ADHD just took the #1 spot, so neither of those two tribes are solidly holding #1, I do give SubV credit for going through what they did to get there though.
Who cares? There are three solid tribes that will all hover around rank one until one of them goes to war with another. Until then it will go back and forth and constantly posting who is currently number one is both annoying and futile. :icon_rolleyes:
Actually noone cares. Is for tribal forums not external forums. You keep recruiting each others members and going back and forth to number 1. When one of you holds it for a few weeks post then. :icon_wink:
who cares anyway dosnt mean your the best i think we got a prime example of that, by a rank 3-4 tribe (subv) eating the no 1 tribe, no1 is just a number dosnt mean anything.
:icon_rolleyes: another worthless post. I am in 1 of the top tribes and I still don't care. I was even in #1 once and yet I still don't care.:icon_rolleyes: