compete in my opinion

Granny May 10, 00:03
It without a doubt does make it harder.

I got rimmed because I was unfortunate enough to be within 1hr 13 of a player that used Pp yo grow to four times my size, despite him not being a farmer at all. -_-​


Yet when we go back and look at the tape, what do we find? We find a Suspiciously Large Village clearly PP whoring itself to a level, how ironically, "4x the size" of those nearby him.

**TLDR - This game has been ruined by PP


Ironically enough, i received no PP for the resources sent.

Only granny's delicious pecan pie.

Note to the world. Send granny your res and she will turn them into delicious pies!

Mr. Cringer Pants

If everyone has the same option to farm for PP and boost their villages wouldn't that mean it's fair?

Not that I'm a huge fan of P2W but just saying.



Bobble gets nobled by Granny, makes external forum account to express salt. I do agree that P2W has changed the game, but not to the extreme where it is unplayable. There are very few players who will spend their life savings to point whore early game to reach the top. Additionally, those who spend that much generally lack the farming potential and endurance for mid and end games, respectively.


May be some one was helping his granny with farmed resources.

You never know


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I definitely don't think it makes a huge difference. As of the time of this post there are 8,256 villages on the world newer than mine. Of those only five are over 1,000 points. Only two of those five are larger than me, respectively 1,894 points and 2,659 points.



Points: 1.894
Rank: 1922
Opponents defeated: 6.629 (1545.)


Points: 2.681
Rank: 1348
Opponents defeated: 40.460 (202.)
Tribe: ~REST~

Gestalt. has farmed less than me on his best day, Cueball has farmed less than half of me on his best day (I am 1,474 points).

Based upon:


We can assume that 8,256 villages is roughly 7,179 players. If 0 out of 7,000+ players are using premium in a manner which makes them a legitimate threat for a top player not using premium then I really don't see that it's giving people nearly as big of an advantage as people like to make out. If you're getting beat by someone whose growing with the help of premium odds are that you're doing poorly and would have lost to a decent player regardless of whether they were using premium or not.


I definitely don't think it makes a huge difference. As of the time of this post there are 8,256 villages on the world newer than mine. Of those only five are over 1,000 points. Only two of those five are larger than me, respectively 1,894 points and 2,659 points.



Points: 1.894
Rank: 1922
Opponents defeated: 6.629 (1545.)


Points: 2.681
Rank: 1348
Opponents defeated: 40.460 (202.)
Tribe: ~REST~

Gestalt. has farmed less than me on his best day, Cueball has farmed less than half of me on his best day (I am 1,474 points).

Based upon:


We can assume that 8,256 villages is roughly 7,179 players. If 0 out of 7,000+ players are using premium in a manner which makes them a legitimate threat for a top player not using premium then I really don't see that it's giving people nearly as big of an advantage as people like to make out. If you're getting beat by someone whose growing with the help of premium odds are that you're doing poorly and would have lost to a decent player regardless of whether they were using premium or not.



Regardless what statistics you want to throw out there, I can assure you that for this longtime player PP has ruined the game. I came back from a several year hiatus and what I've seen in the last month is enough to prevent me from ever wanting to play again. This game sucks enough of your life away just to remain competitive with others, to have to do the same to your wallet just to stay relevant is too much for me.

The community is a shell of what it was a few years ago, and the newer players won't become addicted nearly as often as they used to because they won't have enough time in the game before someone pumping PP comes along and clears them out. You don't get hooked on this game when you first start playing, it's slow going for the first month, but it starts to pick up on you. At the rate you can grow with PP now, newer players won't even have the time to really get attached to the game before they get devastated by another player who knows what their doing.


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Regardless what statistics you want to throw out there, I can assure you that for this longtime player PP has ruined the game. I came back from a several year hiatus and what I've seen in the last month is enough to prevent me from ever wanting to play again. This game sucks enough of your life away just to remain competitive with others, to have to do the same to your wallet just to stay relevant is too much for me.

You don't have to do the same to your wallet. You just have to improve as a player. Something you'll be incapable of doing so long as you continue blaming others for your failures.

In the time I've reached 1,442 (1474 has yet to show on twstats) points you reached 931 points. Granny reached 1,735. So, yes, Granny grew slightly faster than me while blowing tons of premium, but I'd have quite likely held my own just fine whereas you did not.

1322 King Bobble III NWL 53.140 23.05.2016

Here, do yourself a favor. Spend less time bitching, more time learning how to farm. It'll pay off in spades.
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You don't have to do the same to your wallet. You just have to improve as a player. Something you'll be incapable of doing so long as you continue blaming others for your failures.

In the time I've reached 1,442 (1474 has yet to show on twstats) points you reached 931 points. Granny reached 1,735. So, yes, Granny grew slightly faster than me while blowing tons of premium, but I'd have quite likely held my own just fine whereas you did not.

You're clearly a moron if you honestly believe that.


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You're clearly a moron if you honestly believe that.

Your largest account was 40 villages, your highest ranked account was never even top 100. Trying to act as if you know more about TW than someone who has been rank 1 on more worlds than you have played total is as such ridiculously ignorant.

You are not a top player, I am. You are not even a good player. What you are is a mediocre player damning yourself to stay that way forever by spending more time bitching about others beating you than you have ever put into attempting to become even half decent at this game.

Your growth was bad because you didn't farm even remotely effectively. Your best day of farming was 53,140 resources in a 24 hour period. You reached 2,273 points. To put that in perspective at 1,474 points I have currently farmed 21,295 resources today. It is less than three hours into the day. I am on pace to farm over 180,000 resources today.
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Erig said:
...those who spend that much generally lack the farming potential and endurance for mid and end games, respectively.

This contention seems very plausible to me. There is a general lack of endurance in those who want instant results.

If you're getting beat by someone whose growing with the help of premium odds are that you're doing poorly and would have lost to a decent player regardless of whether they were using premium or not.

This goes too far. There are most certainly going to be cases where average to good players (or even better) get beat out early almost entirely because of the dreaded PP phenomena. Could these defeated players have done a few things differently to help avert their loss? Sure, most likely (there are many unconventional things people don't tend to think of doing that could help: simply talking to their neighbors, to build connections and gain intel, for example).

Albeit, it doesn't take much intelligence to realize that two similarly skilled players (call them both really good), both attacking each other, one with endless PP and the other with none (or little/less) to start, will not be evenly matched. The PP-advantaged will, logically, (nearly) always take out the other. Say hello to the rim really good player without PP.

In ALessonInPointWhoring's own example there is included the player CueBall from the tribe ~Rest~. I don't know his farm statistics, but have you seen his ODA? I just so happen to know (also) that this particular player has taken multiple players out already and nearly two whole (admittedly poorly made) tribes too!

Here I was thinking I was doing pretty good for my little gridded area (with exceptions); I am busying myself researching and messaging trying to find great players to consider recruiting; I find one a bit North of me and think, hmm pretty good that guy; all the sudden that guy is wiped out by a new guy who wasn't even on the map a couple days before! That was CueBall. :axemen: Thanks for wiping out my potential recruit, hahaha!

PP is OP -- there should be no doubts or controversy about that.


Your largest account was 40 villages, your highest ranked account was never even top 100. Trying to act as if you know more about TW than someone who has been rank 1 on more worlds than you have played total is as such ridiculously ignorant.

You are not a top player, I am. You are not even a good player. What you are is a mediocre player damning yourself to stay that way forever by spending more time bitching about others beating you than you have ever put into attempting to become even half decent at this game.

Your growth was bad because you didn't farm even remotely effectively. Your best day of farming was 53,140 resources in a 24 hour period. You reached 2,273 points. To put that in perspective at 1,474 points I have currently farmed 21,295 resources today. It is less than three hours into the day. I am on pace to farm over 180,000 resources today.

W/e man I didn't come here to argue with an old senile woman. I never said I was a great player. I never said you were a bad player. I came here to make a point. You complain about PP but do the same thing. The game has been lessened in quality because of PP. The game will die in future years because of PP.

Good for you. Farm to your wildest dreams. But don't assume your 180K resources today isin't a byproduct of th 2,000 LC you've built because of the PP you spent to keep your building queues running 24/7. That only proves my point more. You will now be able to outfarm everyone in the area because of the $ you spent to grow quickly when it matters.

I'm done here. Don't expect a response, I don't care enough to check the forums again.


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This goes too far.

I don't believe it does. Specifically note that in the statement you quoted I said:

"If you're getting beat by someone whose growing with the help of premium odds are that you're doing poorly and would have lost to a decent player regardless of whether they were using premium or not."

It's a very different statement than had I said:

"If you're getting beat by someone whose growing with the help of premium then you have only yourself to blame. Such people were doing poorly and would have lost to a decent player regardless of whether they were using premium or not."

There's a large difference from asserting that something is typically true and stating it as an absolute truth.

In his case it is true, his own growth and farming was mediocre. The person who rimmed him did much better than him, but they did not particularly do any better than a well-played account lacking premium would have. They grew faster than I am, but I am playing solo, were they to be near a well-played co-played account they would not have outgrown it.

As for Cueball's ODA, that's a bit misleading. Cueball got rimmed, his ODA as such carried over. He had 35,935 ODA when he got rimmed, he has 40,460 ODA right now. That's 4,525 ODA gained since restarting, that's really not all that high for 2,763 points. It's more than I expect to have at that size, but it's nothing absurd, whereas if his entire 40,460 ODA was from his current attempt it would be.

Their account doesn't farm much, it's best day of farming (including the time before it got rimmed, which included growing up to 6,456 points) is less than 50k. They are indeed only doing well due to premium, but they are a very rare exception. Most people using premium are not using nearly as much as they appear to be using.

W/e man I didn't come here to argue with an old senile woman. I never said I was a great player. I never said you were a bad player. I came here to make a point. You complain about PP but do the same thing. The game has been lessened in quality because of PP. The game will die in future years because of PP.

Good for you. Farm to your wildest dreams. But don't assume your 180K resources today isin't a byproduct of th 2,000 LC you've built because of the PP you spent to keep your building queues running 24/7. That only proves my point more. You will now be able to outfarm everyone in the area because of the $ you spent to grow quickly when it matters.

I'm done here. Don't expect a response, I don't care enough to check the forums again.

I haven't spent a penny. I don't have 2,000 lc. I have less than 600 lc.


Larger version:
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@PointWhoreLesson guy, I am not familiar enough with the specific situation you are referring to for any further commenting. Albeit, you did right by highlighting "odds are". It is fair enough to assert this with some confidence.

The sentiment against PP advantages runs deep with some of us: so we often swing at phantoms where a human actually is standing. Sorry to swing in your direction, but it would behoove you to be careful about standing too close to the PP-defending bonfire: you could get hurt by us firefighters trying to put that darn thing out.

You are not a top player, I am. etc....

Sorry to pick on you again...

This is adhominem and does not at all refute the sentiment against PP-advantage that poor King Bobble has been trying to make. (Although I make no attempt to contend that you are wrong).

Oops, sorry for the double post!

I fixed it. ~~DK
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Michael Corleone.

Your largest account was 40 villages, your highest ranked account was never even top 100. Trying to act as if you know more about TW than someone who has been rank 1 on more worlds than you have played total is as such ridiculously ignorant.

You are not a top player, I am. You are not even a good player. What you are is a mediocre player damning yourself to stay that way forever by spending more time bitching about others beating you than you have ever put into attempting to become even half decent at this game.

Your growth was bad because you didn't farm even remotely effectively. Your best day of farming was 53,140 resources in a 24 hour period. You reached 2,273 points. To put that in perspective at 1,474 points I have currently farmed 21,295 resources today. It is less than three hours into the day. I am on pace to farm over 180,000 resources today.
How many times have you played at or beyond 40 village? I am just curious.


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Sorry to pick on you again...

This is adhominem and does not at all refute the sentiment against PP-advantage that poor King Bobble has been trying to make. (Although I make no attempt to contend that you are wrong).

Oops, sorry for the double post!

It's ad hominem in the sense that I am attacking him as a player, yes, but ad hominem is not always fallacious.

Being a better player equates to better understanding of the game and what is possible in the game.

As someone who has achieved very little in the game he can point his finger at Granny and say that it is only possible to do that well by spending large amounts of premium.

As someone who has done that well in the past without spending a dime I can far more accurately state that he is wrong. I cannot argue that Granny could have achieved what he has without premium, but I can definitely accurately state that it can be done, and as such is plausible. Knowing what a top player is capable of IMO often requires being one.

It is much easier to point your finger at someone growing significantly faster than yourself and say that they're only doing better because they are spending inordinate amounts of premium, playing 24/7, botting/cheating, pointwhoring, etc. etc. when you're personally incapable of growing at the speed the person in question is, whereas someone who is capable of growing at the speed in question is far more likely to know whether such claims are accurate or not.