Story of an Abandoned PLayer


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Someone else told me they disagree with your opinion, so I am just doing someone elses bidding and as a result im not liable if you got offended :cool: @Babin.

0.2 Percent Nigerian

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Someone else told me they disagree with your opinion, so I am just doing someone elses bidding and as a result im not liable if you got offended :cool: @Babin.
I'm so offended. Its almost 2022 and I figured that we would be past this point in our lives where we feel like we have to be little others because of their ego's on the internet. We raided bin ladin's hideout back when Obama was president so that we would be able to have freedom of ego-rights on the internet.
Its time for you and your little buddies to grow up Olve and start allowing people to freely express their egos without being belittled.

Just because you didn't win 104 doesn't mean others didn't. Thus being said, yes people remember you getting left behind and that was a couple of years ago now.

They look around but all is quiet and there is not a person in sight

SHREK: It's quiet. Too quiet. Where is everybody?

DONKEY: Hey, look at this!

Donkey runs over and pulls a lever that is attached to a box marked 'Information'. The music winds up and then the box doors open up. There are little wooden people inside and they begin to sing.

WOODEN PEOPLE: Welcome to Duloc such a perfect town / Here we have some rules let us lay them down / Don't make waves, stay in line and we'll get along fine / Duloc is perfect place / Please keep off of the grass / Shine your shoes, wipe your... face / Duloc is, Duloc is / Duloc is perfect place.

Suddenly a camera takes Donkey and Shrek's picture, both of which are dumbfounded.

DONKEY: Wow! Let's do that again! (makes ready to run over and pull the lever again)

SHREK: (grabs Donkey's tail and holds him still) No. No. No, no, no! No.

They hear a trumpet fanfare and head over to the arena.

FARQUAAD: Brave knights. You are the best and brightest in all the land. Today one of you shall prove himself...

As Shrek and Donkey walk down the tunnel to get into the arena Donkey is humming the Duloc theme song.

SHREK: All right. You're going the right way for a smacked bottom.

DONKEY: Sorry about that.


Non-stop Poster
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Just because you didn't win 104 doesn't mean others didn't. Thus being said, yes people remember you getting left behind and that was a couple of years ago now.
Did I hit a vein that activated your dementia?


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It's unfortunate things have turned out the way they did, but it is what it is and the nature of the game. You have done more than many members in PEPE, yes, but as others above have pointed out, sending support and sending nukes are routine in Tribal Wars and it's a basic expectation when you're not on a frontline, receiving incomings 24/7. You weren't sitting any frontline accounts either to plug activity times for example, despite being a backline account mainly in k46.

Of course I got mad, but instead I was blamed by tribesmates( Arne)....

Frankly, Arne being one of the main sitters for Evil Operation during the peak of the account'ss incomings (18,000+ or something like that), he was a backline account like you, that picked up sits to help our frontline accounts and also sent nukes/defence like you. So, wrong person to throw shade against.

I decided to Delete my account when my tribesmates Blackbird, Shenlong, Maxylan decided to attack me, The promise of 6lack saying that no one will be left behind if we fought hard against Kek will be awarded..I guess I trusted to much.

This was nothing personal. We're all tired of this world, there's a few percentages left to gain and this is purely to finish the world quicker since we all want to move on.

sending support to Blackbird even I was needing support on my account.

You know, you left with a mere request for a sit one day while I was asleep, no word, no instructions, no explanations. I offered to pick up the sit on your account despite having another frontline perma-sit, plus other accounts I was juggling at the time. So despite being a frontline account myself, I was still on average, sitting 2-3 other accounts. Often, other frontline accounts. Big.C, the player who accepted your rushed sit request did nothing with the account. By the time Greg/BuyAndHoldGME was able to transfer me the sit for your account after getting it from Big.C, it had already lost a million points at least in the prior 48 hours. My co-play team stopped the bleed and stabilised your account, with the help of some defence/snipes from 6lack. I fixed your damn account manager templates, re-organised your account, added proper groups and turned most of your empty backline villages into nuke factories. I re-assined all of your remaining few hundred villages by hand to put your account into a position to launch a counter attack against Kek in k36. All the nukes were building and soon ready to be launched. 8 days later, you came back out of nowhere. Angry at us for what was clearly not our fault, despite us doing our best to help you. You lashed out and started blaming everybody, especially at Arne who was just giving critical feedback.

When Kek quit, you used all those shiny new nukes to mass conquer k36, basically what I was going to do anyway had I remained as sitter. Frankly, I don't even recall getting a thank you to our co-play team for saving your account nor simple acknowledgement that had I not picked up the sit on your account, you might not have had anything to return to after 8 days of being away.

Being a sitter is often a thankless job, often very underappreciated. But, had you at least offered to do even to do that during your "sleepless nights" in the backline, then maybe the WASHED leadership would have even taken you into NIR.

- Art


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Yea where is Sab and I's thank you! Do you even know what its like to snipe on 3 accts at the same time? let me tell ya..... not great.. I sent attacks first, because it was posted that they were going to attack so what difference does it make. Did the same thing to EO. Everyone has made the bed they lay in.. Sab and I had to stay up late every night just so Art could redo the shambles your acct was in. We gave up our own growth for people like you and Clink (who was a permasit frontline). Sometimes all it takes is doing the right thing at the right time, like posting that you're going to take an extended break and figuring out the best fit for a sit. Not just dumping it on someone, expecting them to lose 0 villages, and come back like nothing is going on.. YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ART THANKS!


ITS Black-Bird



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It's unfortunate things have turned out the way they did, but it is what it is and the nature of the game. You have done more than many members in PEPE, yes, but as others above have pointed out, sending support and sending nukes are routine in Tribal Wars and it's a basic expectation when you're not on a frontline, receiving incomings 24/7. You weren't sitting any frontline accounts either to plug activity times for example, despite being a backline account mainly in k46.

Frankly, Arne being one of the main sitters for Evil Operation during the peak of the account'ss incomings (18,000+ or something like that), he was a backline account like you, that picked up sits to help our frontline accounts and also sent nukes/defence like you. So, wrong person to throw shade against.

This was nothing personal. We're all tired of this world, there's a few percentages left to gain and this is purely to finish the world quicker since we all want to move on.

You know, you left with a mere request for a sit one day while I was asleep, no word, no instructions, no explanations. I offered to pick up the sit on your account despite having another frontline perma-sit, plus other accounts I was juggling at the time. So despite being a frontline account myself, I was still on average, sitting 2-3 other accounts. Often, other frontline accounts. Big.C, the player who accepted your rushed sit request did nothing with the account. By the time Greg/BuyAndHoldGME was able to transfer me the sit for your account after getting it from Big.C, it had already lost a million points at least in the prior 48 hours. My co-play team stopped the bleed and stabilised your account, with the help of some defence/snipes from 6lack. I fixed your damn account manager templates, re-organised your account, added proper groups and turned most of your empty backline villages into nuke factories. I re-assined all of your remaining few hundred villages by hand to put your account into a position to launch a counter attack against Kek in k36. All the nukes were building and soon ready to be launched. 8 days later, you came back out of nowhere. Angry at us for what was clearly not our fault, despite us doing our best to help you. You lashed out and started blaming everybody, especially at Arne who was just giving critical feedback.

When Kek quit, you used all those shiny new nukes to mass conquer k36, basically what I was going to do anyway had I remained as sitter. Frankly, I don't even recall getting a thank you to our co-play team for saving your account nor simple acknowledgement that had I not picked up the sit on your account, you might not have had anything to return to after 8 days of being away.

Being a sitter is often a thankless job, often very underappreciated. But, had you at least offered to do even to do that during your "sleepless nights" in the backline, then maybe the WASHED leadership would have even taken you into NIR.

- Art

This right here^ You guys went HARD for the boyzzzz. Big effort from the Black-Bird players :) Congrats on the win.

Vox Reliquae

New Member
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This is adorable, can't wait to see all of you displaying those w120 badges proudly - "You vanquished World 120 with the TW Moderators. "