Short History of World Two


i left around DC's # 13-15 I think. I just got ahold of Omnitank the other day, to see what he was up to, I miss his troll avatar :(

Wow... Omnitank, now theres a name I haven't heard in a while, good guy but hard to control, kinda like putting a bit and bridal on a tornado and trying to ride it.... lol


Well its been 4 years, I'm sure he's done being a college student or whatever by now, he said he's working too much so he'd never have time to get in TW again :(

He's a euro I thought, he should coplay my w56 account or something :p


Well its been 4 years, I'm sure he's done being a college student or whatever by now, he said he's working too much so he'd never have time to get in TW again :(

He's a euro I thought, he should coplay my w56 account or something :p

Hes in the US, in the mid west if I recall, has a definite "California surfer" accent in his voice, used to talk with him all the time, he loves nothing better than to cause as much chaos as


FTR lost to XIG cos of inactives ... I alone had like 4 accounts :( fighting with all was imposible (including Muscle(FTR leader) account too) , not too much about WB who was the single indie tribe who cod torn the world up side down ... bdw Xig lost a lot do to TW they had that time the incredible team Arthas and Dave .


FTR lost to XIG cos of inactives ... I alone had like 4 accounts :( fighting with all was imposible (including Muscle(FTR leader) account too) , not too much about WB who was the single indie tribe who cod torn the world up side down ... bdw Xig lost a lot do to TW they had that time the incredible team Arthas and Dave .

Think I've posted about WB before. Brain cells are popping, and I don't remember their leader's name but they were a strong independent tribe. One of the tightropes that they walked was that they had promised to never attack their powerful neighbor, Aten. Once their leader went semi active and new leadership took over, they decided that was a bad policy and joined with the rest of the world against Aten. Since they were so close by they took the brunt of the war, and were never again a major player.



Think I've posted about WB before. Brain cells are popping, and I don't remember their leader's name but they were a strong independent tribe. One of the tightropes that they walked was that they had promised to never attack their powerful neighbor, Aten. Once their leader went semi active and new leadership took over, they decided that was a bad policy and joined with the rest of the world against Aten. Since they were so close by they took the brunt of the war, and were never again a major player.


Not MPX! We stood by our dear allies through thick ( Mikeys ) and skinny ( Babs )! Yes, we certainly did! Quite touching, really, how great allies we were.

WB were cute, though.


Yeh great allies Grimmy, you must have missed the action through another bout of inactivity :icon_wink:

Scarus Hamartia would be the name you would be after for WB..


I always hear people praising WB, but did they ever do anything? Who did they ever fight against? (Except MPX but back then they were awful)


Yeh great allies Grimmy, you must have missed the action through another bout of inactivity :icon_wink:

Action? What action? And who ye callin' inactive? I'm active as heck! I'm like the Superman of activity! The Flash Gordon of readiness! The MacGyver of awesomeness!


Yeh great allies Grimmy, you must have missed the action through another bout of inactivity :icon_wink:

Scarus Hamartia would be the name you would be after for WB..

Ahhhh.... I remember Hamartia. I used to deal with him when AtenX was Xig. Then later, when I was a diplomat for Aten he reaffirmed the promise that he had made to the AtenE leaders to never attack. I think that WB was practically an unofficial branch of HOT and after Hamartia gave up leadership the WB members might have been under a lot of pressure from HOT to join with them against Aten. Really a bad idea as they bordered with about three of the Aten branches and we could, and did, launch a lot of very short distance attacks against them.

That's the problem when you have a strong nap or alliance with your neighbor for a long time. When you do go to war your front line vils are generally not prepared, and once your front lines are run over, you're toast.



7. Meanwhile, in the south, XiG is growing. Bolaar, my favorite player, is growing in the west. FTR strangleholds the center, ATEn is tiny, Wolves in the northwest is growing as well.

12. Wolves joins up with the center alliance, attacking the new Xig.3. In the southeast, some tribe by junkmonger is growing. Aten is also eating up Esl. I think aphopis1 gets crushed up in here too.

16. Xig and Wolves join up together into CEG, basis for world 8 tribe, and declare war on everyone.

Just my thoughts. Have fun guys.

Some corrections :

7. Meanwhile, in the south, XiG is growing. Bolaar, my favorite player, is growing in the west. FTR strangleholds the center, ATEn is tiny, Wolves in the South and The Saint in northwest formed StW and is growing as well, but some players from Wolves didn't like the Merge, went out and came to XiG and Smoker. Smoker joined XiG later.

12. StW joins up with the center alliance, attacking the new Xig.3, but the Wolves-part was in big trouble, because they attacked by their ex-best players (remember Bullfighter?)

16. Xig and StW join up together into CEG, basis for world 8 tribe, and declare war on everyone.

... I know, because I was Wolves at the beginning and Xig in the end :)

PS : Hi all, how do you do? I was shocked that Scarus wrote in CC-forum that he is still playing TW and come here lol.
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Hi all, how do you do? I was shocked that Scarus wrote in CC-forum that he is still playing TW and come here lol.

For those of you that don't know, CC stands for Conquer Club, a free online Risk clone with many different variations. It is located at: and was the origin for most of the original Xig players. We came to W2 en masse as CCX which stood for Conquer Club Xigames. Xigames itself was an online gaming group that originally played the Cd rom version of RiskII online. I was one of the founders of that group, and Highborn was one of the first Presidents.

I haven't played Conquer Club regularly since I first got sucked into TW about six years ago.



He is forced by me Geger lol, how are you? Still playing?

I don't play TW anymore, I quitted 2 or 3 years ago, abandoned 600-700 villages, and most of them are taken by Jirki. He wanted to catch up the rank#1 player at that time. Who is/was the winner btw? I see Jirki is still here too lol.

For those of you that don't know, CC stands for Conquer Club, a free online Risk clone with many different variations. It is located at: and was the origin for most of the original Xig players. We came to W2 en masse as CCX which stood for Conquer Club Xigames. Xigames itself was an online gaming group that originally played the Cd rom version of RiskII online. I was one of the founders of that group, and Highborn was one of the first Presidents.

I haven't played Conquer Club regularly since I first got sucked into TW about six years ago.


Correct. But I came to Conquerclub to look for some old Xig-Players there, especially Wachicha and GloryOfDeath (the 1st and last Leader of XiG in TW) and I found them. Respect to both players, because they take the role as "Newbie-Helper" for the Site. Also if you want to try CC and want to know how to play, just find and ask Wachicha or Glory ;-)

Wew Highborn was the 1st XiG-President and I sent him 400+ attacks in my last action in TW, I was a very bad XiG-Member :(


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
Haha, hmmm, I remember you Geger, but I don't really remember taking your abandoneds :D
(Gotta admit it's not always easy to know whom the village belonged to though!) :p


As it has always been....

Most of the events that shaped W2 were conceived by a small group of leaders that rarely shared or explained their actions to the general public, consequently that same public often has a narrow perspective on how and why things happened as they did.




Those were good times. I like the classic settings a lot. A lot of good memories from here.