Should CRASH be a family?

Should Crash be marked as a family on Nickjer's Maps?

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yes rep he will get them all on time since I was a vanishing one:)

walsh give them some time and they will move forward.You cant expect a tribe to make an OP just when they have merged and are to deal with a lot of inactives.Not all tribes have a leader of your capability:)


Walsh don't forget that they didn't merge due to inactivity! :icon_eek:


Please Take all your Crash Bashing to the Crash discussion forum or get back on topic i dont wanna see every thread derailed and spammed about this merge thing. so please get back to topic.


Personally I don't find a poll a fair use for something such as this. There is extreme bias on both sides. The rest of the world hate merges, and look down upon merges, and will do anything in order to belittle the result of said merge. Family tribes are looked at as an insult, as an unfavorable thing, as a way to belittle a tribe, so the majority of voters will use this as a means to take a shot at CRASH.

Whether or not crash actually is or is not a family does not matter for the results of this poll will basically read:

Do you like Crash? Yes or No

Using this poll as evidence is akin to asking 12 racist jurors to deliberate on a hate crime.

I am withholding my personal opinion of things related to this subject, though. It does not matter what the subject is, polls of people with these levels of bias are not useful, at all.

see for me personally i would not have a problem with your merging / family / w/e but it's the fact thta you are pretty much hipocrits because you flamed Pirana for doing what you just did.

On topic.....

When does this poll end Rep?


rep i am not in a mood to have a debate with you atm:icon_eek:
As for walsh you know as well as i do that every tribe has got inactives at some point but they never reveal it to outsiders which is normal and they tend to state they dont have any inactives whereever they can.You cant blame Brave! for they have done what they have done.But if you continue to do so then I think you want to drag someone to enjoy your spare time:icon_neutral:


see for me personally i would not have a problem with your merging / family / w/e but it's the fact thta you are pretty much hipocrits because you flamed Pirana for doing what you just did.

On topic.....

When does this poll end Rep?

See that's the thing. Being a hypocrite or not is not the intention of the poll. It has no bearing on whether or not a given tribe should be marked as family.

The poll does not read : Do you think Crash are hypocrite? Yes or No. Even though, I would guess that the answer to that question will quite heavily factor into the decision of any given person when voting here.


See that's the thing. Being a hypocrite or not is not the intention of the poll. It has no bearing on whether or not a given tribe should be marked as family.

The poll does not read : Do you think Crash are hypocrite? Yes or No. Even though, I would guess that the answer to that question will quite heavily factor into the decision of any given person when voting here.

where that may be true but i understand Crash's point of view of not being Family but if it was some other tribe you would want them marked as family which is kind of why i voted yes.


See that's the thing. Being a hypocrite or not is not the intention of the poll. It has no bearing on whether or not a given tribe should be marked as family.

The poll does not read : Do you think Crash are hypocrite? Yes or No. Even though, I would guess that the answer to that question will quite heavily factor into the decision of any given person when voting here.

But you see to be a hypocrite, you have to be the same thing as that which you slander. SubV and Brave have both bashed Pirana openly about their merged family, but when it came time for SubV and Brave to merge--leaving (until this morning) both tags active as well as Brave's inactive tribe STF.--they are crying like babies when called a family.

So you have Crash, the inactive or Brave players being internalled out to co play bigger accounts and STF still being internalled by Brave members also. That's a family as it's several tribes serving one purpose.

I've yet to see a strong argument contradict this, as SubV, Brave and STF have failed to fight back against crash. They are just family members being sacrificed to a greater purpose.


But you see to be a hypocrite, you have to be the same thing as that which you slander. SubV and Brave have both bashed Pirana openly about their merged family, but when it came time for SubV and Brave to merge--leaving (until this morning) both tags active as well as Brave's inactive tribe STF.--they are crying like babies when called a family.

So you have Crash, the inactive or Brave players being internalled out to co play bigger accounts and STF still being internalled by Brave members also. That's a family as it's several tribes serving one purpose.

I've yet to see a strong argument contradict this, as SubV, Brave and STF have failed to fight back against crash. They are just family members being sacrificed to a greater purpose.

Again, whether or not someone feels Crash is hypocritical has 0 influence or the definition of a family tribe. The feelings of hypocrisy stem from the fact that some in crash apparently bashed merging with Piranha and then merged. Merging is not equal family tribe.

The rest of your post is nothing I will respond to, as crash in particular is not what I was talking about.
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You can't be a hypocrite of slandering someone as a family unless you're a family yourself is the deduction I was making. If they are indeed hypocrites then they are a family, as is the definition of the word.


Pointless arguing Zrip, they disbanded all tribes in question, That plus the 70% inactive/barb stat didnt look good :icon_razz:


the lengths people will go to not be labeled as hypocrites :), but as walsh stated they still have the negative view of so many inactive nobles. Not to mention their questionable leadership :)


The maturity level of CRASH ceases to amaze me. Just look, a poll gets made and once they realize it their *cough* Family *cough* all disband. SubV, Brave!, and STF all have been disbanded. Thought they weren't your family? Yeah your definitely keeping the pink color. I was actually thinking about changing it after speaking to Farmercy in private but nah, I think it should stay because no other color can blend in with it and it was Brave!'s old color. :icon_biggrin:

Congratz guys. You with the following award.


Hey Womble there are a bunch of tribeless players in your K now. Guess you can munch on them. :icon_cool:

@ TCO, there isn't a closing date. Kangaroom didn't make one.
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Well that is an example of hypocrisy is what I think you meant, not the definition.
Yes, you feel the tribe is hypocritical for being a family, and you have reasons for why you feel the tribe is family. That is logical.

What is not logical is feeling that the tribe is hypocritical (for merging or other reason), is a baby, are barb munchers/internal noblers, sucks, whatever, and because you hate hypocrites, barb muchers, babies, persons who suck, whatever, you vote they are a family.

I feel that the results of this poll will reflect much, much more of the later than the former.

At any rate, it does not matter, as the tribes in questions except Crash no longer exist.
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Lordmandude, they also bashed QUAY and !UN! for merging to form PIRANA. Thus, hypocrites. Can we move on now?


Well that is an example of hypocrisy is what I think you meant, not the definition.
Yes, you feel the tribe is hypocritical for being a family, and you have reasons for why you feel the tribe is family. That is logical.

What is not logical is feeling that the tribe is hypocritical (for merging or other reason), is baby, sucks, whatever, and because you hate hypocrites, babies, persons who suck, whatever, you vote they are a family.

I feel that the results of this poll will reflect much, much more of the later than the former.

Once again you fail to see the central theme of my argument. I'm merely stating that if they are indeed hypocrites than they are a family, because otherwise there's nothing for them to be hypocritical about.

The hypocrite statement in this thread was brought up with the family argument, how SubV had Pirana labeled as a family when they merged and took in an academy. Anyone could easily see Crash's former sub-tribes as academies of a sort.

So my argument wasn't on if they are any sort of hypocrite, it's if they are a hypocrite on the grounds in which this thread is being argued. Which is now irrelevant, and also proven. As they disbanded their "academy" tribes to avoid being called a family.


Once again you fail to see the central theme of my argument. I'm merely stating that if they are indeed hypocrites than they are a family, because otherwise there's nothing for them to be hypocritical about.

The hypocrite statement in this thread was brought up with the family argument, how SubV had Pirana labeled as a family when they merged and took in an academy. Anyone could easily see Crash's former sub-tribes as academies of a sort.

So my argument wasn't on if they are any sort of hypocrite, it's if they are a hypocrite on the grounds in which this thread is being argued. Which is now irrelevant, and also proven. As they disbanded their "academy" tribes to avoid being called a family.

I see your main concept, but I don't think you see mine. They would be hypocrites if they are family, they are not family because they are hypocrites.

This is how the flow should go
Tribe A has bashed other tribes for being family.
Tribe A has exhibited the following qualities of a family tribe: X Y Z

Conclusion 1:
Tribe A is family.


Conclusion 2(based on conclusion 1):
Tribe A is hypocritical for Bashing what it has become.

You cannot use a conclusion as reasoning for the conclusion. It makes no sense. I don't think you have done this, but what I am saying is that people will.

Irrelevant discussion now though, so close.
Lordmandude, they also bashed QUAY and !UN! for merging to form PIRANA. Thus, hypocrites. Can we move on now?

I said nothing about that. Believing crash is hypocritical should have no bearing on the status of family tribe. But, yes, moving on. Close thread since tribes do not exist?
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FnF this can now be closed when you log on since the tribes in question were disbanded today. Thanks


I Agree To many immature people around. An i wouldnt care less what Crash was named. but i am very disappointed SubV has been disbanded.