Story of an Abandoned PLayer


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Good day guys,

Im known as ampac ingame and played the game for months in world 120, My tribe was Pepe i was one of the original members of Pepe tribe.

As we all know Kek fought Pepe tribe for months, and I was one of the players who supported tribesmates in our war against(Evil Opp, Skin71, 6lack, Stunz, Blackbird) them..Usually leaving no defenses for me, the war was hard with everyone quitting around me, only Me, Stunz, 6lack, Skin71, Groat were left on k45 aftermath when they opp that area nonstop. Kek upon realizing that I was one of the heavy supporters decided to opp me, sending hundreds of trains.. my tribesmates didnt send defenses to me when I requested support, thus forcing me to pullout my defenses in the frontlines during that time, Of course i asked permission from 6lack, Evil opp, BuyGme. Thus limiting my losses against Kek. During that time I kept fighting kek, sending support to Blackbird even I was needing support on my account. Im a solo player in the account, also I work on the field, I tried my best to play and fight Kek while working. With this I requested for account sit which no one was accepting..

I need to work for my family..So I told my leadership lots of times I needed support and account sits..When someone accepted, I ddint realize that they themselves dont want to play my account.. Lots of players were constantly catting me...having hundreds of Zero farms i still fought hard......The account sit for 1 week was needed to fix my work....But when I came back hundreds of villages were lost and was neglegted...Of course I got mad, but instead I was blamed by tribesmates( Arne)....

I didnt betrayed anybody, I fought for our tribe Pepe, I trusted , Ive send support when needed ive nuked..

I decided to Delete my account when my tribesmates Blackbird, Shenlong, Maxylan decided to attack me, The promise of 6lack saying that no one will be left behind if we fought hard against Kek will be awarded..I guess I trusted to much.

But now they decided to attack me...So what was I fighting for for months, those sleepless months against Kek.....

Abandoned......hurt.....Feeling betrayed.......Its a game but when you fought hard for months with tribesmates you feel you fought for the right battle...Was hoping to finish the world with 6Lack and Stunz as he is the one who really fought hard against Kek...Absorbing hundreds upon hundreds of nukes my respect to him...

Thanks 6Lack...

Donkey Sex Show

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Sometimes doing the most basic thing that is asked of a tribemate i.e. sending defense or sending nukes does not mean you were actually a vital part of your tribe and as consequence your tribe lost. The players deemed most worthy were then brought over by Washed leadership. Washed leadership was sitting many PEPE accounts during that war and had a pretty clear understanding of who was actually trying their hardest. That means doing more than just " Ive send support when needed ive nuked.. "

Whatever, this world was an utter joke, no climax, just a premature ejaculation. Kek got completely outclassed leadership wise and for this we can thank Minty and the rest of Washed Leadership.


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The account sit for 1 week was needed to fix my work....

The reality is a lot of people put in the time to get the win and the guys in Pepe that stuck around during that time have secured their spots on the final roster. You had your issues rl, but that doesn't mean others have to give up their spots if they were active while you weren't. For example a lot of people from NIR that helped out aren't making the final cut either, even though they were just as valuable as the guys in the main roster at times.


New Member
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Bruh a lot of this post is blatantly false with a sappy pity me narrative. I'm also disappointed you didn't mention me


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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I think you have a pretty warped view of what happened in pepe and your own contribution to the war.

I feel like the main problem is that you seem to think that sending nukes when told, sending def when told, losing villages then requesting sits after villages have been lost entitles you to something in return. You doing marginally better than some of the other players in pepe says more about the low average standard of play in pepe than anything else. Im not trying to throw shade at anyone here just putting my perspective as someone who effectively helped run & provide direction for pepe for several months while also running my own tribe. Therefore im well placed to assess the value of individuals and what they did during the relevant war stage of the world.

Sending troops when asked to do so isnt meaningful or relevant, that is kinda the base requirement to even play the game. Mentioning that like its a notable is like putting down on your CV that you can breathe and talk at the same time then being confused when your phone isnt lighting up with calls from recruiters.

What i arranged with 6lack is that not to merge our tribes if "pepe fought hard against kek" but rather i would reward those players in PEPE who had done the most they could with the resources they had available to them. Im broadly happy with how that has ended up working out. In an ideal world there are probably a couple more i would have added to the tribe if spaces had been available from pepe but it is what it is. There was never any intention to pick up every random pepe player who had the luck to spawn further away from kek than the majority of the rest of the tribe and who survived through RNG rather than anything they did particularly.

But anyway, im sorry you feel abandoned. Best of luck in future worlds.

Also on a slight tangent its kinda a shame that everyone looks down on kek and there is a community perception they were omegabad due to how quick the world ended. They were actually a top tier tribe and on paper i would probably put money on them against 99% of 'good' tribes out there. They had some very talented and capable players in the kek and would easily steamroll the vast majority of worlds. It just so happened that on 120 even if they are a top 1% tribe or whatever they had the huge misfortune to go against what turned out to be a top 0.1% tribe in WASHED that essentially came out of nowhere and crushed them

GGs boys


Forum Personality 2021 & 2022
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I think you have a pretty warped view of what happened in pepe and your own contribution to the war.

I feel like the main problem is that you seem to think that sending nukes when told, sending def when told, losing villages then requesting sits after villages have been lost entitles you to something in return. You doing marginally better than some of the other players in pepe says more about the low average standard of play in pepe than anything else. Im not trying to throw shade at anyone here just putting my perspective as someone who effectively helped run & provide direction for pepe for several months while also running my own tribe. Therefore im well placed to assess the value of individuals and what they did during the relevant war stage of the world.

Sending troops when asked to do so isnt meaningful or relevant, that is kinda the base requirement to even play the game. Mentioning that like its a notable is like putting down on your CV that you can breathe and talk at the same time then being confused when your phone isnt lighting up with calls from recruiters.

What i arranged with 6lack is that not to merge our tribes if "pepe fought hard against kek" but rather i would reward those players in PEPE who had done the most they could with the resources they had available to them. Im broadly happy with how that has ended up working out. In an ideal world there are probably a couple more i would have added to the tribe if spaces had been available from pepe but it is what it is. There was never any intention to pick up every random pepe player who had the luck to spawn further away from kek than the majority of the rest of the tribe and who survived through RNG rather than anything they did particularly.

But anyway, im sorry you feel abandoned. Best of luck in future worlds.

Also on a slight tangent its kinda a shame that everyone looks down on kek and there is a community perception they were omegabad due to how quick the world ended. They were actually a top tier tribe and on paper i would probably put money on them against 99% of 'good' tribes out there. They had some very talented and capable players in the kek and would easily steamroll the vast majority of worlds. It just so happened that on 120 even if they are a top 1% tribe or whatever they had the huge misfortune to go against what turned out to be a top 0.1% tribe in WASHED that essentially came out of nowhere and crushed them

GGs boys
They should have checked the w120 weather forecast so that they knew what they were in for. It was cloudy… with a chance of mintyfresh. o_O

This world reminds me a lot about the uni strategy on 106. Kek made the decision to prioritise growth of their steamroll tier players on the relatively weaker pepe frontline. The world could easily have gone the other way if PEpe had collapsed harder or kek west had held / pusher longer. This was a close world, it’s just it ended with a single big moment (beast ban) where everyone collectively took a step back and looked at the writing on the wall before deciding to throw in the towel rather than drawing things out longer.

GG well played. It was legitimately fun. No point memeing kek too hard they had some very good players (albeit some of whom made some bad choices).


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Seems you misunderstand, 6Lack our Duke in Pepe promised that if we stand against Kek and stay loyal to Pepe and Washed alliance that nobody will be left behind.

Most of the players in Pepe ran away, I remained true and stayed loyal behind all the ordeal that most players find it difficult.

For that loyalty to be rewarded by abandoning me and deciding to attack me, for me who didn't do anything but stayed loyal to the word of trust, this shows the true character of those who promised that they didn't served.

Kek back then want to decimate Pepe, most of our accounts was destroyed, with everything that was happening I still fought hard..Those who didnt got attacked by Kek full force , dont know the real feeling of being utterly destroyed....Meh , I dont want players to undermine contribution to the war. This war is something to be proud of for me...
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Contributing Poster
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Sad to see you go out like that ampac. You definitely contributed a lot more than others (just not as much as the players who has a spot in washed) and it sucks to see you being hit by former tribe mates even when you had every opportunity to jump kek like the other traitors… this is the part of the game I don’t like but anywho good luck in the future
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Non-stop Poster
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This world just keeps on giving...

I have no idea or preference here. But everyone will carry an attachment to their account and efforts, the difference is who carries an ego where it matters more than everything else.
Your life isn't TW, and nobody will really care who won 120 in a years time, not even you.

Smile, and face another day. This might have been the last "big gun" world TW will see, be happy you got to experience.

Zombie Cat

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Good day guys,

Im known as ampac ingame and played the game for months in world 120, My tribe was Pepe i was one of the original members of Pepe tribe.

As we all know Kek fought Pepe tribe for months, and I was one of the players who supported tribesmates in our war against(Evil Opp, Skin71, 6lack, Stunz, Blackbird) them..Usually leaving no defenses for me, the war was hard with everyone quitting around me, only Me, Stunz, 6lack, Skin71, Groat were left on k45 aftermath when they opp that area nonstop. Kek upon realizing that I was one of the heavy supporters decided to opp me, sending hundreds of trains.. my tribesmates didnt send defenses to me when I requested support, thus forcing me to pullout my defenses in the frontlines during that time, Of course i asked permission from 6lack, Evil opp, BuyGme. Thus limiting my losses against Kek. During that time I kept fighting kek, sending support to Blackbird even I was needing support on my account. Im a solo player in the account, also I work on the field, I tried my best to play and fight Kek while working. With this I requested for account sit which no one was accepting..

I need to work for my family..So I told my leadership lots of times I needed support and account sits..When someone accepted, I ddint realize that they themselves dont want to play my account.. Lots of players were constantly catting me...having hundreds of Zero farms i still fought hard......The account sit for 1 week was needed to fix my work....But when I came back hundreds of villages were lost and was neglegted...Of course I got mad, but instead I was blamed by tribesmates( Arne)....

I didnt betrayed anybody, I fought for our tribe Pepe, I trusted , Ive send support when needed ive nuked..

I decided to Delete my account when my tribesmates Blackbird, Shenlong, Maxylan decided to attack me, The promise of 6lack saying that no one will be left behind if we fought hard against Kek will be awarded..I guess I trusted to much.

But now they decided to attack me...So what was I fighting for for months, those sleepless months against Kek.....

Abandoned......hurt.....Feeling betrayed.......Its a game but when you fought hard for months with tribesmates you feel you fought for the right battle...Was hoping to finish the world with 6Lack and Stunz as he is the one who really fought hard against Kek...Absorbing hundreds upon hundreds of nukes my respect to him...

Thanks 6Lack...
It sux but thats part of the game. Good luck for future worlds

0.2 Percent Nigerian

Contributing Poster
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This world just keeps on giving...

I have no idea or preference here. But everyone will carry an attachment to their account and efforts, the difference is who carries an ego where it matters more than everything else.
Your life isn't TW, and nobody will really care who won 120 in a years time, not even you.

Smile, and face another day. This might have been the last "big gun" world TW will see, be happy you got to experience.
Sorry if I don't have an e-ego than I'm worth nothing.

Thus meaning tw is love tw is lyfe.