Settings, Rules & Reminders


Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
Forum rules can be found here:
Do adhere to them, please, or unpleasant things await in your future.

Game rules can be found here:
Ignore them at your own peril. The punishments are heavy for violators.

Also, anyone thinking it'd be fun to spam the section into pieces because nothing fun happens in the world will be locked up in a room full of mealworms.

Anyone thinking the language/insults rules don't apply to them will be considered silly. It's a grave insult in some indeterminate cultures.

That was all, folks, now lets get this show on the road.

The settings can be found here:


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
The (additional) pushing rule (you know, the ones we implemented only for en125) will not be active for en126. We are currently reviewing the rule on en125 and will discuss how (or if) we will do such a rule on other worlds.
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Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
The pushing rule will not be active for en126. We are currently reviewing the rule on en125 and will discuss how (or if) we will do such a rule on other worlds.

Did you just give me license to push this world?


Active Member
Reaction score
Is tribelock active on this world?

Also if you could clarify the above comment on pushing it would be appreciated. Can one account noble another and then the nobled player comes to co-play the other account, or is that bannable?


New Member
Reaction score
That is definitely against the rules in my humble opinion lol but the rules don’t get enforced so go for it :)